Governor Gavin Newsom at 2019 California Democratic Party State Convention at the George R. Moscone Convention Center in San Francisco, June 1, 2019. (Photo: Gage Skidmore)
Gov. Gavin Newsom: How to Destroy California in Less than 10 Years
The one thing Newsom is good at is destroying the Golden State
By Katy Grimes, March 28, 2024 8:08 am
If I was a “progressive” governor and wanted to destabilize and destroy my state, there are certain policies I would impose, and orders I’d make, while insulating myself from my own policies:
Create a housing shortage.
Cut water off to rural areas in the state; remove dams and hydroelectric plants.
Limit water deliveries to farmers and ranchers.
Raise the minimum wage so high, restaurant owners are forced to lay off employees.
Pass policies killing manufacturing.
Pass policies bolstering a service economy.
Limit energy production to renewable energy only.
Limit gas and oil production creating a shortage, forcing people out of their cars and on to public transportation.
Order all internal combustion cars banned by 2035.
Mandate an all-electric state, including autos and trucks.
Install thousands of floating offshore wind turbines at a cost of $150 billion.
Legalize drugs.
Legalize sex with minors.
Legalize abortion up to baby’s birth.
Destroy the public education system by watering down actual disciplines of math and English, while sending your own children to private schools.
Promote affirmative action, racial preferences over merit.
Create fake crises – climate change, reparations.
Infringe on the people’s right to keep and bear arms by passing laws which nibble around the edges of the 2nd Amendment, creating defacto gun control.
Stop prosecuting crime.
Decriminalize certain crimes, resulting in emptying out state prisons.
Raise corporate taxes to discourage businesses from expanding.
Raise taxes and fees on public services and energy.
Raise income taxes on all income brackets.
Make it easier for local governments to raise taxes.
Impose a wealth tax.
Impose a death tax.
Force doctors to comply with state medical directives; punish those who refuse to comply.
Allow hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants into the state.
Provide free health care and welfare payments to illegal immigrants.
Allow illegal immigrants to vote in local elections.
Expand the size of government by hiring hundreds of thousands of state workers.
Create more labor unions jobs by expanding state government.
Encourage public schools to convince kids they are another gender; provide secret counseling to those kids; shelter kids from parents.
Limit media access in Capitol; reward compliant media.
Accept a gift of $3.7 million, 12,000 square foot mansion on 8 acres along the American River in Sacramento, then make $2.7 million tax-free for obtaining a cash-out refinance, and don’t report the gift on any financial disclosure forms.
Good job Gavin. You’ve outdone yourself.
Newsom’s policies have expedited the destruction of the most beautiful state; accelerated the declining population through outbound migration resulting in the loss of a congressional seat. He has irreparably harmed California’s businesses and once thriving economy starting with his 3 years of Covid lockdowns, which hurt mostly small business owners the most. Newsom more than quadrupled the drug-addicted homeless vagrants living on California streets making cities unlivable. He bolstered labor unions while crushing independent contractors and gig workers. Gavin Newsom increased poverty in California while growing state government.
It’s as if Gov. Newsom was very carefully and specifically trained on what it would take to destroy California – the one thing in which he actually excels – that, and feathering his own nest with ill-gotten gains.
- Gov. Newsom Hands Out Another $76M ‘Safeguarding Californians From Hate-Motivated Incidents’ - March 25, 2025
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- Is Governor Gavin Newsom ‘Newsom-Proofing’ California for the Next Republican Governor? - March 24, 2025
I LOVE IT. This hits the nail on the head so hard. This is EXACTLY what Gavin Newsom has done. We knew it in a murkier way already, but the ironic perspective and black and white list helps us see it more clearly. Gavin has powered his way through the main checklist of what would definitely destroy California, and then, in his zeal to stick it to us, has added even more items — for extra credit, apparently.
And it’s not as though the destruction has been mitigated or balanced out with positive, constructive, good governance that helped Californians in any way. NO. Navigating daily life has become increasingly difficult and burdensome and expensive and frustrating BECAUSE of this governor. Cannot think of ONE positive proposal or action for which Gov Gavin Newsom has been responsible. Which is really quite astonishing when you think about it.
