An article about a “man accused of planting explosives along roads, highways in El Dorado, Sacramento counties,” caught my eye this morning. KCRA Channel 3 reported: Placing explosives along roads and highways is what landed a man in jail, the...
Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg proudly announced “Sacramento’s historic Capitol Park Hotel reopens this week as St. Clare at Capitol Park, a permanent supportive housing complex for people experiencing homelessness.” Calling the state’s homeless vagrant population “unhoused” has justified spending billions...
Where did $30 billion of California’s budget deficit go? California Governor Gavin Newsom put on quite a budget show this morning, feigning indignation over the Legislative Analyst’s Office’s recent update on the state’s actual budget deficit, which the LAO put...
Recently resigned Sacramento City Councilman Sean Loloee could face over 100 years in prison and millions of dollars in fines for hiring illegal immigrants at the Sacramento-area grocery stores he owns, Fox 40 reported, based on the details contained in...
“Congratulations to California Gov. Gavin Newsom, who is succeeding at his goal of driving away fossil fuel investment and jobs, even while failing to reduce global CO2 emissions.” Ouch. That is from the Wall Street Journal editorial board, as Chevron...
The Globe’s good friend Sebastian in San Francisco frequently updates us on the ever closing department stores, grocery stores, restaurants, auto dealers and the like. Monday, Sebastian shared this with the Globe: “On Christmas Day, drug addicts shot up and...
There is a reason the expression “Drain the Swamp” is used to describe rooting out corruption and bad behavior in politics. “Swamps” exist in every city hall, state Capitol and in Washington D.C. Sacramento’s swamp is one of the largest...