Gov. Gavin Newsom glamour shot at the Great Wall of China 10/26/2023 (Photo: gov.ca.gov)
How Did CA Gov. Gavin Newsom Buy a $9.1 Million Home on a Public Servant Salary?
If you ever doubted that politics is made up of the elite class who see themselves as the ruling class, doubt no more
By Katy Grimes, November 19, 2024 2:55 am
Public Servant Gavin Newsom’s rise in California politics and acquired power since the 1990s has been through the knavery of family and influential friends.
If you ever doubted that politics is made up of the elite class who see themselves as the ruling class, doubt no more: Governor Gavin Newsom and the “First Partner” (his wife) just purchased a $9.1 million home in Marin County.
The “mansion” is 5,600 square feet, with Newsoms paying 7 percent above the asking price.
Do you know how much income it takes to purchase a $9 million home?
You would need to make an annual income of nearly $2 Million to qualify for a $9 million dollar house if purchased on a 30-year mortgage. The monthly payments would be $56,464.75 …each month at today’s current interest rates.
But if you bought it for cash, it is likely you are either a rock star or professional athlete, or a very successful hedge fund manager, or movie producer or drug dealer – and not a public servant politician.
The governor earns $203,939.40 from the State of California, and receives $95,063.16 in “benefits,” Transparent California reports.
Newsom has held public office since 1996, when San Francisco mayor Willie Brown appointed him to the city’s Parking and Traffic Commission… 28 years Newsom has been a “public servant.”
The annual property tax on the new Marin property is over $117,000 a year – approximately 1% of total value of property. But that probably doesn’t matter to Newsom – As Jennifer Van Laar reported in 2020, Newsom had “chronically delinquent property taxes in both Marin and Sacramento counties: Newsom’s delinquent on more than $20,000 in property taxes for his Kentfield estate (which was last listed for $5.9 million) according to the Marin County Department of Finance’s website.”
Threats of hefty penalties for late property tax payments are for the hoi polloi, lower class, proletariat common folk.
This truly is a deja vu. Because in 2018-2019, an LLC registered to Newsom’s cousin, biz partner, and Co-President of PlumpJack, Jeremy Scherer, paid for $3.7 million cash for a Fair Oaks estate, December 2018. In Oct 2019 the LLC “gifted” the home to the Newsoms free and clear, claiming Newsom was a member of the LLC to avoid a $4,000 Transfer Tax.
In January 2020 the Newsoms received $2.7 million tax-free when they obtained a cash-out refinance, Jen Van Laar reported at Redstate.
Since the Newsoms didn’t buy their 12,000-square-foot $3.7 million in Fair Oaks (Sacramento), they probably have a little left over from the $5.9 million sale of their Marin home, the Globe reported… except according to Van Laar, that home was mortgaged to the hilt. And, Newsom’s financial disclosure forms don’t mention the LLC or the gifts, which far exceed the $500 limit…
Stunning that this was done under the nose of California’s Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC), who regularly investigate and fine politicians for ethics and campaign violations, and whose mission says it “regulates campaign financing, conflicts of interest, lobbying, and governmental ethics. The Commission’s objectives are to ensure that public officials act in a fair and unbiased manner in the governmental decision-making process, to promote transparency in government, and to foster public trust in the political system.”
Except for Democrat politicians?
Is it any wonder Newsom is under such criticism for running in elite circles? But he doesn’t care. He and the First Partner will move into the Marin estate and live the lifestyle unto which they have become accustomed and entitled.
As the Globe reported at the same time in 2020 in the midst of the Covid flu, about Newsom:
“America’s political elite who deem themselves royalty, and live accordingly, are the same politicians who have been keeping their citizens in states under total lockdown for the purpose of destroying the economy, they mandate the wearing of face masks which they themselves do not wear, they prohibit travel to second homes and family cabins while traveling themselves, are keeping schools locked down, and attend funerals while our dead cannot be mourned in a service, and they are thwarting the use of hydroxychloroquine – a known prophylaxis (prevention) to coronavirus, and a successful cure… all to try to force President Donald Trump out of office one way or another.”
The Newsoms will retain the six-bedroom Fair Oaks home $3.7 million, where he will spend several nights a week with his wife, Jennifer Siebel Newsom, news.meaww.com reported.
So the Newsoms now have two multi-multi-million dollar homes, which appear to not actually belong to them. And if they don’t, who owns them? Who is investing so heavily in Gavin Newsom? Who is providing this Lifestyle for the Rich and Famous to the Newsoms, and what do they expect in return?
This is one way to make investments (campaign contributions) to a future presidential candidate.
Newsom’s new $9M pad was purchased through another Limited Liability Corporation – he never has to dirty his hands in a real estate deal, other than to borrow from it, as they did in January 2020 when the Newsoms received $2.7 million tax-free for a cash-out refinance.
