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"California's Housing Future 2040." (Photo: hcd.ca.gov)

Senator Wiener Still Pushing Debunked ‘Trump’s Project 2025’

Wiener claims it is a ‘disaster for public transit, housing, affordability in America’

By Katy Grimes, January 30, 2025 3:20 am

California State Senator Scott Wiener is batting a thousand this week in shameless, ridiculous political practices and policies.

Scott Wiener
Senator Scott Wiener. (Photo: Kevin Sanders for California Globe)

As the Globe reported Monday, Senator Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) proclaimed that “The fossil fuel industry is fueling climate change,” and then announced a new bill to force the oil and gas industry to pay for all disasters in the state. Senate Bill 222, “the Affordable Insurance and Climate Recovery Act,” which “will ensure that the fossil fuel industry and those harmed by climate change disasters,” will pay for the damages he says.

As if that wasn’t outrageous enough, hiding in his bill is a Minority Report type of thought crime – punishment for speaking “misinformation or disinformation” about “the connection between its fossil fuel products and climate change and extreme weather or other events attributable to climate change.”

Senator Wiener is back again lamenting President Trump’s plans – and fundraising on them:

“Donald Trump’s Project 2025 agenda is a disaster for public transit, housing, and the future of affordability in America.”

…Except that Donald Trump disavowed “Project 2025” throughout his campaign, despite the legacy media continuing to print that it is his. It was organized and promoted by the Heritage Foundation, and not by the Trump campaign.

“He has plans to eliminate federal support for transit, dismantle fair housing requirements, and oppose zoning reforms that legalize the construction of much-needed apartments,” Wiener says.

We can only hope the President Trump has plans to eliminate federal support for transit. A state and local issue, transit should be funded by the state and local governments.

As for Wiener’s “fair housing requirements,” this is his attempt to turn every city in California into another rSan Francisco with multi-housing zoning in single-family neighborhoods.

“In California we are facing the worst housing shortage in the country – we need to build millions of new homes. Trump’s tariffs will make construction more expensive and his deportation policies will crater the workforce. This will tank housing efforts and make the crisis even worse,” Wiener says.

Why is the US importing anything needed to build new homes? And if we are, tariffs are appropriate to instead stimulate products made in the USA.

“In the legislature, my Democratic colleagues and I have made lowering the cost of living for Californians a top priority,” Wiener says.

No Democrats have not prioritized lowering the cost of living – every bill passed by Democrats is an increase in spending, an increase of taxes and fees, increased regulations, more permitting and/or expansion of government.

“We’ve worked to pass legislation to fast-track housing approvals to create more affordable options and invest in sustainable transportation projects. Together, we’re moving California toward a future of affordability and equality,” Wiener says.

Sen. Wiener’s version of “fast-tracking housing approvals” and creating “more affordable options” is mass building apartments, rather than more single-family homes, near his “sustainable transportation projects.”

I don’t know anyone who wants to live in an apartment high rise next to a light rail station. But that is Senator Scott Wiener’s vision for California. Most people dream of a family home with a yard, near a park.

This is really just Sen. Wiener’s fear-mongering fundraising scheme. However, his vision for California is something everyone should fear.

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16 thoughts on “Senator Wiener Still Pushing Debunked ‘Trump’s Project 2025’

  1. Some city mice can find inspiration by staring at a food container, such as a hamburger box and think… with Paisley wallpaper I could live in that.
    Well, good for them…

    1. 😂well I prefer a floral.
      True, they have worked to create housing scarcity just as they have done with water.
      People without good options will choose the box.

      1. As a child, one of our family kitchen walls was covered with brightly colored wallpaper depicting roosters & hens, on a floral landscape.
        I doubt too many Senators in this state would tolerate that gender exclusive motif 🙂

  2. Dem politicians like Scott Wiener who obnoxiously continue to push used-up stuff such as the completely discredited Trump so-called “Project 2025” expose themselves as desperate and panicky for survival while they engage in a last blast of the usual bratty Dem boilerplate. The next step is that they will be ruthlessly tossed out of the public square as completely irrelevant.

