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Covid-19 Vaccine. (Photo: Viacheslav Lopatin/Shutterstock)

Why is Media Pushing the COVID Shot – in 2024?

‘No one should be put at risk for a serious stroke with any vaccine’

By Katy Grimes, June 19, 2024 9:26 am

“Another COVID vaccine? Yes, and here’s why,” reads the headline from the San Jose Mercury News. This headline is not from 2021 – it was reported last week…. not long after the mainstream media proclaimed no positive COVID tests were reported in May, and the CDC officially dropped five-day covid isolation guidelines in March.

“Like the old arcade game, no matter how many shots we get, the enemy always pops back up,” says Lisa Krieger, a health reporter.

Krieger is the award-winning health journalist for the Bay Area News Group, who won the “first-place prize from the prestigious Association of Health Care Journalists.”

Krieger continued:

“But here’s why the new shot, recommended by FDA advisers last week, makes sense: It targets a new version of the virus, the FDA panel said. It bolsters your body’s ever-growing defense system. And it’s a lot better than getting very sick or hospitalized.”

First, pushing the Covid shot at all should be considered felonious, particularly with all of the recent studies admitting vaccine injuries, nasty side effects and people dropping dead right after a shot. Even as the CDC defined being “up-to-date” on COVID-19 vaccination as having received at least one dose of a COVID-19 bivalent vaccine, in June 2023, The Cleveland Clinic confirmed “up to date” vaccinated people are at greater risk of getting Covid in this study.

At least members of the media who continue to push Covid pharmaceutical solutions should be questioned about motive, given that no skepticism has ever been expressed.

The USC Center for Healthcare Journalism touted Krieger’s Covid reporting:

“Amid the flood of coronavirus information, Krieger turns to reputable sources such as the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), where you can review state and national forecasts for hospital capacity, deaths  and anticipated surges. She also regularly reads The New York Times coronavirus newsletter, STAT News, and the journal Science for its latest coronavirus news and research.

Other useful resources she tracks: the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), World Health Organization (WHO) situation reportsJohns Hopkins Center for Health Security, and First Draft News.”

Dr. Peter McCullough recently published information about a federally funded study which demonstrated side effect symptoms associated with antibodies to spike protein:

“Measurement of antibodies against the SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein is fundamental to the evaluation and management of COVID-19 vaccine injury syndromes because it is a proxy for the genetic production of the dangerous antigen by the vaccine.

I have been disappointed in the protocols of “Long-COVID” clinics which ignore both vaccination and the Spike protein as determinants of the syndrome. Likewise, there are a multitude of peer-reviewed manuscripts on both long-COVID syndrome and vaccine injuries that fail to mention or measure any proxy of Spike protein present in the human body.

Dutcher et al, published from the “Building Optimal Antibodies Study” funded by the National Institute of Aging, published an analysis of vaccine side effect symptoms and physiological measures six days after mRNA injection. The results clearly showed that neutralizing antibodies against the Spike protein were related to both symptoms and physical signs including body temperature and heart rate. These relationships became stronger with the second shot.

The US FDA warns against measuring COVID-19 antibodies as an indicator of protection against SARS-CoV-2 infection since the vaccines have failed and provide no meaningful protection against the disease.”

Compare Dr. McCullough’s statements with SJMN’s Lisa Krieger’s:

“But here’s why the new shot, recommended by FDA advisers last week, makes sense: It targets a new version of the virus, the FDA panel said. It bolsters your body’s ever-growing defense system.  And it’s a lot better than getting very sick or hospitalized.

Last year’s shot isn’t holding up. Protection against both infection and severe illness is waning.

“Effectiveness has decreased, as the time since vaccination has increased — and as new SARS-CoV-2 variants emerge,” said biostatistician Danyu Lin of the University of North Carolina School of Global Public Health, who presented worrisome new data to the FDA advisory panel.”

And this from Krieger:

“Last Wednesday, FDA’s advisers, a panel of physicians from hospitals and universities around the nation, unanimously voted to recommend a new vaccine. Vaccine manufacturers Pfizer and Moderna say they were prepared to make updated vaccines available in August, pending final FDA approval. As in previous years, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control will make specific recommendations for the elderly, immunocompromised, youth and other groups.

The new vaccine will target a variant of the ever-evolving coronavirus called JN.1. Last year’s vaccine was based on the XBB lineage of the virus.”

