Roseville High School Drag Queen Event invite. (Photo: Parents, with permission)
Roseville High School Parents Aghast at ‘Church’ Group Drag Queen Event
‘Sexual exploitation is sexual exploitation’
By Katy Grimes, March 1, 2023 3:41 pm
It’s not unusual for public schools to allow non-school meetings and activities on campus; Girl and Boy Scout meetings, church group meetings, musical events, sporting and athletic events — all kinds of community meetings.
But when a “church” group applying for a permit to use Roseville High School for an upcoming meeting turned out to be a Drag Show, parents weren’t happy. At all.
Making the sketchy situation worse, the drag show organizers solicited kids to dance at the event and collect cash “tips.”
Parents say this is sexual exploitation, and a violation of California law.

A group of Roseville High parents contacted the Globe and said “The Landing Spot,” the group claiming to be a church group, applied for a permit to use the school for an upcoming “Church Fundraiser” during a week when school was out. Then the group sent out a Google permission form to students asking the students’ age, including a parental signature for the event.
“It looked a lot like a form from the school,” one parent said. And because the event was at the school, it initially fooled some parents. “It looked school-sanctioned.”
But it also said on the form, “Bring $1 dollar bills to tip your favorite dancer,” and “come in drag.”
“These are minors!” another parent said.
Who exactly is The Landing Spot targeting?
The parents contacted the school board, which immediately went to the district superintendent exposing the group cloaked as a “church” event, and said that because of the direct appeal to the students, the group needs to be banned from the school grounds.
“This is adult entertainment,” a mom said. “These are kids. And they lied about being a church group having a church event.”
While most people do not care what adults do behind closed doors, there is no official Church of the Raging Drag Queen, so far as the Globe is aware. And if there is, no public school is obligated to offer its auditorium for events. More likely, a public school for children will refuse such an event.

Schools are required by law to keep all students safe from harm. There are health and safety protocols which must be met, under state and federal law. In fact, “The California Constitution guarantees California children the right to attend public schools that are safe, secure, and peaceful,” the California Department of Education states.
Notably, the parent said this “church” has a church facility and have done the last two drag show events at their own church facility, making this request to use the school particularly devious in the eyes of parents.
“The Landing Spot” Facebook page says it is a “support group for LGBTQ youth and their adult caregivers in Placer County.”
It turns out The Landing Spot is affiliated with Loomis Basin Congregational United Church of Christ (LBCUCC), “a progressive Christian church serving Placer County.”
“Our congregation is an open and affirming congregation,” Loomis Basin Congregational United Church of Christ says. “Open and Affirming is an official designation within the United Church of Christ applied to churches who have formalized their commitment to welcoming members of the LGBTQ+ community.”
However, on the Loomis Basin Congregational United Church of Christ website, The Landing Spot link states, “The Landing Spot is a non-religious support group for LGBTQIA+ youth and their parents in Placer County.”
So when the The Landing Spot applied for a permit to use Roseville High School for a “church” event, it did so deviously.

One parent immediately did some quick research and found The Landing Spot social media sites with the references to “cash tips,” and other dubious LGBTQ references inappropriate for children and teens.
The parent said The Landing Spot has since cleaned up their social media pages and website to remove the references to “cash tips” as well as removing the google form soliciting minors to perform in the drag show. “Fortunately, I have screen shots of all that,” a parent said.
Another parent said, “Imagine if your pastor planned to hold a fundraiser for the Teen Youth Group and solicited 14 year old girls to sing in a Burlesque show or 15 year old boys to dance in a ‘Magic Mike’ revue, the community would be up in arms in protest and law enforcement would be called. Why is that same care and concern not levied for our LGBTQ youth?”
Parents lauded the school board for its swift and decisive action with the superintendent. But where else is this happening? What if parents don’t catch the event flyer or aren’t as tuned-in to their schools?
Roseville parents say their kids were at risk of a “grooming” opportunity at the Drag Queen event held at the local high school.
A parent put it most succinctly: “At a minimum someone needs to report it to law enforcement. And it doesn’t have to be a mandated reporter from the district, but it should be now that they know. Just because these kids are LGBTQIA+ doesn’t mean they have different protections. Sexual exploitation is sexual exploitation.”
Since our first interview with the Roseville parents Tuesday February 28th, The Landing Spot announced on its Facebook page they have cancelled the Drag Show for this year.