This is the California Governor who believes he is entitled to the United States Presidency, but he’s just another privileged San Francisco Bay Area elite “who inherited a California paradise and turned it into purgatory,” says Victor Davis Hanson.
As I frequently remind Californians, Here is a partial list of what Gavin Newsom has been up to since being elected governor in 2019 – his real record, which has forced many Californians to make decisions between food and rent, car payments and clothing for the kids – never mind vacations or a new car. Or they had to leave the state in search of a more affordable location.
Gov. Gavin Newsom:
Doubled the drug-addicted vagrant “homeless” population living on California’s streets while spending $24Billion on them – no telling where that money went.
Created a housing shortage – doubling down on forcing cities and small towns to comply with his order to build “affordable housing.”
Wasted two of the wettest years in recent California history by sending the abundant water flowing out to the Pacific Ocean for “environmental” purposes, rather than using for agricultural irrigation and storing the rest for a dry year.
Cut water off to rural areas in the state.
Limited water deliveries to farmers and ranchers.
Spent millions of Proposition 1 funding designated for dam/reservoir construction for additional water storage, and instead helped demolish four dams on the Klamath River, destroying hydroelectric power and beautiful lakes. “The Klamath dam removals are a shining example of what we can accomplish when we act according to our values,” said Newsom in a letter to Warren Buffet asking for his backing.
Approved spending $1 Billion of taxpayers funds on masks from Chinese company BYD during Covid, rather than an American manufacturer.
Raised the minimum wage to $20.00 per hour, so high, fast food owners and restaurant owners are forced to lay off employees and close restaurants.
Passed policies and regulations killing manufacturing.
Passed policies bolstering a service economy (rather than high-paying manufacturing jobs).
Limited energy production to renewable energy only – solar and wind.
Limited gas and oil production creating a shortage, forcing people out of their cars and on to public transportation.
Is responsible for the highest gas prices and gas taxes in the nation.
Ordered all internal combustion cars banned by 2035.
Mandated an all-electric state, including autos and trucks, and all-electric homes and commercial buildings in new construction.
Signed a bill to install thousands of floating offshore wind turbines at a cost of $150 billion.
Legalized drugs.
Legalized sex with minors (SB 145).
Legalized abortion up to baby’s birth.
Destroyed the public education system by watering down actual disciplines of math and English, while sending his own children to private schools.
Promotes affirmative action, racial preferences over merit.
Creates fake crises – climate change, reparations.
Infringed on the people’s right to keep and bear arms by passing laws which nibble around the edges of the 2nd Amendment, creating defacto gun control.
Californians must never forget Newsom’s cruel leftist policies that harm men, women and children… And this is not a complete list, by any stretch.
Congress needs to look into Gov. Gavin Newsom and the California Department of Public Health for issuing a directive in 2021 during Covid to suspend Nursing Home regulations in order to send contagious Covid patients to nursing homes.
This is the governor who appears to have just been gifted another multi-million dollar estate – $9.1Million. And if he can prove otherwise, needs to provide the receipts.
As Newsom Unleashed: The Progressive Lust for Unbridled Power,:
recently published Gavin Newsom biography,“We should be very wary of a Newsom presidency. This is not a man whose intentions are the betterment of the country. This is a man whose intentions are the exaltation of himself and the furtherance of his own power. And, worst of all, his well-established pattern for seeking such exaltation and power is the advancement of extreme left-wing policies.”
Thank you for the article.
All these questions about Newsom but no one does anything; not even Republicans. Either everyone has their hands in it or some have something on the others which prevents it being investigated or, I don’t know.
If interested, read this: “If You Doubt There is a Deep State, Read This”
I think it is a good explanation of why nothing happens and also why I don’t think Musk’s DOGE department won’t accomplish much.
Good read Jimmy. I have also been the target of the deep state in the DoD and the SES types described by Moyar. My experience was during Obama’s reign (his “hatchet man” was Eric Holder – Robert Mueller’s law firm partner). Your double negative on DOGE is POSITIVE of course. 😉
All elected officials are obedient to the entrenched chosen and compromised operatives. Gavin’s performance stellar and he tharwarted a recall to become further emboldened.
Their power comes from embedded untouchable sacrosanct entities specifically created to control every aspect of our lives while concurrently maintaining ultimate control to ensure execution on the master plan.
CARB is merely an example however by far the most destructive entity to reign down destruction on the American has been the foreign owned and controlled Federal Reserve Bank: The Fed has facilitated irreconcilable debt and severely devalued currency. Soon they Federal debt will be called for payment by the American people and all they’ll possess is a worthless currency. A past Fed chairman (Greenspan) said in an interview The Fed accountable to no one including the president.