Great list, Ms. Grimes. All TRUE, unfortunately for us Californians.
Hair gel Hitler Newsom with assistance from the criminal Democrat mafia in the legislature and their appointed stooges in state agencies are destroying the state exactly as their paymasters have directed (i.e. WEF globalists, CCP, cartels, etc.)?
KING OF KINGS LORD OF LORDS🙏🏼🙌👏📖⚔️🛡🎶✝️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸✝️
omg California is burning January 2025
Great list of accomplishments by the worst governor in the history of our state. My only add would be his cozy relationship with China which I believe will be his undoing. Godly commonsense leadership will return to California is we all make it through next month’s solar eclipse or another contrived event.
China, and all of Central and South America. He’s an internationalist, who hates America. Today we just found out he’s passed a bill to make it illegal to require any voter ID, thus enabling illegals and foreign nationals to influence our elections. This won’t just affect California, it will affect the entire country. He needs to be arrested for treason and hanged, publically.
Hair-gel Hitler Newsom with assistance from the criminal Democrat mafia in the legislature and their appointed stooges in state agencies are destroying the state exactly as their paymasters have directed (i.e. WEF globalists, CCP, cartels, etc.)?
Spot on Katy!! Always enjoy your articles.
Sadly, Newsom continues destroying California without remorse. Let’s pray this 2nd recall boots him right out of his cozy life he enjoys at taxpayers expense!!
Hats off to my favorite reporter!
I am sure his globalist overlords are very pleased. This is and will spread across this great country. All we have to look to is the chaos at the southern border and all major democrat run major cities.
As a physician, my question is where did Governor Newsom go to medical school? It is the outright responsibility of a licensed and board-certified physician or surgeon to obtain an informed consent from every patient before committing or omitting any and all therapies, before proceeding. It is criminal battery not to do so. I bring your attention to Medi-Cal assembly bill 2098 and signed by Dr. Newsom on October 2, 2022. Threatening punishment to physicians for supposed misinformation about his covid hoax was thankfully repealed. This is the problem with forcing doctors to comply with evil state medical directives. We the people need to privatize California medicine!
I love this list Katy! I can’t wait to show it to my liberal – lefty cousin at Easter Dinner! I will enjoy watching her face turn red as she has a typical liberal meltdown. Thank you, great job as usual!
Don’t worry, they will “signature cure” another Affirmation Action half wit to be Governor.
Funny how if you treat ballots like junk, they get thought of that way.
In other words – EXECUTE THE MARCHING ORDERS OF HIS World Economic Forum sponsors/funders….
RUIN the California economy so that his CCP “partners” can buy up much of the state’s real estate and farmland on the CHEAP….
There can be few other explanations for his WANTON & INTENTIONAL malevolence…
Exactly! This list is in his job description as written by the NWO elites that put him in power. Are there any fools left that think all this is innocent “mistakes”? There cannot be many left.
What a horrible (but accurate) list you’ve compiled!
You could have added:
Bring in illegal aliens by offering them medical benefits, free housing and food, free education, and even home loans, to replace fed up taxpayers who’ve moved fed to another state.
Unfortunately, all that is necessary for this corrupt phony to succeed is rigged elections and convincing zombie moron voters that he is just trying to “save Democracy.”
Well put together article gathering the facts of this abysmal Governor’s evil deeds. Two questions:: 1) How did this well presented article slip through the iron dome of media censorship to see the light of day, and 2) Just how many of us Californians are so far gone that we can’t even comprehend the amount of damage that this man has brought down on our collective heads? I’ve been trying to get this Manchurian recalled since he entered the office. Do Californians really want to literally dismantle a state that was once the envy of Americans everywhere? Please make this make sense. 🇺🇸
BRAVO! I can see this as a recall ad…the list just scrolling down the TV screen!