Gays Against Groomers should be contacted about this and other attempts at youth sexual exploitation. Gays Against Groomers is a coalition of gays against the sexualization, indoctrination and medicalization of minors under the guise of “LGBTQIA+” and have chapters across the country. https://www.gaysagainstgroomers.com/chapters
What’s next? In London, drag queens are putting on a cabaret show that is targeted at “parents and their babies,” specifically ages 0-2. The show is as un-family-friendly as you can get, with men wearing thongs and bondage gear while spreading their legs open and hanging from the ceiling. The show, called Caba Baba Rave, claims to give parents the opportunity to experience a “big London night out” while still caring for their babies. Instead of choosing age-appropriate entertainment, they decided that nearly-naked men would be the best option. The Twitter account ‘Gays Against Groomers’ posted a video from one of these disturbing shows, saying, “The parents that take their children to events like this should lose custody of their children, and the companies and people that put them on should be locked up. Absolutely revolting.”
It was awesome to see the community band together to protect children from harm. Way to go Roseville!
That poster does not look Demonic at all does it?
Nah, not at all
First thought when I saw it, was Satan!
If it looks like evil, it is evil!
Awesome job by the caring parents in Roseville!
The hateful alphabet mafia needs to stop with their perverted grooming. There’s nothing loving about molesting innocent kids.
“the hateful alphabet mafia”
I’m stealing that one! (Not really, TJ, but it’s SO good.:) )
Which drag queen molested kids?
Can you show me ONE police report of a drag queen trying to have sex with children?
Just one example… if this is a legitimate problem. Drag queens aren’t grooming children for sex. This manufactured outrage is nothing more than social engineering, meant to advance the political power of ACTUAL evil people.
You all are being used as pawns for the far-right extremists (fascists) who are taking over the conservative movement. They are fooling you into demonizing your neighbors with baseless MASS PANIC tactics, as they silently nudge the entire GOP closer toward authoritarianism and genocide.
Stop letting a few unhinged politicians use innocent children as bait so they can normalize genocidal ideals.
This is perhaps one of the largest non-partisan issues Bigger Picture, as parents from all walks of life and political ideology are livid about this Drag Queen phenomenon which until fairly recently was only acceptable as adult entertainment . Drag queen dancing is burlesque at the very minimum, and usually highly sexualized. Why do adult males dressed as women want to perform for children, who in many cases are so young they still play in the sandbox and with dolls and Tonka trucks. It’s not “unhinged politicians using innocent children as bait so they can normalize ‘genocidal’ ideals,” which is Sen. Scott Wiener’s claim – it’s ghoulish leftists pushing this who are trying to normalize it. Why are drag queens now a topic for school kids? I’d be interested in your answer.
Not being aware is called ignorance. Being aware but unable to understand is called stupidity. Being aware but unwilling to understand is called bigotry. Which one is this?
Haven’t you guys figured out yet that name-calling doesn’t work on anyone except those who are most frightened by their own shadows? Especially when innocent children are being cornered and preyed upon by evil creeps who pretend to be victims who are only showing “love”?
So beauty pageants with toddlers on up in age is acceptable and not considered grooming but you think a drag show is? Double standard
Beauty pageants and gay drag shows that exploit kids attract sadistic pedophiles who prey on innocents. Get real Calista.
As long as you agree that they both can attract sadistic people and pedophiles, maybe we should focus on that issue. Tell me what beauty pageants are doing to stop these horrible people from attacking our community. I’m listening for your solution.
Adult men scantily dressed in g-stings and panties pretending to be women and performing sexual routines for youth in exchange for money is what “The Landing Spot” group from the Loomis Basin Congregational United Church of Christ wanted to do at Roseville High School. You won’t find anything like that toddler beauty pageants. I’m listening to as to why you think the two events are similar.
“support group for LGBTQ youth and their adult caregivers in Placer County.” Once again the queer agenda to destroy the traditional family is exposed. Glad to see this perverted side show was shut down.
Sorry Calista and HM your positions do not hold water, Take your support group and SOLICIT persons of like mind who are wise enough to make their own decisions as ADULTS!!!
It wouldn’t surprise me if “The Landing Spot” IS in fact affiliated with the United Church of Christ or even another church, given the level of leftist infiltration into Christian churches we’ve seen in the past many years. This is just what was predicted years ago when ‘nicey-nice’ Christians with no real understanding of their religion thought their most important role in life was to be ‘tolerant’ of this nonsense. A convenient twisting of “hate the sin, not the sinner.” Also I seem to recall an Obama connection with United Church of Christ; am I wrong? If so we know they are Marxist to the Max.