Bottom line is the cowardly Americans refuse to confront those who have orchestrated their destruction including the California Supreme Court.
The American people will sit in gas lines to save a nickel on a gallon of gas yet do nothing about the destructors of their currency. They will not confront the very entity that has extracted their wealth from themselves and their families. Neither the Democrats nor Republicans will touch the issue because they’re all controlled and complicit in the conspiracy to destroy us: We Americans are merely “pawns in the game”.
then there’s the eerie commonality that exists between Trump and Biden. clearly, they both want wars with Iran and Russia; sure to go nuclear.
For the most part the elections are theatre intended to preclude the natives from becoming restless.
You are absolutely correct. I and my business were attacked by CARB for three years. I got tired of fighting Commifornia. costing me to much money, and time. I backed my bags and moved out. call me a coward but I have the future and well being of my family. best thing I can do is to never give that state one of my hard earned penny.
Jimmy, you are right about the Deep State running California. Things will not change until you change this.
California State Senate election results: 1992-2022*
Year ’92 ’94 ’96 ’98 ’00 ’02 ’04 ’06 ’08 ’10 ’12 ’14 ’16 ’18 ’20 ’22
Democrats 23 21 24 25 26 26 25 25 26 25 26 25 27 29 30 32
Republicans 14 17 15 15 14 14 15 15 14 14 12 14 13 11 9 8
I remember an article I read about a bill that the democrats wanted to pass. The Democrats running the House of Representatives were laughing and talking about the need to pass this bill and one of them said “don’t worry about the Republicans, they do not have enough votes to stop the bill, hahahaha.
You see it’s not the Republicans that are ruining the state, into the ground, it’s the Democrat’s. There will never be an investigation on Newsome while they run everything. Why do the people keep voting for Democrats? I have my suspicions but that’s for another Post. Wayne
If you eliminate Newsom’s ability to conduct a “rigged” election you eliminate his power and his personal finances. Newsom and the establishment have a stranglehold of this state through these elections. Right now, California is still curing defective ballots and will be until November 26th. The folks that submitted a defective ballot will receive a letter in the mail, an email and finally a phone call from their local elections office instructing them to come in and “cure” the vote. So, California is fixing ballots that a judge in Pennsylvania ordered the state not to count. Elections are rigged right in front of our eyes, and it goes unchallenged. Fortunately, a crack has developed down in Huntington Beach with their voter ID law. Hopefully more areas in the state will start to push back and challenge the state od corruption.
What I’m thinking that could be done..I can’t print..I could get the death penalty..but in California..probably a fine
Wish I had better news for the Kalifornia King of Korruption and Worst Governor Ever, Gavin Newsom, because it’s kind of sad, really, but for his own good he needs to wake up and realize his reign is OVER. I doubt he sees that there has now been a sea change, because he has gooey rancid stuff where his soul should be, but the sea change and the new era have made him and his political brothers and sisters in horrible, cruel, sadistic governance IRRELEVANT. When Americans been given what seemed impossible, and then look back at a shattered, filthy landscape of past abuses, chaos, and insanity, the stark contrast is inescapable, and they don’t long for a future rife with more of the same dark destructive governance from the very politicians who were supposed to be serving them but decided instead to cheat their way to the top.
So enjoy your (free) NINE MILLION dollar mansion in Marin, your beautiful stack-and-pack-free neighborhood, your OTHER (free) multi-million dollar mansion in suburban Sacramento, your excellent schools for the kids, and all the prestige and luxurious living that payoffs can buy, Newsom!
You’re DONE.
And now we learn that Kamala Harris is contemplating running for governor of California when Newsom terms out.
Californians can now contemplate what can be unburdened by what has been. All coming to them courtesy of a world class has-been.
camel hair…
Gov Gav who has no problem raising our taxes but avoids paying his.
According to investigative journalist Laura Loomer @loomered.com, has discovered that the shady LLC was formed just 2 days prior to the quick sale. The LLC was named after his children
MBHD Farms LLC. Are you curious why it has farms in the title? To avoid high PROPERTY TAXES!
BTW, his kids names are Montana, Hunter, Brooklyn and Dutch. ( MHBD)
Believe it or not the guy is more loathsome than we thought!
This one’s easy…
Remember his billion-dollar, no-bid contract for personal-protection equipment (PPE) with Chinese conglomerate BYD in the early days of their plandemic???
Then recall their push to get everyone into an EV, which BYD builds in both personal automobile and bus configurations (even if they don’t work very well)
Then remember his photo-op trip to China???
Who wants to bet that a nice fat financial kickback grant was paid during that trip to China???
The guy is on the take, probably to the CCP and most definitely to $oro$….
