CA Gov. Gavin Newsom at the Great Wall on 10/26/2023 (Photo: gov.ca.gov)
Gavin Newsom is Attempting to Play on a Stage Well Above His Pay Grade
California Democrats are as dim and arrogant as national Dems
By Katy Grimes, November 12, 2024 3:00 am
On the heels of Democrats’ huge presidential loss last week, California Governor Gavin Newsom doubled down on stupid. He doubled down on arrogance, on smug bravado, on foolishness, on indiscrete loony ideas and policies.
Perhaps before Newsom gets too full of himself, he should at least acknowledge that millions more Californians rejected his and Democrats’ dangerous Anti-American agenda. Yes, even California is not nearly as blue as it once was, thanks to Gavin Newsom.
Notably, as SF Gate reported earlier Monday, “With 72% of votes counted in California as of Monday morning, a total of eight counties have flipped from blue in 2020 to red in 2024. After leaning toward Trump late last week, both Orange County and Nevada County are now showing Harris ahead. The eight counties that shifted to Trump this year, per the current tally, are:
—Riverside County
—Butte County
—San Joaquin County
—Inyo County
—San Bernardino
—Merced County
—Stanislaus County
—Fresno County

California has become the poster child for Democrat failures, and voters apparently got tired of this. Whether the issues are soft-on-crime policies resulting in more crime, liberal drug policies resulting in more open air drug use, allowing drug-addicted vagrants’ living on the streets resulting in an explosion of drug-addicted homeless vagrants, or crappy public schools indoctrinating innocent children, it is evident that Democrats don’t know how to govern, and they really don’t care what the results are as long as they are in power and control. So they pivot to useless policies like climate change and adding regulations to mean ‘ol businesses, to distract from their disasters.
Following Tuesday’s Presidential election-rejection of Kamala Harris, Newsom immediately threatened President- Elect Donald Trump in this message on X:
“…but let there be no mistake, we intend to stand with states across our nation to defend our Constitution and uphold the rule of law. Federalism is the cornerstone of our democracy. It’s the United STATES of America.”
Oh, the states are now so important? Because all we’ve heard from Gavin Newsom is how under his control, California is a “nation state,” and how California is the “5th largest economy in the world.” But now California is just a state among states? Hail Federalism?
Gavin Newsom is attempting to play on a stage well above his pay grade. The country witnessed this when he had that disastrous debate with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, and the First Partner Mrs. Newsom had to pull him off of the stage.
Newsom has his own statewide failures to deal with, which should be his only priorities, with two years left on his term.
As we continually remind California residents, Gov. Gavin Newsom and the compliant leftist Democrat Supermajority in the California Legislature closed your children’s schools, shut down your businesses, ordered your churches closed, cancelled holidays, masked your kids, mandated Covid shots to go back to work and school… while they exempted themselves from these mandates.
Here are a few more highlights:
Gov. Newsom is forcing the oil and gas industry into shortages with Venezuela-like price and inventory controls on oil refineries.
In doing so, Newsom actually managed to chase two oil companies out of California – Chevron and Phillips 66.
Newsom’s $20 per hour fast-food minimum wage is tanking the fast food industry.
Here’s the link to the short list with headlines from the Globe’s reporting including Newsom Signs Dangerous Parent Secrecy Bill AB 1955.
Here is what Gavin Newsom has been up to since being elected governor in 2019:
Doubled the drug-addicted vagrant population living on California’s streets.
Created a housing shortage – doubling down on forcing cities and small towns to comply with his order to build “affordable housing.”
Cut water off to rural areas in the state; supported dam removal and hydroelectric plant removal.
Limited water deliveries to farmers and ranchers.
Raised the minimum wage so high, fast food owners and restaurant owners are forced to lay off employees.
Passed policies killing manufacturing.
Passed policies bolstering a service economy (rather than manufacturing).
Limited energy production to renewable energy only.
Limited gas and oil production creating a shortage, forcing people out of their cars and on to public transportation.
Ordered all internal combustion cars banned by 2035.
Mandated an all-electric state, including autos and trucks.
Signed bill to install thousands of floating offshore wind turbines at a cost of $150 billion.
Legalized drugs.
Legalized sex with minors.
Legalized abortion up to baby’s birth.
Destroyed the public education system by watering down actual disciplines of math and English, while sending his own children to private schools.
Promotes affirmative action, racial preferences over merit.