Dr. McCullough just published this Tuesday:

“I have several patients who have suffered multiple strokes after COVID-19 vaccination. The Spike protein is known to circulate in blood as shown by Brogna in half of vaccinated patients for at least six months. Other studies have demonstrated the Spike protein directly damages the wall of the blood vessels and causes blood clots.

The vast majority of events reported to VAERS are made by doctors and other healthcare providers who have determined the vaccine is the cause of the problem. Compared to influenza vaccines given over 34 years, COVID-19 vaccines in 36 months of use had over 1000-fold increased risk of most blood clot events, and compared to all vaccines combined administered over 34 years, this risk remained at over 200-times greater with COVID-19 vaccination.

The study Dr. McCullough cited reported:

“There are 5137 cerebral thromboembolism AEs reported in the 3 years (36 months) after COVID-19 vaccines compared to 52 AEs for the influenza vaccines over the past 34 years (408 months) and 282 AEs for all other vaccines (excluding COVID-19) over the past 34 years (408 months).”

He concludes:

“These data among others strongly support removing all COVID-19 vaccines and boosters from the market. No one should be put at risk for a serious stroke with any vaccine.”

Health Journalist Krieger claims, “Each additional shot helps. There is evidence that each vaccine or infection, especially in the first few months after receipt, provides added protection against critical illness and hospitalization,” when Dr. McCullough reports, “the vaccines have failed and provide no meaningful protection against the disease.”

What is an award-winning health journalist?

“The 2020 beat reporting award is based on Krieger’s coverage of the pandemic, ranging from how the virus infects people to why scientists believed vaccines would work,” the Bay Area News Group said.

The Association of Health Care Journalists (AHCJ) became a trade association in 2004, with a supporting charitable organization called the Center for Excellence in Health Care Journalism.

Krieger was featured in the Center for Health Journalism at USC for her Covid reporting in 2020:

“Amid the flood of coronavirus information, Krieger turns to reputable sources such as the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), where you can review state and national forecasts for hospital capacity, deaths  and anticipated surges. She also regularly reads The New York Times coronavirus newsletter, STAT News, and the journal Science for its latest coronavirus news and research.

Other useful resources she tracks: the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), World Health Organization (WHO) situation reportsJohns Hopkins Center for Health Security, and First Draft News.”

USC touts Krieger having “covered every angle of the coronavirus outbreak, from antibody testing to experimental new treatments.”

The only angle Krieger did not cover, and still does not cover, is a healthy journalistic skepticism of any of the agencies she uses as sources.

Her article reports that only “28% of American adults have been vaccinated with the latest vaccine.” She asks, “Why bother with another shot? Medical experts say there are still many reasons to get the jab…”

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17 thoughts on “Why is Media Pushing the COVID Shot – in 2024?

  1. Wow, I knew some of us were still in a time warp from our years-long Covid Coma, but this is ridiculous. Checking…. today is Wednesday, June 19, 2024. Right? To say this is “unbelievable” doesn’t even work anymore because the word has lost its meaning from constant use, and so has “insane,” even though this is truly BOTH unbelievable and insane.

    You’re darn right, “pushing the Covid shot at all should be considered felonious.” Also, to inject it into anyone now should merit a life sentence, or even the death penalty, because the odds are pretty good that’s what these freaks on knowingly imposing on the gullible clot-shot receivers.

    I did see with much irritation that L.A. County (Fake Doctor Barbara Ferrer still at the helm! — if you can believe it) was running another wannabe-scary Covid “variant” up the flagpole but ignored it, confident that everyone else would too, this time around. Same with the fake health departments’ stabs at “monkey pox,” “bird flu,” and the rest of their idiotic nonsense.

    This is all a bit troubling, though, because these power-mad nutcases haven’t even apologized for the last faulty incarceration and societal destruction, never mind the death and disablement that is off the charts compared to normal years, so what exactly do they think they are cooking up here? We can only hope and pray (again) that our feeble-minded Karen neighbors and their ilk, including the medical establishment and our local and not-so-local govts, have wised up or been scared straight in the meantime and will NOT sign up for this outrage again, even though they apparently would rather rather stick needles in their eyes than admit they tried to injure and/or kill us, and/or didn’t CARE if they injured and/or killed us.

