The California Democratic Party, governed by identity politics, may have a problematic issue attached to a new state Senate bill: “#CrackerChronicles” and racism. Senate Bill 426 by Sen. Steven Bradford (D-Los Angeles) requires the California State University to establish the...
California Gov. Gavin Newsom announced Thursday he will be traveling to Central America in April to “meet with leaders to learn about root causes of migration and lift up the deep ties between California and Salvadoran communities.” The governor’s trip...
Thursday was a day of reckoning for Sacramento’s Black Lives Matter activists. Sacramento District Attorney Anne Marie Schubert was the guest speaker at a luncheon for the Women Lawyers of Sacramento, at a downtown restaurant, when her meeting was interrupted...
California public schools aren’t your grandfather’s schools any longer. Today’s lesson plans are written by Social Justice Warriors and LGBT activists, and enshrined in the California education code. But what is being foisted on children as young as age...
California Gov. Gavin Newsom announced March 13 that he is granting reprieves for all 737 death penalty murderers on California’s death row, calling the death penalty “ineffective, irreversible and immoral.” He then signed an executive order putting a moratorium on...
Hawaii may be the first state to ban fur products. While this may seem laughable given the balmy tropical climate, a California lawmaker is also trying to ban fur products and clothing, ahead of the Hawaii ban, despite the many...
Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) announced Tuesday that he has authored legislation to put a wealth estate tax on the California ballot in 2020 in order to create a new tax for wealthy Californians. Wiener claims this new wealth tax...