@CriticalD, a very real possibility. $oro$ is a good bet as well. Little $oro$ calls Newsom a great leader. They are getting cozy to fight the next Trump administration. Big Parma kickbacks could be a possibility as well.
Politics is a very dirty business the only thing that gets a cleaning is the money!
Yes, indeed. You can include Tom Steyer. These people move money around just like the cartels. In fact, the cartels probably learned how to do it from these people or vice versa:
It is a miracle! Noisome the worst goobenor in the country has turned a modest salary into a multi-million dollar home. If he applied his financial wizardry to the states finances the streets would be paved in gold instead of pot holes. I think that Trump and his AG have taken note and will act accordingly.
Check out Newsom’s activity “handling” PG&E after they sparked the 2018 Camp Fire disaster, the most destructive, deadly wildfire in history. And only 1 of 24 wildfires they sparked in 2018, with many more in prior, and following years, incinerating 100s of men, women, and children alive. PG&E’s usual dive behind protective bankruptcy showed once again that any and everyone has a price. Six years later, and Camp Fire survivors are the only ones never made whole while everyone else from stockholders, and federal, state, and local government agencies to those entrusted to provide legal services and others entrusted to administer the so-called “Fire Victim“ Trust, walked away with millions. Many survivors remain in limbo to this day, living in travel trailers and RVs while facing heavy federal income taxes on the fractional sums they received piece-meal, after a generally applied 50% depreciated value calculated at a 70% pro rata rate that came nowhere near the losses caused by PG&E’s negligence. Newsom’s initial firm stance with PG&E so suddenly switched, it’s almost comically impossible to miss. Newsom billed California taxpayers to pay a former PG&E law firm to write his wildfire bill (deliberately carving out Camp Fire survivors who, ironically, inspired the bill). Soon after, Newsom announced his plans to kick his governor’s seat to the curb at the end of his term, having just fought tooth and nail to skirt around his recall. And oddly, started acting “presidentsie” – even going so far to debate with an actual presidential candidate, Ron DeSantis. So interesting how this and other peculiar and many times appalling behaviors began to unfold following his many elbow-rubbing opportunities while working with PG&E and their cronies to ensure that this largest monopoly power in the United States remains in the most advantageous position all the way around, at all cost. As we see here, with his purchase of a second mansion for $9.1 million, on a public servant’s salary. And should anyone assume this comes from a right leaning bias, rest assured it does not. I’m a 50-year registered, voting Democrat. And even I recognize a well-illustrated case showing once again, any and everybody has their sell-out price.
“Newsom’s Office Crafted Law Protecting PG&E After Company’s Crimes Killed 84 People”
The ABC10 entire series on this is excellent – well worth checking out
I am no apologist for utilities, but one has to recognize several things. There are the local and state laws and ordenances that prohibit trimming and removing of foliage of every type, even obstructing the mandates of GO 95, minimum high voltage overhead construction and maintenance standards. There is the mismanagement of forests, which is on the state and federal governments. Then you have the people who will practically build their house around a bark beetle infested tree. I’ve seen enough from osha inspectors who have no idea of what they’re looking at who will come to a conclusion that is way down the domino chain of what actually caused an accident, and their word tends to prevail in lawsuits. While selling electricity is the vehicle, investor owned utilities in california such as pg&e, sce and sdg&e don’t make money by selling electricity, making money comes from presenting a rate case to the PUC, which is a revolving door of utility executives, whom I believe are appointed. But, placing people in the puc via the ballot box who have no idea of how utilities work is a recipe for disaster. Investors don’t care in the slightest how the money is made, so long as there is a return on their investment. However, ladwp is a flashing red light example of why governments shouldn’t own and operate utilities. Government doesn’t operate at all like a business and you end up with a dysfunctional, unproductive mess complete with on the job retirement at all levels.
Check out Newsom’s activity “handling” PG&E after they sparked the 2018 Camp Fire disaster, the most destructive, deadly wildfire in history. And only 1 of 24 wildfires they sparked in 2018, with many more in prior, and following years, incinerating 100s of men, women, and children alive. PG&E’s usual dive behind protective bankruptcy showed once again that any and everyone has a price. Six years later, and Camp Fire survivors are the only ones never made whole while everyone else from stockholders, and federal, state, and local government agencies to those entrusted to provide legal services and others entrusted to administer the so-called “Fire Victim“ Trust, walked away with millions. Many survivors remain in limbo to this day, living in travel trailers and RVs while facing heavy federal income taxes on the fractional sums they received piece-meal, after a generally applied 50% depreciated value calculated at a 70% pro rata rate that came nowhere near the losses caused by PG&E’s negligence. Newsom’s initial firm stance with PG&E so suddenly switched, it’s almost comically impossible to miss. Newsom billed California taxpayers to pay a former PG&E law firm to write his wildfire bill (deliberately carving out Camp Fire survivors who, ironically, inspired the bill). Soon after, Newsom announced his plans to kick his governor’s seat to the curb at the end of his term, having just fought tooth and nail to skirt around his recall. And oddly, started acting “presidentsie” – even going so far to debate with an actual presidential candidate, Ron DeSantis. So interesting how this and other peculiar and many times appalling behaviors began to unfold following his many elbow-rubbing opportunities while working with PG&E and their cronies to ensure that this largest monopoly power in the United States remains in the most advantageous position all the way around, at all cost. As we see here, with his purchase of a second mansion for $9.1 million, on a public servant’s salary. And should anyone assume this comes from a right leaning bias, rest assured it does not. I’m a 50-year registered, voting Democrat. And even I recognize a well-illustrated case showing once again, any and everybody has their sell-out price.
