Assemblyman Corey A. Jackson. (Photo: a60.asmdc.org/biography)
California Democrats Setting Race Relations Back 70 Years with ACA 7
Does Assemblyman Dr. Corey Jackson support ‘separate but equal’ in practice”
By Katy Grimes, February 26, 2024 2:43 am
Why are Democrats segregating blacks, and now agitating for free college as part of proposed reparations in California?
Black college students now have separate graduation, separate admission standards, separate dorms, separate curricula … and now are going to have separate tuition rates in California, if the proposed Assembly Constitutional Amendment 7 by Assemblyman Corey Jackson (D-Riverside) makes it to the ballot.
Notably, “Assemblyman Corey A. Jackson, DSW, MSW, was elected to the California State Assembly in November of 2022,” his official biography states. Note the degrees, and that he is an elected member of the California Legislature. He’s one of the elite. So why is a highly educated black man insulting other blacks in California by telling them they need free college in order to succeed? Why is Assemblyman Dr. Corey Jackson insisting that blacks need preferential treatment on the basis of race in public employment, public education, and public contracting?
Perhaps it has something to do with Assemblyman Dr. Corey Jackson’s advanced degrees – a Master of Social Work degree and a Doctor of Social Work degree. (He calls himself “Assemblyman Dr. Corey Jackson.)
Does Assemblyman Dr. Corey Jackson support “separate but equal” in practice, ignoring that Plessy v. Fergusson (1896) was overturned by Brown v. Board of Education in 1954 by the U.S. Supreme Court.
Why are California Democrats openly trying to set race relations back 70 years?
In January the Globe spoke with Gail Heriot, Chair woman of the No on ACA 7 campaign and Professor of Law at the University of San Diego. She said the latest attempt to overturn Prop. 209 “is trickier” than previous attempts because “instead of attempting an outright repeal, it creates a procedure under which the governor can make ‘exceptions.’”
“ACA-7 is all about asking voters to pre-approve whatever exceptions to Proposition 209 that Governor Newsom or some unknown future governor decides to make,” said Heriot. “I am confident that if it makes the ballot and voters understand it, they will reject it. The state Senate should stop it before it gets that far.”
At issue is Proposition 209, passed in 1996 by California voters, 54.55% to 45.45%, which banned racial preferences in education and hiring… but it’s not as if the state or higher education actually honored Prop. 209…
Assemblyman Dr. Jackson claims, “Since its passing in 1996, Proposition 209 has served as a barrier toward implementing potential programs to assist vulnerable communities who have intentionally been neglected and left behind for over 400 years. This unjust law has substantially limited the state’s ability to address disparities in business contracting, education, housing, wealth, employment, and healthcare, which are deeply embedded in laws, policies, and institutions that perpetuate racial inequalities.”
Ironically perhaps, Prop. 209 is based on the exact language of the 1964 U.S. Civil Right Act.
Proposition 209 added a section to the California Constitution’s Declaration of Rights which only said that the state cannot discriminate against or grant preferential treatment on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in the operation of public employment, public education, and public contracting, and banned the use of affirmative action involving race-based or sex-based preferences in California.
And if Prop. 209 is so “substantially limiting” and “unjust,” how did Assemblyman Dr. Corey Jackson get two advanced degrees and become a member of the California State Assembly?
In the 6/2/23 bill analysis of Jackson’s ACA 7, there is this little disclaimer:
This constitutional amendment might allow California to implement more programs that have been demonstrated to increase the life expectancy of, improve educational outcomes for, or lift out of poverty, specific marginalized populations which would benefit all Californians [emphasis the Globe].
The 6/23/23 Judiciary Committee analysis of ACA 7 acknowledges:
A pending Supreme Court decision may impact the scope of this constitutional amendment. Given the controversial nature of affirmative action, unsurprisingly, the issue is pending before the United States Supreme Court in the combined cases of Students for Fair Admissions v. President and Fellows of Harvard (Docket No. 20-1199.) and Students for Fair Admissions v. University of North Carolina (Docket No. 21-707.). The critical legal issue on appeal in both cases is the status of race-conscious admissions in higher education under the United States Constitution.
And on June 29, 2023, the Supreme Court finally declared racial preferences in university admissions unconstitutional, in a 6-3 decision.
SCOTUS Blog reported:
Chief Justice John Roberts explained that college admissions programs can consider race merely to allow an applicant to explain how their race influenced their character in a way that would have a concrete effect on the university. But a student “must be treated based on his or her experiences as an individual — not on the basis of race,” Roberts wrote.
Justice Clarence Thomas filed a concurring opinion and took the relatively rare step of reading a summary of his opinion from the bench. He pushed back against the idea, advanced by Sotomayor in her (69-page) dissent, that the 14th Amendment “does not impose a blanket ban on race-conscious policies.”
Assemblyman Dr. Corey Jackson is also the author of AB 1078 targeting parents who object to DEI, CRT and graphic sex being taught to their kids, calling them “Christian White Nationalists.”
Jackson also personally attacked and smeared his colleague, Assemblyman Bill Essayli (R-Riverside), as a “white supremacist” for opposing ACA 7.
It appears that Assemblyman Dr. Corey Jackson is the one who has the problem with race, and not parents of school-aged children, not Republicans, not employers, and not most black residents of California.
Here is the background on No on ACA 7:
“No on ACA 7” is a ballot measure committee organized for the purpose of defeating Assembly Constitutional Amendment No. 7, a discriminatory and unconstitutional proposal that would erode and effectively repeal the California Constitution, Article I, section 31 (a). The constitutional provision states the following:
“The State shall not discriminate against, or grant preferential treatment to, any individual or group on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in the operation of public employment, public education, or public contracting.”