If only humans physical appearances matched their mindsets, intent, etc., then his would be one of pure ugliness…Think of a brown slimy serpent with yellow
beady eyes….it’s unbelievable how many voters are taken in by his ISH! There are democrats, and then there are the demonrats! He is a Demonrat! What does that say about all those followers of the ISH? The SHEEPLE always follow blindly, to the slaughter because they are bent that way…look back in World History…same thing happening yet again! Glad I’m old, don’t have grandchildren to worry about, and was able to live in a better world than where this one is now headed, thanks to the party that took their Demon’s name! Demonrats…they thought swapping out the letter c with the letter n would hide their intent, to gain followers..those letters stand for “N”ever “C”hrist… how many even realize what they blindly follow? How sad for Humanity!
The one thing he is good at is being a narcissist. He has engaged in a pattern of inappropriate employee relationships and enriched his family by taking money from donors. Everything that Ms. Grimes has laid out- while completely accurate- is just a result of his fundamental personality flaw. For example, his obsession with climate change and the rule of law are completely counter to his actions regarding PG&E’s role in burning down the foothills surrounding Sacramento i.e. reducing PG&E’s fines, allowing the CPUC to approve two recent onerous rate hikes etc. Why? Because PG&E is a big dollar donor and employs the First Cuckoldress to make video productions nobody watches. I guess he’s got to find something for her to do while he’s ‘working late at the office’ with a female subordinate or intern.
Amazing, isn’t it? This clueless spoiled child of a wealthy, politically connected San Francisco family should be everything young Leftists hate. Yet here he is.
None of this is the least bit surprising, and Ms. Grimes is absolutely correct in her suggestion that Hair Gel was trained to do all of this deliberately. He is a graduate of the World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders program.
If he is elected to Federal Office, Heaven help us. It would only be a national disaster, worse than it already is.
I’ll add,
Locking kids out of schools for over a year when there was no evidence kids spread or are vulnerable to Covid-19.
Running the California Department of Insurance so poorly that residents are unable to get homeowners insurance, and their insurance is being cancelled.
Running the California Employment Development Department so incompetently that $40 billion dollars of fraudulent claims were made, and businesses in the state are now have to pay that back to the Feds through higher unemployment insurance rates. Some fraudulent claims were paid to people in prison, and to people who didn’t even live in the state.
Newscum is the worst, most corrupt governor this state has ever had.
Term limits let the special interests, mainly the government employee unions, swoop in and take over the entire apparatus.
Newly elected know-nothings were handed union talking points, and grabbed the best legislative staffers who knew the ropes ….and who fly under public scrutiny for their own long-standing conflicts of interests .
Term limits created an unelected shadow government, That is why we suffer today. And can’t get out from under this. Raid the treasury and hire the relatives is the only operating ethos in Sacramento today.
The Climate Change™ Hoax should not be driving anything. Be sure to view the following documentary that deep dives into “climate change™” by real climate scientists, who scoff at its very notion as presented today, and exposes the charlatans who continue to push this agenda for their own political gain:
I recommend Gavin Newsom be forced to watch this video on endless loop, while being locked down in one of his newly closed state prisons.
Jaye, the documentary you linked to was excellent. Although I think most sensible conservative people were aware of the main points —- grants only granted to “go-alongs” with skeptics shamed and shunned, CO2 wrongly demonized, importance of the sun and clouds, urban heat islands producing inaccurate average temps, etc. —- this was an entertaining and compact presentation. Of course this totalitarian hoax has gone way beyond “what are the facts,” thus it has become almost pointless for us to argue the facts, but there is still value in reviewing again what the truth is about this. Highly recommended.
This individual is the absolute worst person to be given the office of Governor.The despicable activities he shoved down the middle class mouths is tantamount to Putin destroying the Ukraine.We need a REPUBLICAN Governor with integrity!!!!
Good job Gavin. Your exceptional destruction of California assures you will be qualified to take Bidens place on the Demorat presidential ticket when he steps down soon. Then, you can start on America the beautiful.
I have to say this, thanks god his terms is almost up, everyone do California a favor and get this Democrat out before California be no more, sadly and no one want to say it but California need a republicans governor
and the fire that just occurred has been the icing on Gavin Newsom’s cake. I would love to get that punk in a UFC cage and I am 69.