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Covid-19 Vaccine. (Photo: Rido/Shutterstock)

Pfizer COVID Campaign Contributions: $162,400 to California Legislators 2021-22

‘This is an investment’ – while Californians were locked down and facing mandatory COVID vaccines

By Katy Grimes, January 16, 2024 2:55 am

In 2021-2022, a two-year period, Pfizer gave more than $8.5 million to elected members of all of State Legislatures throughout the country.

The Pfizer 2021-2022 campaign also gave $162,400 to California Lawmakers for what? To push the COVID vaccine… or at least not stand in the way of those who would support vaccine mandates? Is that why California’s Legislature sat idly by, save a few lone voices, while Gov. Gavin Newsom locked down a state of 40 million mostly healthy people?

Pfizer gave $133,000 to many California Assembly members, and $29,400 to many California State Senators.

“This is an investment,” a physician told the Globe Monday. He said that even as Congress had dramatically limited the “favors” doctors can accept from drug companies so doctors aren’t “swayable,” such as receiving “Lakers tickets and fishing trips,” doctors are limited to a $50 dinner per 30 days. So how is it that drug companies can so entice lawmakers with money contributions, and then say that lawmakers are not influenced?”

The physician and I discussed California’s stringent and mandatory vaccine laws, “because of the relationships” between lawmakers and drug companies. “It’s ungodly,” the physician said. The physician and I first met during the legislative hearings spurred by State Sen. Richard Pan (D-Sacramento) who is a public health doctor, who authored several bills making more childhood vaccines mandatory before children are allowed to attend public school. Sen. Pan did away with medical exemptions in another bill, after assuring doubters he would never remove medical exemptions. Families with vaccine-injured children no longer receive a vaccine exemption in California for their other school-aged children.

So who of the elected California politicians accepted Pfizer’s political contributions, even in the middle of the COVID pandemic, while Californians were locked down in their homes, while their children were locked out of school, while businesses were locked down (except big box stores, sex clubs and marijuana dispensaries), while Gov. Gavin Newsom babbled on his daily press conferences about colored-coded tiers of lockdowns and how many Californians tested positive for COVID…

Remember, in 2020, COVID-19 vaccine maker Pfizer Inc. gave $250,000 to Newsom “to a nonprofit providing trailers to house families in need of shelter during the pandemic,” the Los Angeles Times reported. “State records reviewed by The Times show that so-called ‘behested payments’ surged in 2020 compared with the year prior, when companies gifted $12.1 million on Newsom’s behalf. The governor’s haul last year during the COVID-19 pandemic was six times as much as that reported by former Gov. Jerry Brown during his final eight years in office combined.”

What is also interesting, is which Assembly and Senate lawmakers already had campaign accounts opened for other offices in 2021-2022, and accepted Pfizer contributions – as Californians were locked out of businesses, schools, public parks and beaches, and forced to wear masks and take the vaccines:

California SENATE:

Senate President pro Tem Toni Atkins (D) received $2,000 from Pfizer for her Lieutenant Governor campaign.

Sen. Bill Dodd (D) received $3,000 for his Lieutenant Governor campaign.

Sen. Steve Glazer (D) received $1,500 for his Lieutenant Governor campaign.

Attorney General Rob Bonta (D) received $5,000 from Pfizer.

State Treasurer Fiona Ma (D) received $1,600 from Pfizer.

Sen. Bob Hertzberg received (D) $1,500 for his State Controller campaign.

Sen. Anthony Portantino (D) received $3,500 from Pfizer for his State Superintendent of Instruction campaign.