Check out Newsom’s activity “handling” PG&E after they sparked the 2018 Camp Fire disaster, the most destructive, deadly wildfire in history. And only 1 of 24 wildfires they sparked in 2018, with many more in prior, and following years, incinerating 100s of men, women, and children alive. PG&E’s usual dive behind protective bankruptcy showed once again that any and everyone has a price. Six years later, and Camp Fire survivors are the only ones never made whole while everyone else from stockholders, and federal, state, and local government agencies to those entrusted to provide legal services and others entrusted to administer the so-called “Fire Victim“ Trust, walked away with millions. Many survivors remain in limbo to this day, living in travel trailers and RVs while facing heavy federal income taxes on the fractional sums they received piece-meal, after a generally applied 50% depreciated value calculated at a 70% pro rata rate that came nowhere near the losses caused by PG&E’s negligence. Newsom’s initial firm stance with PG&E so suddenly switched, it’s almost comically impossible to miss. Newsom billed California taxpayers to pay a former PG&E law firm to write his wildfire bill (deliberately carving out Camp Fire survivors who, ironically, inspired the bill). Soon after, Newsom announced his plans to kick his governor’s seat to the curb at the end of his term, having just fought tooth and nail to skirt around his recall. And oddly, started acting “presidentsie” – even going so far to debate with an actual presidential candidate, Ron DeSantis. So interesting how this and other peculiar and many times appalling behaviors began to unfold following his many elbow-rubbing opportunities while working with PG&E and their cronies to ensure that this largest monopoly power in the United States remains in the most advantageous position all the way around, at all cost. As we see here, with his purchase of a second mansion for $9.1 million, on a public servant’s salary. And should anyone assume this comes from a right leaning bias, rest assured it does not. I’m a 50-year registered, voting Democrat. And even I recognize a well-illustrated case showing once again, any and everybody has their sell-out price.
“Newsom’s Office Crafted Law Protecting PG&E After Company’s Crimes Killed 84 People”
The ABC10 entire series on this is excellent – well worth checking out
I’m also not an apologist for the electrical utilities, but:
I haven’t seen the abc10 series, and I have no interest at this time of potentially wasting my time on it. I have seen the media in action concerning other utility issues where they functioned like click baiting, ambulance chasing, rabble rousing, misinformed clowns shaping public opinion about things they had neither clue nor care about the facts behind the story. Then when the next shiny “journalistic” object popped up they would drop the story like a hot iron and chase the the next thing to bloviate and blather about without the slightest curiosity about the facts.
I know the type of TV news story you are describing but this special report was not in that category. This was a deep investigative report by a reporter who took his time and did a great deal of research to expose all the tentacles of this story and tell the truth about the Camp Fire and PG&E. He also had the cojones to question Newsom toe-to-toe about his embrace of and startling PROTECTION of PG&E —- after which Newsom proceeded to try to single him out as someone other reporters in the gaggle should mock. Newsom the Bully —- no surprise there.
I found many chapters of this special report informative and helpful in understanding what went on. I thought it was very well put together and I had no reason to disbelieve what was being reported, although I am a skeptic, like you, of media, especially TV media.
But it’s fine with me if you are not interested in seeing it. Maybe other readers will be.
Katy pointed out that Newsom’s financial disclosure forms don’t mention the LLC or the gifts that he’s received which far exceed the $500 limit and there isn’t a peep from California’s Fair Political Practices Commission? Newsom has also been chronically delinquent with property taxes in both Marin and Sacramento counties? Newsom and the rest of the criminal Democrat mafia that controls this state don’t even try to pretend to obey the laws that they hold the rest of Californians to? They’re like a satanic cabal of evil reptilians?
You said it, TJ. And especially that these Dem creeps and criminals “don’t even TRY to pretend to obey the laws that they hold the rest of Californians to.”
fraud, rigged elections, tyranny, narcasism, theft. and you never hear about the shennaigans of the cali lt gov. why is that? newsome was corrupting cali long before he was gov.
