Home>Articles>Under New California Bill, Parents Would be Charged With ‘Child Abuse’ for not Affirming Transgenderism

Assemblywoman Lori Wilson (Photo:a11.asmdc.org)

Under New California Bill, Parents Would be Charged With ‘Child Abuse’ for not Affirming Transgenderism

If you the parent reject your child’s chosen gender, ‘you are rejecting that child’

By Katy Grimes, June 12, 2023 8:44 am

Under California’s Assembly Bill 957 by Assemblywoman Lori Wilson (D-Suisun City), a parent could lose custody for not “affirming” or agreeing to a child’s claims about gender identity.

The bill, co-authored by Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco), would require judges adjudicating such disputes over transgender-identifying children to favor the parent who “affirms” the child’s preferred identity, the Free Beacon reported.

Apparently Senator Wiener is not satisfied eroding parental rights with his bill to allow children as young as age 12 to take the COVID-19 vaccine without parental consent. Or his bill relaxing the penalties for having “non-forcible sodomy, oral copulation, and sexual penetration with a minor.” Or his bill to remove the felony penalty for knowingly exposing another person to HIV.

Following viral footage showing children attending a drag show at Mister Misster, a gay bar in Texas in 2022, Sen. Wiener proposed on Twitter “Offering Drag Queen 101 as part of the K-12 curriculum. Attending Drag Queen Story Time will satisfy the requirement,” he said.

It’s really not that funny when you put all of this damning legislation together and see that Sen. Wiener does not believe much in parenting.

As California attorney Laura Powell posted on Twitter, “here, the bill author defends this bill, using an example of a 7-year-old who announces their gender doesn’t match their sex.”

“Affirming a child’s identity about gender is in their best interest,” Assemblywoman Wilson said.

Wilson then uses the example of a 7-year old believing they are not the biological gender in which they were born, and should be able to decide their gender, and you as the parent should allow this “affirming” through “care.”

“Affirming” and “care” are the delicate sounding words leftists use to describe the gender transformation process of puberty blockers and sexual organ removal or creation. Puberty blockers, given to convicted pedophiles in prison, are also known as “chemical castration;” there’s no going back.

Assemblywoman Wilson tells the legislative committee that the child should always be affirmed. She also tells the committee she has a trans child she “affirmed.”

A 7-year old child has a vivid imagination, believes in Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny, and still watches cartoons. Giving that child chemical castration through drugs, or even buying into the opposite gender claims, is child abuse. Like many girls, I was a tomboy, played sports with the boys, climbed trees and got in fights. But I also had a Barbie Dream House and liked to sew my own Barbie clothes. I grew out of the tomboy phase, stopped getting in fights and put away the baseball cap about the same time I gave my Barbie Dream House to the little girl down the street. It was a phase.

Wilson also notes that if you the parent reject your child’s chosen gender, “you are rejecting that child.”

Do you feel as if you fell through the rabbit hole and are stuck in Alice’s Wonderland?

“This bill clarifies that a family court, when determining the best interest of the child in a proceeding to determine custody or visitation for a child, shall consider, as part of the consideration of the health, safety, and welfare of the child, a parent’s affirmation of the child’s gender identity,” the 06/09/23- Senate Judiciary bill analysis says.

So imagine a child of parents going through a contentious divorce, feeling confused, responsible for the breakup, and wanting the parents to get back together, announces that she is really a he. Under Wilson’s and Wiener’s bill, the parents must drop everything and provide “gender affirming care.”

We hear stories daily from teachers who report that school-aged kids’ claims of being trans are mostly jumping on the trans bandwagon. It’s an attention-getter. Suddenly they are more popular, in a freaky way, can dress oddly, and get more attention.

To understand the motive behind this radical legislation, the list of sponsors speaks volumes:

This bill is sponsored by the California State PTA, the California TGI Policy Alliance, the EmpowerTHEM Collective, Equality California, Gender Justice Los Angeles, the Los Angeles LGBT Center, TransFamily Support Services, TransYouth Liberation, and the Women’s Foundation of California, and is supported by the California Faculty Association, the California Youth Empowerment Network.

This bill is opposed by Bridge Network, the California Parents Union, California’s Legislative Voice, Carlsbad C2O, the Silicon Valley Association of American Women, Stand Up Sacramento County, and 14 individuals.

Senator Scott Wiener, who is not a parent, added in the mandatory “affirming” language to AB 957.

Once again, the California Legislature is trampling all over parental rights, rather than doing the jobs they were elected to do – govern and public policy. Parenting isn’t listed in the California Legislature’s legislative process. And these hair-brained bills should be summarily rejected by other lawmakers.