    Also, Bay Area News Group’s “award-winning health journalist” Lisa Krieger’s still-credulous reporting about all of this is not a good sign, is it.

    1. Over an additional million old Americans died because of Covid. You’d think that Social Security and Medicare would be in better financial condition because of the reduced payouts. (27 million die every year in U.S. During Covid, 32 million died each year.)

    2. Unlike Biden, Newsom and the rest of EYEINTHESKY’s Democrat masters, Trump never mandated the shots and always said that taking the shots should be voluntary. In contrast, Trump was a vocal advocate for the use of hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for COVID-19.

  2. “…experts say there are still many reasons to get the jab…”

    Social Security is still broke, and we need to reduce the payout population, our “climate change” cabal still feels that we need to reduce our carbon footprint (that means you!) and now we’re going to press a two-front campaign with our V1 “plandemic” and start up our V2 “plandemic” via the “bird flu” that mysteriously transmits from birds to cows, to pigs to humans, giving us a trifecta of reasons to cull the livestock herds and create starvation situations in the animal-based, protein food supplies…

    These people are COMPLETE NUTJOBS, and it is INCUMBENT upon ALL of us to RESIST these plans to cause us harrm PHYSICALLY, ECONOMICALLY and EMOTIONALLY…
    DO NOT COMPLY and run the same insane playbook that they ran for the LAST Presidential (s)election…

    1. CD9 – Maybe the good news is that pulling all of their stupid pandemic trial balloon “diseases” out of the hat right about now indicates their super-desperation in the face of what they know is COMING. And what they know is coming will not be good for them. Guess we’ll see..

  3. Five points regarding vaccination for Covid. Call it truthful informed consent:
    1.) Covid-19 is an endemic organism, now defined as a mild cold or flu.
    2.) It is 100% contra-indicated to vaccinate when herd immunity has been established, as defined by the endemic status of covid, shortly before Newsom wrongly began his quack contact tracing program May 22, 2020.
    3.) The risks of taking a drug with known side effects, some catastrophic, far outweigh taking that drug.
    4.) Why don’t California doctors speak up and join me in condemning pseudo-science and those attempting to close down our economic initiative here in California. We need to get back to work and stop communism. Covid is first-grader virology nonsense. Doctors are gutless. Grow up and enter the fight!
    5.) Don’t get vaccinated for covid! It would be dangerous to your health to do so.

  4. Is Ms. Krieger concerned she may be spreading misinformation?
    Safe and effective? As an “expert” health journalist, how would she describe safe or effective?
    Dr. Peter McCullough also raises concern over another report about vaccine adverse effects primarily VAERS report with an increase cerebral thromboembolism (blood clots in the brain).
    He just posted this report today.

  5. Lisa Krieger’s profile on LinkedIn indicates that she has a Bachelor of Arts in Botany/Plant Biology/Zoology who has been a “Science Writer” for the the San Jose Mercury News/Bay Area News Group since 1998. She’s definitely not an expert on vaccines or an expert on anything to do with health? No doubt she’s a typical brainwashed leftist Democrat living in the San Francisco Bay Area who is a propagandist rather than a responsible journalist? She probably just regurgitates whatever the San Jose Mercury News/Bay Area News Group editorial board dictates? She’s likely paid very well to be a propagandist?


    1. Pfizer and the rest of the big pharma probably provide major ad revenue for media outlets like the San Jose Mercury News/Bay Area News Group so Lisa Krieger and other propagandists are just shilling for them?

  6. A constitutional crisis may be developing as Biden’s mental decline precludeds him from staying engaged and Trump may go to jail; then what happens? The dems have Newsom and Michael Obama; Obama preferred.

    Trump having amassed 34 felony convictions regardless the right or wrong are in fact tagged to him thus the chances of Trump ultimately sitting in the oval office again highly questionable. BTW I believe he was wrongly convicted but Trump verbally and repeatedly assaulted the most influential person of America policy for which he will be punished.

  7. So, in the 3 years since the “vaccine” was released, how many unvaccinated people do you know that died from covid19?

    1. Good question Doug!
      That would be zero!
      Interesting enough the multi boosted keep getting sick all around me.
      I had Covid once have not been sick since.

    2. How many of us have had family, coworkers, friends, and acquaintances that were vaccinated/boosted who have either passed or who are now dealing with major health issues such as heart conditions and/or aggressive cancers? Probably most of us?

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