With the legislative drafter, compiling sentences for a complete legislative measure takes a good amount of work. Putting these sentences together will give effort to the proposed statute. What form can these sentences take? Well, there are many according to...
Many do not realize that the highly trained attorneys in the California Office of Legislative Counsel will draft an initiative for the statewide ballot. Under existing law, attorneys in the Legislative Counsel Bureau will assist in the preparation of an...
Proposition 24, adopted by the state’s voters on November 3, creates The California Privacy Rights Act of 2020. As part of Prop. 24, there is being established a California Privacy Protection Agency pursuant to Section 24 of the ballot measure....
In 2014, then Senate President pro Tempore Darrell Steinberg authored SB 1253, which was enacted in late September as Chapter 697. Section 1 of the bill established the act as the “Ballot Initiative Transparency Act.” Section 2 of the bill...
Proposition 24, which was adopted by the statewide electorate at the November 3 general election, creates the California Privacy Rights Act of 2020 (CPRA). After the enactment of the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (CCPA), the Legislature has amended...
Questions have arisen in recent days about when Proposition 24 takes effect. Prop. 24 adopted the California Privacy Rights Act of 2020 (CPRA). Section 31 of the Prop. 24 that was adopted by the statewide electorate at the November 3...
Definitions can play an important role in legislation. Defining words or phrases is done to provide the reader of the legislative text with clear guidance regarding how those words or phrases are to be understood. Where there are multiple definitions,...