  3. The picture posted along with this article is part of Silicon Valley outside of San Jose, Ca.
    Every city in the SF Bay area is full of the stack and pack housing. The charm of most cities is gone! These stack and packs are stark and cold and remind me of prisons from the 70’s.
    They are cheap to build and honestly not a place most people would be proud to call home. It is transient housing not a place you want to put roots down.
    Where does one go to own an affordable home in the bay area? They don’t, they go to Texas, Idaho, Utah or Arizona…

    Weiner’s solutions are false, fake and phony. His “solution” is part of the UN Agenda 21, Agenda 2030 and the upcoming UN Agenda 2050, pushed by the WEF headed by Klaus Schwab.
    The WEF see people as property that consume, pollute and take up space.
    “ You will own nothing and be happy!” Translation: we the elite will own everything and you will own nothing and be happy you are still here until we think you should not!” People have been reduced to a commodity.
    This is not sound, thoughtful, humane policy. I find it void of what makes us human. It does nothing to address the homeless issue. One needs to ask you profits from these agendas?

  4. Remember back in 2008 when then candidate Obama stated that he wanted to fundamentally transform America? The California housing crisis is an ongoing legacy to that statement because democrats favorite play is to introduce policies that never solves anything and only makes problems bigger. This involves local cities, non-profit groups, building trade groups, county agencies, state agencies and the federal government. Each city has been mandated by the state to build a certain percentage of new low-income housing. Local low-income housing developers (local non-profits Public Housing Authorities PHA’s, many times the PHA controls the non-profit as HUD has encouraged them to do) develops a high-density housing project for their community. A company like TPC out of Eagle Idaho (one of the nation’s largest low-income housing builders) develops the plans and the project plan is submitted to the Department of Housing and Community Development for approval and for 50-year tax credit funding on the project. (There are associated building costs paid out at each step of the way). Once approved the PHA loans the non-profit excess HUD voucher money that was not distributed to folks that have signed up to participate in the voucher program. Since the 1970’s local PHA’s do not have the ability to purchase property. Once HCD approves the plans and the local city building department approves the final plans. The builder (in many cases TPC) starts construction and has the various trades build the project. Once the project is completed the builder remains as the managing partner, the local non-profit or it can be delegated to a PHA can be the operating partner tasked with the day-to-day operations. Just as non-profits have been an important part of the illegal crisis, non-profits are important to this crisis as well and it is the excess of money pumped into the system that breeds corruption throughout. I am not talking about the 8-5 folks that are working to support their families. I am talking about developers that provide kickbacks to politicians in order to gain favor and power.

  5. If you could condense all evil, stupidity, mindlessness, perversion and lies in the Democrat party into one person you would have Weiner. The Globe could make a full time project of covering the antics of this SF creep.

  6. As Katy Grimes has previously pointed out, Democrat Senator Scott Wiener is a calculating ingrate with shameless, ridiculous political practices and policies. He’s a Harvard trained lawyer with ZERO ethics who hides behind a Jewish identity and the alphabet rainbow mafia while pushing the deep-state WEF globalist agenda.

  7. Again, I ask, how are there enough people that think as he does to keep voting him in? It’s just a confounding mystery to me.

    1. There are a LOT of radical leftist and brainwashed liberals who live in the SF Bay Area who will vote a Democrat no matter who it is? Unlike Aaron Peskin and Dean Preston, two liberal Jewish Democrats who were voted off the SF Board of Supervisors because of their anti-Zionist and pro-Hamas comments, Scott Wiener has made comments that generally support Israel so many liberal SF Bay Area Jewish voters continue to support him? Rampant Democrat voter fraud is also a factor?

  8. I don’t even think that Democrats still believe the absurd “Project 2025” nonsense. Wiener and the other totalitarian Commies in California are there because the folks in the Golden State WANT THEM THERE. Just wall-off the eastern border of California and leave them to their own devices. Oh, and they can foot their own bill, too.

  9. “Donald Trump’s Project 2025 (non-existent) agenda is a disaster for (centralized) public transit (including electric vehicles that can be de-powered by shutting down the electric grid) , (centralized/planned stack-n’pack) housing, and the future of affordability (“Bidenomics” (FAILURE)) in America.”

    In addition to being a complete nutcase, Weiner is a NAMBLA degenerate….

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