In the State Senate, these lawmakers received campaign contributions from Pfizer, while California was locked down:

Sen. Angelique Ashby (D): $1,500

Sen. Josh Becker (D): $3,500

Sen. Anna Caballero (D): $2,000

Sen. Melissa Hurtado (D): $1,400

Sen. Brian Jones (R): $1,500

Sen. John Laird (D): $1,500

Sen. Monique Limon (D): $3,500

Sen. Dave Min (D): $1,500

Sen. Josh Newman (D): $1,500

Sen. Janet Nguyễn (R): $1,000

Sen. Roger Niello (R): $1,000

Sen. Rosilicie Ochoa Bough (R): $1,500

Sen. Susan Rubio (D): $5,000

Sen. Scott Wiener (D): $1,500

Candidate Lili Mei (D): $1,500

California Senate TOTAL: $29,400

Pfizer campaign contributions to members of the California Assembly:

Assemblywoman Cecilia Aguiar-Curry (D): $4,300

Assm. Joaquin Arambula (D): $4,500

Assm. Jasmeet Bains (D): $1,300

Assm. Marc Berman (D): $1,500

Assm. Frank Bigelow (R): $1,500

Assm. Tacha Boerner Horvath (D): $3,000

Assm. Mia Bonta (D): $5,500

Assm. Autumn Burke (D): $2,000

Assm. Lisa Calderon (D): $3,000

Assm. Wendy Carillo (D): $3,500

Assm. Jim Cooper (D): $2,000

Assm. Jordan Cunningham (R): $1,500

Assm. Tom Daly (D): $4,000

Assm. Laurie Davies (R): $1,000

Assm. Health Flora (R): $3,500

Assm. Vince Fong (R): $3,500

Assm. James Gallagher (R): $1,500

Assm. Mike Gipson (D): $3,000

Assm. Lorena Gonzalez (D): $3,000

Assm. Timothy Grayson (D): $3,000

Assm. Gregg Hart (D): $1,000

Assm. Chris Holden (D): $1,500

Assm. Jacqui Irwin (D): $4,300

Assm. Marc Levin (D): $1,500

Assm. Evan Low (D): $4,300

Assm. Brian Maienschein (R-D): $3,000

Assm. Chad Mayes (I): $2,000

Assm. Jose Medina (D): $1,500

Assm. Kevin Mullin (D): $1,500

Assm. Adrian Nazarian (D): $2,000

Assm. Patrick O’Donnell (D): $1,500

Assm. Diane Papan (D): $1,500

Assm. Cottie Petrie-Norris (D): $4,000

Assm. Sharon Quirk-Silva (D): $1,500

Assm. James Ramos (D): $3,000

Assm. Eloise Gomez Reyes (D): $3,000

Assm. Robert Rivas (D): $3,000

Assm. Freddie Rodriguez (D): $3,500

Assm. Blanca Rubio (D): $5,000

Assm. Rudy Salas (D): $2,000

Assm. Miguel Santiago (D): $3,500

Assm. Esmerelda Soria (D): $1,000

Assm. Phil Ting (D): $1,500

Assm. Avelino Valencia (D): $1,000

Assm. Suzette Martinez Valladares (R): $3,000

Assm. Carlos Villadudua (D): $3,500

Assm. Marie Waldron (R): $3,000

Assm. Chris Ward (D): $3,000

Assm. Akilah Weber (D): $3,800

Candidate Eric Guerra (D): $1,000

Candidate Teresa Keng (D): $1,000

*San José Mayor Cindy Chavez (D): $500

TOTAL: $133,000 

Also interesting is the Pfizer Leadership PAC’s, Trade Associations and Party Committees’ California contributions:

Notable are the large Pfizer contributions to the California Democratic Party of $65,000, the California Republican Party $15,000, and the gargantuan political contribution to the Conference of Western Attorneys General of $925,000 – nearly $1 million.

“The Conference of Western Attorneys General (CWAG) is a bipartisan group, originally of Western states, now including a majority of U.S. states and several other countries,” their website says. Here is the list of members.

Here is a listing of the Pfizer Leadership PACs, Trade Associations and Party Committees’ California contributions:

Also notable are the Pfizer political contributions to Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R) for $10,000 and Rep. Ken Calvert (R), also for $10,000. Speaker Nancy Pelosi received only $5,000.