Creates fake crises – climate change, reparations.
Infringed on the people’s right to keep and bear arms by passing laws which nibble around the edges of the 2nd Amendment, creating defacto gun control.
Californians must never forget Newsom’s horrific leftist policies that harm men, women and children. And this is not a complete list, by any stretch.
Since Donald Trump’s election 7 days ago, Newsom has done nothing but whimper and grouse about Trump, in his attempt to be the menace-in-chief with threats of resistance.
Speaking of resistance, Joel Pollak at Breitbart says “Newsom may try to become the leader of the so-called ‘resistance’ to Trump — a glorified and controversial term for ‘opposition’ — but it may prove more difficult for him, given that Trump won a popular majority, and nearly 40% of the vote in California itself.”
Newsom will travel to Washington D.C. this week to meet with the Biden administration to discuss zero-emission vehicles and disaster relief, seeking federal approval for his state climate rules – ahead of the change of Presidential administrations – a $5.2 billion reimbursement for emergency funding during the COVID-19 pandemic and updates to the state’s Medicaid program, KCRA reported.
COVID-19 reimbursement? Because Newsom kept the state locked down for three years longer than other states?
Meanwhile, someday Gavin Newsom may tackle the many serious issues within the borders of California – many/most he created.
…Naw, he’s too busy daydreaming of far away places on the international stage – way way way above his pay grade.
Good for him. if I were he I would forgo my pay to save California from a dictator wannabe!
Californians rejected his and Democrats’ dangerous Anti-American agenda: NOT REALLY
Donald Trump Supports The Dangerous Democrats
Why not? Twenty million is a drop in the bucket. Mr. Trump is looking beyond retribution. He knows that he will need Democrat votes in the House and Senate to enact his agenda. One 30-second ad during the Superbowl costs $7 million. He sees this “donation” to the Democrats as a good investment.
Help them any way you can.
Yes, indeed. Help them.
Kevin Kiley
If Kamala runs, the California governorship will be seriously in play for Republicans.
Remember the movie Twins with Arnold Schwarzenegger? One iconic line Arnold used was “you moved too soon” at which point he would physically punish the bad guys. Newsom moved too soon. There is no appetite for “the resistance” this time, as the country clearly spoke that they’d had it with lawfare, high prices, open borders, rising crime and inept foreign policy. The Progressive Squad lost half their members. Abortion on demand did not control the outcome of this election and transgender issues were a huge negative to the Democrats. Basically Newsom will be swimming upstream against a strong current. Who is his constituency now? Illegal migrants, transgender activists, radical professors and blue haired cat ladies? Not enough for major league politics. In fact, Newsom might end up like Bud Light.
From the looks of the map, and the concentration of population centers, California is not unlike the USA: majority of population in concentrated areas. As the Founding Fathers noted and created the Electoral College to prevent a small area, but large population, from taking advantage, California should have a similar Electoral College based off of the counties. Equal votes per county, based on local popular vote, deciding the state winner of the presidential election.
Newsom’s Values is California’s Woes. 1. Legal & illegal folks register & vote under a penalty of perjury that is enforced enough just to give an appearance that laws are being enforced. In reality there are millions of illegal “citizens” registered to vote. The states that Kamala won do not currently have voter ID laws. I look for voter ID laws to come out of Washington next year. That will flip California to a red state. 2. Come January with cuts coming from the Federal government California’s cash crisis in going to grow Trump pledged to lower the price of gas for all Americans which also worked here in California during his first term. With all of the “talk” about changing gasoline standards it will result in people feeling good about paying less for gas here in California and a higher revenue stream for the state. The additional revenue probably will not make up for the loss of revenue from the Feds. There are other examples that can be pointed out of how Newsom’s values are out of touch with reality and actually harm Californians. The bottom line is that Newsom is on his way-out office. He is going to put up a fight, but it will not change the ultimate outcome which is Newsom losses. We just have to continue to stand up against him. California’s best days are still ahead of us.
Is Gavin even paying attention? With all of his continuing CA destroying, he does not at all appear to be serving himself well, which has always been his goal. Kamala campaigned primarily on Trump Hatred —– when she could get the words out, that is —– because she had nothing else but a horrible record and verbal macaroni salads. And she couldn’t have failed more miserably than she did.