From the Mayo Clinic’s page on Narcissistic Personality Disorder…
Symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder and how severe they are can vary. People with the disorder can:
Have an unreasonably high sense of self-importance and require constant, excessive admiration.
Feel that they deserve privileges and special treatment.
Expect to be recognized as superior even without achievements.
Make achievements and talents seem bigger than they are.
Be preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate.
Believe they are superior to others and can only spend time with or be understood by equally special people.
Be critical of and look down on people they feel are not important.
Expect special favors and expect other people to do what they want without questioning them.
Take advantage of others to get what they want.
Have an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others.
Be envious of others and believe others envy them.
Behave in an arrogant way, brag a lot and come across as conceited.
Insist on having the best of everything — for instance, the best car or office.
At the same time, people with narcissistic personality disorder have trouble handling anything they view as criticism. They can:
Become impatient or angry when they don’t receive special recognition or treatment.
Have major problems interacting with others and easily feel slighted.
React with rage or contempt and try to belittle other people to make themselves appear superior.
Have difficulty managing their emotions and behavior.
Experience major problems dealing with stress and adapting to change.
Withdraw from or avoid situations in which they might fail.
Feel depressed and moody because they fall short of perfection.
Have secret feelings of insecurity, shame, humiliation and fear of being exposed as a failure.
It never gets old.
He is, and his late dad was, very tight with the Getty family. As in, J. Paul Getty, the one-time richest man in the world. I’m guessing that is where the money came from.
I’m sure he’s learned a thing or two from Biden and Pelosi regarding China funding.
I appreciate the reply concerning the series. However, The media could have had a great story around 2010 when LA mayor Viaraigoso and his merry band of communists on the city council obliterated the budget and saw the Department of Water and Power as a cash cow to be milked for all it was worth. The upper management at DWP seemed to be unaware of their very own department except that they were paid to have titles and it was their personal autopilot empire that was being raided by the Kingdom of City Hall. The news organizations had no curiousity about the facts behind the debacle while politicians and the chattering class haven’t a clue that a utility needs money to operate. The news organizations weren’t concerned that City Hall was blowing the budget like a whole pacific fleet of drunken sailors on shore leave at the same time. Their schtick was at first that DWP management was obstructing proper and orderly management of the city. In the meantime, the news organizations chased part of the story but were more interested in a narrative than developing an investigation. So they did the easy thing by following DWP and contract crews around and limited themselves to covertly filming workers and ambush interviews of workers, then producing scathing rhetoric about it. It is true that DWP employees I was aware of at the time spent a whole career of screwing off. In line with this concept of not ruining a good thing local DWP coordinators only handed out 2 or 3 hours of work a day to the contractors, it is my understanding that contract crews removing aged lead sheath cables, replacing with modern bundled cable, and splicing such outproduced the DWP crews 2 to 1. On two to three hours a day. In the meantime, the gravy rarely comes around for contract electrical workers, and the attitude will be for most that you have to sop it up while it’s there. Where else do you get paid such good money to see feature length films, race mini cars on a track with your coworkers, or sample the endless varieties of international cuisine? It’s a once in a lifetime, very temporary gig. Every bit of this is the result of decades of collosal DWP mismanagement from top to bottom, but the press wasn’t interested in why all this was. They were only interested in the narrative that crews working on DWP property were bankrupting the city.
And the consumers of their lazy and sloppy non efforts bought the story.
You’re right, and you seem to have good and solid —- seemingly “insider” —- information about the corrupt LADWP. The same kind of story can be probably be told about every govt and quasi-govt agency in the state of California, to the point that as a good friend once said to me, “it’s amazing that California functions at all,” (and now it almost doesn’t function at all). But it’s no secret that over decades the news situation has degraded so much that we can probably count on one hand the number of earnest honest reporters in this state who actually want, or are allowed, to dig deep and tell the public the truth about the many many MANY devastating problems that are killing California.
The L.A. Times —- who would have or should have reported the story you cite —- has been a useless rag for as long as I can remember, and the local broadcast news — except for recently, radio, but in a different way than straight reporting —- has been worse. Why and how this has happened needs another discussion for another time. Some of it does seem to be improving, but not enough to restore confidence or make much of a difference. But that is why this outlet, CA Globe, Editor Katy Grimes, Evan Symon, and the many fine contributors who write here have become so valuable to so many of us. And the CA Globe has made a difference in how well people are informed about so many of these important CA issues, if you ask me.
The link between the Gruesomes and PG&E is well known. First Partner has produced many a ‘puff piece’ for PG&E so it is understandable why a) he wouldn’t crack down hard on his wife’s employer; and b) the more time she spends in the studio gives Gov. Unelectable to Higher Office time to get grabby with his staff. CARB banning internal combustion engines (ICE) just pads PG&E’s profit margin while bringing an already overburdened electrical grid to it’s knees. What good is having a fully charged EV to commute to a job where a rolling black out has left you without power? Exactly. This clown can”t term out soon enough.
