Even after badly losing a 2020 referendum to bring back racial preferences, the professional class of race hustlers are back again – with a constitutional amendment. Proposition 16 would have overturned California’s ban on Affirmative Action – the preferential treatment...
Long-time California Globe contributor Chris Micheli has just published his fifth casebook on California state government topics. This newest release is titled, “Cases and Materials on California’s Political and Election Laws.” Nearly 1,100 pages in length, it is the first...
When will California politicians admit that residents are fleeing the Golden State in droves, and have been for a decade? The U-Hauls leaving California in 2023 marked the fourth consecutive year the once Golden State finished on top of the...
As the Globe recently reported, Gov. Gavin Newsom’s final expansion of full-scope Medi-Cal went into effect Monday, January 1, 2024, making more than 700,000 illegal immigrants residents between ages 26 and 49 eligible for full health care coverage – at...
The challenge of muddling through political lies has been exacerbated in recent years. It has taken a lot of digging for those who cared to delve in and find the truth. Trust in our institutions and government has eroded, particularly...
The California Legislature passes thousands of bills every year. We don’t really need more laws – at all. However, here are some of the new laws the 40 million California residents will be facing in 2024. The California Legislative Women’s...
In 1964, Ronald Reagan endorsed Republican Senator Barry Goldwater in the race for United States President in a now-famous speech, “A Time For Choosing.” His words resonate today more than ever as Americans are truly facing a rendezvous with destiny...