First codified via the successful passage of Proposition 209, which was approved by 54.55% of California voters in November 1996. In 2020, opponents of Prop. 209 tried to repeal it via Proposition 16, placed on the ballot through the State Legislature. This time, 57.23% of the California electorate, more progressive and diverse than in 1996, voted to keep Prop. 209 in place.
Here is the “NO on ACA7” PETITION – Sign and share the petition.
Gail Heriot recommends California voters contact their state senators to let them know where they stand. Email, call their offices, send a letter, and definitely sign the petition. Here is a link to the list of Senators (scroll to the end).
Ugghh- another Doctor like “Dr.Jill”
Absent more George Floyd type riots, I predict California voters will reject these unconstitutional race based cutouts. And the “name calling” directed against the opposition is tired and old.
Don’t forget that it’s the Democratic Party that defended Slavery and it’s that party that legalized Jim Crow. It’s either that Corey Jackson doesn’t know about his party’s very racist past and should be reminded of it by someone or he does know about it but doesn’t care because he’s “on the take”.
It’s ironic that Assemblyman like Corey Jackson who is black is a member of the Democrat party? Democrats are the party of slavery, Jim Crow laws, segregation, KKK, internment camps, affirmative action, DEI, etc. Democrats like him have a long and ugly history of attacking others on the basis of their race?
Assemblyman Corey Jackson likes to be addressed as Dr. Corey Jackson because he has a Doctor of Social Work degree. He’s never run or started a business and would probably starve if he tried? He’s another Democrat who has moved from one government job to another and is a burden on taxpayers?
Assembly District 60 which Democrat Assemblyman Corey Jackson represents is overwhelmingly Hispanic/Latino at over 63%. (https://a60.asmdc.org/district-map) It’s curious as to a radicalized leftist Democrat who identifies as being part of the LGBT+ community like Corey Jackson was elected in that district? Hmmm? More than likely he was installed with Democrat voter fraud and rigged voting machines instead of being elected?
Contacting our state legislative representatives is necessary to stop ACA-7 even if our state senators are racist Democrats.
Anywhere in the USA where there is a black Peres on in the system you will find absolute corruption.
That is a fact and it is indisputable. Not all blacks are corrupt. They are just the brainwashed ones that think if they vote for a black leader, they’re going to get something free. Black people need to understand that in order to get anywhere in this country. You need to keep your head down in your ass up and work hard. And anybody that hires employees needs to look at a white sheet of paper and higher, according to the ability of the person applying for a job.
Short of that the way it’s going this country will fall apart within the next 50 years
Find your state senator here:
Quote from Google: “If you are a California resident and your family earns $80,000 or less, you can attend one of the University of California (UC) colleges as an undergraduate tuition-free. According to the University of California, 55% of California students at the university pay no tuition.”
Secretary of State Shirley N. Weber, PhD (in Communications)
Assemblyman Corey A. Jackson, DSW, MSW (adding on to a BA in political science)
Any guesses what we’ll see next?
Jackson and the Dems don’t want “separate but equal,” they want “separate and unequal” based on the Dem Party’s intersectional totem pole of “victimhood” (oops, microaggression). Your group’s place on the totem pole of “victimhood” is actually based on the Dem Party’s current political interests.
As with everything the Dem Party does, their goal is to wreck the country. When you look through that lens, and only when you look through that lens, everything the Dem Party and its cronies, collaborators, and comrades are doing makes sense.
Dem Party and its cronies, collaborators, and comrades are, using the CCP’s term for its war on America, waging “unrestricted warfare” on every political, legal, cultural, educational, and economic front possible and using every possible political, legal, cultural, educational, and economic weapon against America and her people, families, institutions, history, and principles.
People are naturally tribal, although who is in the tribe and who is out of the tribe is flexible. One of the Dem Party’s principal avenues of attack is to divide Americans on race and other Dem Party identity group characteristics to change Americans’ tribal loyalty from America to race and/or other identity group characteristics.
While Jackson may not understand the overall strategy, he is a loyal and dedicated soldier in the Dem Party’s war on America.
Like the writing –
except – ‘microaggression’ is VERY out of date – they would call you a racist, straight up, these days.
Corey’s lights on no… amateurish lack of political timing on display. The momentum for these panafrican history making month distractions have long passed.
Always thought (perhaps foolishly) that freshman Asm Corey Jackson was in a way a gift to sensible CA citizens, because he is such a BLATANT race-baiter he might as well walk around wearing a neon sign that says it. Another piece of legislation for which he became infamous was the attempt to ban K-9 officers (police dogs), a wonderfully effective law enforcement tool that has had a long reputation for keeping both suspect AND police officer safe. “Racist!” said Jackson, unsurprisingly. Thank goodness the legislation failed.
He also apparently acquired whatever degrees he acquired by using, in some of the papers he wrote to obtain those degrees, an ultra-cryptic tangle of “woke” nonsense language that looked like gibberish. (See Substacker Chris Bray’s recent piece on Asm Corey Jackson.) Therefore I think we can safely leave the “Dr.” out of “Assemblyman Dr. Corey Jackson” without committing some kind of unforgivable breach of legislative protocol. Sigh.
Modus operendi for 40 years, come to fruition and can turn it on and off like a spigot.
Idi Amin’s full title was:
His Excellency, President for Life, Field Marshal Al Hajj Doctor Idi Amin Dada, VC, DSO, MC, Lord of all the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular.” looks like “Dr” Jackson is taking a page out of Idi’s book.
Looks like redistribution of wealth. Tax payers will be on the hook for this.
“Human Services” always make me smile.
Corey Jackson, another “accredited” for some reason, incompetent boob! Typical race baiting grifter!