How does one purchase a 9.1 million dollar home on a public servant’s salary? Good question. Maybe it is time the Feds send in a few forensic accountants to find out.
Why is it that politicians on both sides of the isle, of modest means become inexplicably wealthy in an icredibly short period of time after being elected to congress? I believe Obama was next to being stone cold broke as a community organizer, but after becoming a politician he owns mansions on the beach in hawaii and marthas vineyard, a mansion in washington dc, and something in a palm desert or rancho mirage gated community in california. Have a look at who he hobnobs with and what he’s married into.
well researched article
It wasn’t $23 million that was unaccounted for in his grand scheme to end homelessness, it was $24 BILLION!!!
Don’t forget this $h!tbird’s misrepresentation of his accomplishments in wildfire prevention. In fact he disinvested in wildfire prevention. An investigation from CapRadio and NPR’s California Newsroom has found that $h!tbird overstated, by an astounding 690%, the number of acres treated with fuel breaks and prescribed burns in the very forestry projects he said needed to be prioritized. According to $h!tbird, the devastating fires occurring on his watch were the result of climate change. (https://www.capradio.org/articles/2021/06/23/newsom-misled-the-public-about-wildfire-prevention-efforts-ahead-of-worst-fire-season-on-record/) Mark Twain would have needed a reservoir of ink to write about this lying piece of excrement.
How you ask. He gave China 1 Billion for PPE during Covid and got a kickback while the Legislature was home because of Covid.
Showandtell, This is not a defense of PG&E, I think it’s a weird company with some bizarre construction practices and all but one of PG&E employees I have had contact with over the years were unmitigated assholes.
I checked the link. I didn’t immediately see anything concerning a documentary, but there was an article. To me, it was a long harangue that can be summed up by a single sentence, “PG&E murdered a lot of people.” There was no information that was otherwise useful to me. But I checked around, and amid all the hysterical, practically high cap internet accusations of PG&E being guilty of murder I found a few clues concerning locations, hardware and line voltage. The first part of the fire originated near a hydro generation facility. I managed via street view to find what appeared to be an older lattice construction power line. I believe it’s very rare for a transmission line to be the origin of a fire. There was a mention of a broken “C” hook. I have no Idea what that would be on PG&E territory, but I’m guessing it’s an open oval I have seen in older SCE and maybe Calectric / Southern Sierra Power Company construction. It was used for dead end and suspension insulators. There was a reported burn mark on the tower where evidently the conductor contacted the tower, possibly pushed there by the wind – if not for the wind the conductor might have suspended in the clear with no tower contact or not have failed at the time it did. Broken insulators are easy to see on line patrol, but some hardware defects might be hard to see even with binoculars. There was also a report of bullet holes, which I believe are the results of a never ending, decades long parade of people getting out of town and shooting insulators. Was the primary cause of structure failure due to lack of maintenance or vandalism, either one exacerbated by the wind? I believe that transmission circuits are set to relay very quickly. Under the circumstances of high wind foliage removed far beyond what GO95 calls for might not have mattered, in some cases it only takes a couple of sparks. PG&E might have been able beat the rap, but when you have lawyers, “experts” who are paid to bring forth a previously prescribed opinion or ignorant of how things work combined with the statewide torch and pitchfork horde howling for blood it might be easier to just take the beating. To me, I believe it would revolve around if the company knew, how long it knew and how long a reasonable response would have taken as well as line clearance for foliage. You’re not going to stop insulator shooters, they might be delayed by changing out porcelain insulators for modern
(silicone?) insulators. I think those tend to be more resistant to bullet damage, but those can fail too. The second part of the fire was started in the vicinity of concow and rim roads. This involved a single phase distribution line possibly 21kv. I didn’t immediately find much information but from street view I saw a couple equal size objects midspan which seem a little large to be splices but might be. They appear to be long spans, but the conductors are far enough apart to not be blown into each other. I haven’t a guess what happened here outside of deteriorated wood structures failing. Again, the GO95 rules concerning line clearance might not have made a difference.
“ Doubled the drug-addicted vagrant “homeless” population living on California’s streets while spending $24Million on them”
Isn’t the correct amount $24 BILLION, not $24 million? A billion is 1,000 million. My understanding is that billions have been spent on homelessness with the problem only growing!
The numbers don’t line up! I guess we know where the high speed rail money, 23 billion and the 23million homeless money went huh!!! I don’t believe he won that last recall either. Hell, more people voted for him on the recall then they did when he was originally voted in, now he can afford a 5+ million home and a 9.1million on a 203k year salary??? No ones rigging anything, its all fake new, nothing to see here, just go back to your TV and paying for illegals with your grandparents Social security money.
