Pelosi Slowly Silencing Speakership Opponents
Many Democrats Originally in Opposition have Changed their Mind
By Sean Brown, November 27, 2018 8:30 am
Following a letter released last week by 16 House Democrats who signed on to oppose Nancy Pelosi’s campaign for Speaker of the House, it appears some are backing out following immense pressure put on by the longtime Democratic powerhouse.
Following an interview with his local TV station, Democratic Representative Stephen Lynch of Massachusetts who originally helped shepherd the letter, has now retracted his stance.
Appearing on his local WCVB Channel 5 Boston, Lynch said “If it becomes as a choice between a Republican and Nancy Pelosi, I’ll obviously support Nancy Pelosi.”
Although Lynch did concede he will vote for Pelosi when it comes down to decision time, he did note that his party should still attempt to make significant leadership changes in the future. One of the reasons Pelosi has been a longtime party favorite is due to her uncanny ability to rebuke and rebut President Trump’s actions. Despite this, Lynch said “I do think we risk losing the majority in the House — we risk having Trump elected for another four years — if the Democrats don’t offer a new direction in the Democratic Party.”
While the fear of party repercussion could be a major factor impacting Lynch’s decision, one thing is certain; Pelosi’s political prowess is alive and well.
Not only does Lynch’s announcement come just days after fellow letter signee Brian Higgins (D-NY) suddenly changed his mind, however, Pelosi was also able to neutralize potential Democratic challenger Marcia Fudge (D-OH) who announced she would not be running after meeting with Pelosi behind closed doors. After declaring she would not be running, Pelosi released a statement naming Fudge the chairwoman of a House subcommittee.
House Democrats will hold a private vote later this week where they will find out where all alliances lay before the entire House votes on January 3rd.
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