In addition, there are so many clues on these posters and notifications! One that popped out at me, besides the really obvious stuff, was #werehere. The rest of that commonly-used LGBTQIA+ slogan is, “We’re here, we’re queer, get used to it!” Not exactly an uplifting religious homily or wholesome school motto!
These out-of-control drag queens, constantly pushed and protected by our own Sen Scott Wiener, by the way, are not just dressing up for fun or entertainment (as you know) but are looking to normalize the next step —- P for Pedophilia — in the radical LGBT alphabet soup identifier. THIS MUST STOP before untold numbers of children are harmed and/or traumatized, and without consequences of any kind for the predators.
The Loomis Basin Congregational United Church of Christ (https://www.loomisucc.org/) looks like a Marxist front group. There’s nothing Christian about them.
The United Church of Christ (UCC) is a shrinking Christian denomination of under a milllion members mainly active in the USA and one of the most liberal. Obama attended Trinity UCC in Chicago for twenty years between 1988 and 2008. Trinity was an “Afrocentric” church based on social justice where Jeremiah Wright Jr. served as pastor there until 2008. Wright was a radical leftist who preached anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, advocated bizarre pseudo-scientific racial ideas, opposed interracial marriage, praised communist dictatorships, and denounced black assimilation. UCC is a Marxist front group!
Thank you Mario for that valuable background information about UCC in general and Loomis UCC in particular. Oh yeah, Jeremiah Wright, Jr.! It’s all coming back to me. “The chickens are coming home to roost!” Hostile and aggressive. Hard left/Marxist.
It is a fact that these groups constitute a fraction of one percent of the population. Yet we are supposed to buy into the notion that their particular lifestyles are the most pervasive issues facing our society. It’s utter hogwash. If you listen to them they will tell you that they are threatened by hordes of MAGA hat, Swastika flag waving Nazi lynching parties roaming the streets looking to hang trans people. No. It is specifically designed to be divisive and destructive. Period.
Couldn’t agree MORE, Fed Up. So well said
It wouldn’t surprise me if this drag queen group IS in fact affiliated with United Church of Christ, given the level of infiltration of these groups in church we’ve seen in the past several years. When ‘nicey-nice’ Christians who have little understanding of their religion think their main role in life is to be ‘tolerant,’ what do we think will happen?
There are so many clues of radicalism in these posters and notifications? One that popped out for me, aside from the obvious ones, was #werehere. The rest of the slogan for the LGBTQIA+ activists is “We’re here, we’re queer, get used to it!” Not exactly an uplifting religious homily or wholesome school motto.
The goal of the radical Drag Queens — which by the way our own Sen Scott Wiener constantly pushes — is to normalize the next step —- P for Pedophilia — in the LGBT+ alphabet soup identifier.
THIS MUST STOP before untold numbers of children are harmed and/or traumatized without consequences of any kind for this predatory group.
Precisely! These groups have managed to peacefully coexist for quite some time by keeping their activities to specific venues and demographics that support their lifestyles. Everyone knows they’re there and what they’re doing, and for the most part leaves them alone. But now they want to ram their perverse agenda down everyone’s throats. (Yes Senator Wiener, that was an intentional pun.) Drag Queen Story Hour in elementary schools should be a crime.
If the group “The Landing Spot” that claims to be a church group had applied for a permit to use for a drag queen show for kids at one of Sacramento’s public schools, no doubt the permit would be approved immediately with no restrictions by school administrators? Democrat Mayor Steinberg and the radical leftist Democrats on the Sacramento City Council like Katie Valenzuela would probably encourage the event and even attend it? The Democrat party supports aborting babies, the sexual grooming of children, and mutilating transexual surgery for youth. They’re truly demonic?
The article mentioned that “The Landing Spot” group is affiliated with the Loomis Basin Congregational United Church of Christ (LBCUCC). They have a website (https://www.loomisucc.org/) that indicates it’s located at 6440 King Rd in Loomis in a large building that looks like a church according to Google maps. Why couldn’t they have their drag queen event there? It seems that the pedo perverts at this “church” instead wanted to have their drag queen event at a public school where they could groom and molest vulnerable youth?
Great question, Mario. Why, they could host Drag Queen events around the clock on their own turf if they did THAT. (God forbid.)
I keep noticing the letters “PC” after “The Landing Spot” URL. What the heck does “PC” stand for? “Pedophile Cohort”?
Oh yes, it’s all a part of the “Let’s Build a Hell on Earth in California” Dem/Marxist agenda.
Y’all, I just have to thank everyone here for how much attention and support this has given to the landing spot and the transgender community. SO much support has come flooding in since this article came out. We are so thankful for this! Please keep the comments coming in!