As for that recall… Someone commented to Newsom about the massive number of people who were going to vote him out. His reply was something like “we got that covered.”
This house Screams CORRUPTION as loud as if this mansion had CORRUPTION in 40 foot high illuminated letters on the roof. Apparently he thinks he is untouchable by the law. NOT!
Dear Katy,
I found your 11-19-2024 article to be very interesting about Governor Newsom. If you understood God’s word in the Bible, you would know we live in perilous times dealing with perilous men. Gavin Newsom is one of many our Creator God is warning His children about. Our Father in heaven has not given us the spirit of fear, but the power, love, and a sound mind. The great majority of people in California and the United States have no idea why they were created, what their purpose in life is, and where they go when they die. There lack of God’s knowledge allows people like Newsom to prosper and control their lives, and all that most do is complain! People like Newsom are of their father the devil, a liar, murderer, and a destroyer. You can see the evidence of his deeds by his beliefs and policies. If a human is ungodly, unholy, immoral, corrupt, and lawless, what would you expect his behavior to look like? I would say look at the way Californians behave, they are also of their father the devil.
In Genesis 6:5, The LORD saw that the wickedness of men was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of the heart was only evil continually. In about 120 years later, God killed all living life on the earth except Noah and his family. We are in the same wicked and evil situation as Noah was before the flood. The
Bible warns us God is going to remove all sin, wickedness, and evil from this world, but we know not when.
Jesus will return to establish God’s Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. All unrepentant sinners will spend
eternity in hell. Romans 1:18, For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and
unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness. 1 John 2:15-17, Do not love the world
or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the
the world- the lust of the flesh- the lust of the eyes- the pride of life- is not of the Father but is of the world.
And the world is passing away, and the lust of it, but he who does the will of God abides forever. I hear very
little word of God coming out of the people of California! You have to ask yourself why? God says that His
children are perishing from the lack of knowledge. The Bible says in Romans 8, that the creation will be freed
from the bondage of corruption of sin into the glorious liberty of the children of God. Fires, floods, crime,
disease, and death are a result of the sin of all humanity. I bet less than 6% of people in California, The
United States, and the world know that fact. If God wanted to destroy the entire state of California He
could, but why? For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in
Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn
the world but that the world through Him might be saved. All the answers to our problems are in the
Bible, God’s word! The devil uses through wicked and evil people mans doctrines, philosophies, and
traditions to say God does not exist! We are paying the price, the LA fires is the latest example. Repent,
for the Kingdom of God is at hand. In the end of this age we will all bow and confess Jesus Christ is our
Lord and Savior, then the eternal judgement.
In Christ Jesus,
Dick Knoefel
West Linn, OR. 97068
I sent my letter for the folks at the California Globe to ponder Gavin Newsom and California’s problems from God’s perspective, not from the humanistic worldly view witch causes the problems. It was never my intention to have the letter printed in the comment section even though it would helpful for all the lost children of God that live in California. As a disciple and follower of Jesus Christ I am commanded to proclaim and defend the word of God no
matter what the situation.
Dick Knoefel,
West Linn, Or. 97068
As a hebrew fluent REAL Bible Scholar YOU should actually READ THE BIBLE…..Then you would find out this…..so GOOGLE……..GOD 2,476,633.
YOU need to discover this your own self.
THIS is AWESOME! This was the BEST article I have read in I don’t know when about that piece of garbage. You KNOW he partook in a healthy manner of that $24 Billion intended for the homeless issue. People tried to tell me they were all homeless from another state until local data and a survey from (I forget the foundation) was published. And it said, in part,
“The survey found 90% of participants were from California (meaning they lived in California when they became homeless) and 75% lived in the same county where they were last housed. And 66% were born in California, while 87% were born in the United States.”
That man sure does like to talk about the moral compass of Donald Trump or anybody else while he messes around on his wife with his best friend’s wife and let’s not forget he released 7,000 child s^x offenders into the public and then fixed it so that people checking the registry couldn’t tell exactly how many he turned loose. The fact that not everyone voted for that absolute waste of space is the only thing that keepsd me from saying Cali got what it voted for. Of course, I have heard that the areas seeing the most damage are the big stars’ houses. So maybe the ones who voted for him are getting what they should. I would like to find families that need help there and send money to them, though.
Anyone with a set of working brains, will be smart enough to know the difference between truth and propaganda….. the list is absolutely absurd. You are all high if ya believe any of those accusations! Lol hilarious, maybe it’s satire? Besides, who cares? Not like we’re ever gonna be united N work together, so seriously….. who really cares??? NO ONE IN THE END. California doesn’t care anymore.