Pfizer wasn’t alone in their political contributions to politicians.The total political contributions from health professionals’ political PAC’s is nearly $22 million in 2021-2022.

While that may seem like a monumental amount of money, Pfizer stock is dropping:

“shares of the healthcare titan dropped to their lowest level since before the Covid-19 pandemic, the latest dubious milestone for the battered stock that has failed to convert its vaccine boom into long-term sales growth,” Forbes reported. In December, Pfizer said it expected 2024 revenue to come in between $58.5 billion and $61.5 billion.

Pfizer is not alone, according to Forbes:

“Shares of Moderna are down roughly 85% from their 2021 high and shares of Johnson & Johnson are down about 15% from their 2022 peak.”

According to Open Secrets,The total political contributions from health professionals’ political PAC’s is nearly $22 million in 2021-2022.

As our physician friend said, “This is an investment.” And now we know what Pfizer was investing in.

Pfizer annual political contributions 2021-2022. (Photo: Pfizer, inc.)
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13 thoughts on “Pfizer COVID Campaign Contributions: $162,400 to California Legislators 2021-22

  1. The memory of what was done to Californians for a solid three years (and it hasn’t ended) is not getting rosier in hindsight, with time, it is getting worse. That is, if my reaction and state of mind about this nightmare is typical. Take a moment and let the memory of the psychological torture and freedom-stripping of the lockdowns and mask mandates and vaxx mandates (real and threatened) and school closures and economic devastation and small business culling, dead and injured loved ones and acquaintances (from the vaxx), etc., fully sink in. There is a reckoning afoot, and it isn’t going away. We’re not “moving on,” or “letting bygones be bygones.” One way or another, this outrage will be addressed.

    Now we see in black and white which legislators received contributions from Pfizer (and presumably other health PACS) during this terrible time. Sorry, but there is NO WAY these legislators were not influenced —- to be either passive or active participants that kept our collective nightmare going, which never seemed to end, and actually still has not.
    Both Katy Grimes and recently, Thomas Buckley, have painted an actual picture of what this looks like and what it means. For example, Katy Grimes’ description of the parking lot next to the Capitol jam-packed with very expensive luxury cars (belonging to the lobbyists) is something that has stuck in my head. Thomas Buckley’s description of cocktail parties and sticky drink glasses, casual chatting and large checks being pressed into legislators’ palms by “lobbyists” such as Pfizer is a mental image that will stay with me, too.

    The practice doesn’t look so innocent and run-of-the-mill and routine and a “necessary evil” when illustrated that way, does it? Looks more like a payoff or, as Katy Grimes’ physician source above euphemistically but ominously said, “an investment,” doesn’t it? And the memory and now, the fallout, of what Californians (and others, all over the world) unnecessarily went through because of this betrayal won’t be easily brushed aside or forgotten, will it?

    1. Pfizer made billions of dollars in profits selling their faux vaccine to millions of suckers terrified of the fauxdemic. From a strictly business perspective the paltry millions in campaign contributions they spent bribing politicians was like buying a plot of dirt in the desert, digging down a few feet and finding nothing but diamonds and emeralds.

      And now the newspapers are full of frightening stories about Covid spreading again, filling hospitals and people dying left and right. And it’s all complete bullshit – again.

      1. It’s true, Fed Up. Meanwhile let’s not forget the vaccine manufacturers had —- and I presume still have —- total immunity from legal liability.
        I’ve noticed that too about the renewed scare stories —- doubling down instead of the mea culpas (at least) we should be hearing —- are how these people operate. That we should still be hearing “Covid” and “wear your mask” AT ALL now is beyond insane.

  2. It’s unsettlingly but not surprising that most Democrats and a few RINOs were easily bought off by Pfizer and Moderna to push their experimental mRNA shots which have now been proven to have negative effects in many cases and even be deadly in others? The mainstream propaganda media would never touch this story and we’re lucky to have Katy Grimes and California Globe exposing the money trail of corruption.

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