Who knows, maybe the relentlessly false butt-kissing of Biden (et al) this last summer into fall, which was all for naught, has affected Newsom’s mental state? Or maybe he only seeks to further irritate Californians, which, if I am any indication, is working, but it ultimately won’t get him anywhere except to make more enemies. Look at the CA Turning-to-Red map above. It’s only going to get MORE Red, Gavin as the decades-long era of Dem dirty tricks inevitably falls away.
Gee, even the usually seriously misguided Dem NY Gov Kathy Hochul seems to understand now on which side her bread is buttered so she can help her state in the new U.S. reality.
Time to get out of your jammies, Gavin, make yourself an espresso, and wake UP.
I think we might need more articles like this one that call for Worst Governor Ever Gavin Newsom to actually run for Pres in 2028. They call him the Democrat Trump if you can believe it. How’s that for clueless? But never mind. You Go Girl! I mean Guy! As Katy Grimes has accurately described, Gavin actually thinks he would be a shining star on that stage. When he routinely shows what a miserable failure he is by being on the stage at all.
But okay, you think what you want, Gav! Best of luck! And enjoy your liquor!
“Democrats Can Find Their Own Trump in Gavin Newsom”
“Climate Scam Alert! Six States to BAN MOTORHOMES!” InfoWars and RV Industry Assoc. Including Calif.
Right?!? And they impose this BS without a vote of the people! To hell with all of them! CARB need to be dismantled immediately
President Trump’s latest comments on Newsom and voter ID. Change is coming…..
What is his pay grade? Noisome could not hold down a job as a toilet cleaner.
Agree with California Assemblyman James Gallagher who said that “It would be nice if Newsom focused on improving things for Californians instead of doubling down on the same failed policies that cost Harris the election.”
Many of us Californians look forward to the day when we’re free of “Hairgel Hitler” Newsom the evil shape shifting reptilian.
California is failing, and indications are it is only accelerating under the leadership of this incompetent governor. California now has the highest school dropout rate in the nation with only 84.4% of students graduating from high school. This is the worst of any state. You can not sustain a First World economy with such a large percentage of people who don’t even have basic skills.
And fewer and fewer of those graduating can make it in even a community college, which no longer has remedial classes. Graduating from high school without being anywhere near grade level in math and reading, is a death sentence for success in life.
I don’t care that this jackwagon slimewad Governor is termed out in 2026 – we cannot endure another TWO YEARS of his FAILED policies –
RECALL NEWSOM NOW while we’re cleaning house and have the momentum on our side…..
And 86 hid CARB cronies as well… taxation without representation….
Living in California under our Dreamy Governor is starting to get to me. When I read the headline, I thought it said “Gavin Newsom is Attempting to Play on a Stage Well Above His Gay Parade”.
I must need a vacation away from politics for a while.
Or better yet, a vacation away from California, permanently.
Talk is cheap people, let’s get this idiot out of office. Newsome is destroying California like Biden destroyed our nation. We fired Biden, the time is right to fire Newscum.
One of Newsom’s basic problems is the too-cool-for-school factor. He comes across as slick. He doesn’t remotely project as earthy, as connected to ordinary folks. The photo that accompanies this article hints at it. The French Laundry dinner hints at it. The sneer in his mouth when something doesn’t go his way hints at it. The photos that ran in that magazine, back in the day, when he and his then-wife lolled around on thick carpets in a super-expensive penthouse — they too get at this issue. I’ll just add, if he had put in four years in the Army he would be unbeatable.
I live in Los Angeles. As a retired senior, Newscum has been a disaster for this state. I moved here in 1965, when the state was prosperous and well managed. Since the demoncrats grabbed power, the state is bankrupt and failing. I voted for President Trump and every republican who has run. I am seriously considering relocating to Arizona. The so called scummy elites have ruined this state. It is a wonder that most people who live here don’t see it.
Has Newsom seen the stats showing so many counties flipping RED? Apparently not, and that’s even taking into account all the election fraud, which has been rampant in this state for at least 25 years.
Gavin Newscum and his super-majority cronies, like the rest of the nation’s Democratic Party, do not care about people. They do not identify with the common man/woman. In today’s America Harry Truman would be a Republican. Democrats serve fringe groups, pseudo-intellectual movements, and anything averse to historical American virtues such as self-reliance, hard work, equal opportunity, freedom of speech, and our Judaeo-Christian heritage. They are nation destroyers, worthy only of revulsion and execration.