According to the bill’s author:

AB 957 would clarify that affirming a child’s gender identity is in the best interest of the child for purposes of child custody and visitation decisions, increasing the likelihood that a gender affirming parent is given legal custody and authority to make important decisions about the child’s medical care and education.

More Bill analysis:

“This bill simply clarifies that family courts, when making determinations about a child’s best interest in a custody or visitation proceeding, must consider a parent’s acceptance of a child’s gender identity as a component of the child’s overall health, safety, and welfare.”

Prior to Sen. Wiener’s amendments, AB 957 required courts to consider whether a child’s parents were “gender-affirming” in custody cases. Wiener’s amendment completely rewrites California’s standard of child care and allows the courts to be able to accept reports of gender “abuse” from progressive activist organizations—as long as they claim to provide “services to victims of sexual assault or domestic violence,” the Daily Signal reports.

Just a little conflict-of-interest from “progressive activist organizations—as long as they claim to provide “services to victims of sexual assault or domestic violence.”

“AB 957 post-amendment ‘would include a parent’s affirmation of the child’s gender identity as part of the health, safety, and welfare of the child,’ altering the definition and application of the entire California Family Code.”

In simple language, “In California, your kids are not your kids.”

Nicole Pearson, founder of the Facts Law Truth Justice law firm and civil rights advocacy group, condemned AB 957’s unconstitutionality in an interview with The Daily Signal:

This bill makes law that failure to affirm your child’s identity is child abuse. This will be a final, legal determination without any evidence in support, or a hearing with notice or the opportunity to be heard. Assemblywoman Wilson and Senator Scott Wiener are not doctors. They can’t make this determination for every single child aged 0 to 17 in the state and, yet, that is exactly what they’re trying to do here.

If a parent or guardian is unwilling or simply not ready to affirm their 7-year-old’s new identity—as they transition from Spongebob to Batman to Dora the Explorer—they can be found guilty of child abuse under AB-957 if it passes into law.

This is a horrifying bill for children, and for parents and guardians not just in California, but across the country. Gavin Newsom is gunning for president in 2028. If he signs this bill into law, here, it will be headed to every state if he wins.

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123 thoughts on “Under New California Bill, Parents Would be Charged With ‘Child Abuse’ for not Affirming Transgenderism

  1. Just maybe its time to institute a law, if you don’t have children, you can’t author or co-author a bill that affects a minor. This dude is a total groomer-creeper looking to score a minor for himself.

  2. Before Sacramento plans to take away children from their parents, perhaps they should focus on what to do with 115,000 homeless people living on our streets.

  3. I would love to see you write a piece on Senator Weiner’s legislative history. Someone needs to connect the dots on this . From his attacks on parent’s rights, age of consent, and what he is doing to end single family home zoning, when you add it up, it amounts to an attack on the family. Someone suggested recently, that California’s current legislative trajectory is purposively designed to drive people from the State. Who is this guy? Where did he come from? He is destroying beautiful San Francisco, and the peace of mind of parents of minor children throughout the State. We need information to fight back. How can one Senator sponsor so many bad bills?

    1. YES! Please consider writing a piece with all of Scott Wieners proposals.
      It gives us a list of ‘talking points’ to use when talking to friends and family.

    2. California Globe has extensively covered the radical legislative history of Democrat Sen. Scott Wiener. According to his bio, Wiener was born to a Jewish family in Philadelphia, grew up in southern New Jersey, received his J.D. degree from Harvard Law School, and he clerked for Justice Alan B. Handler on the Supreme Court of New Jersey. In 1997, Wiener moved to San Francisco to work as a litigation attorney at Heller Ehrman White & McAuliffe, and in 2002, he went to work as a deputy city attorney, under San Francisco City Attorney Dennis Herrera. Wiener served as chair of the San Francisco Democratic County Central Committee until he was elected to the San Francisco Board of Supervisors in 2010 and re-elected in 2014 on the first round of ranked choice voting. In 2016, Wiener was elected in the 11th Senate District of termed out Senator Mark Leno and he was re-elected in 2020. Some think he’s a deep-state Democrat with groomer tendencies who pushes the agenda of his WEF globalist masters and the Khazarian Mafia?

    3. Weiner’s legislative history is pretty easy to sum up. If it doesn’t involve sex, drugs or queers (their term, not mine), Scott is not interested.
      In other words, the man (and I use the term loosely) is a Godless, amoral creep.
      Change my mind.

    4. How about REAL child abuse, which is all too rampant and on a mega scale.

      Left unhindered, chronic abuse readily results in a helpless child’s brain improperly developing. The emotional and/or psychological trauma acts as a starting point into a life in which the brain uncontrollably releases potentially damaging levels of inflammation-promoting stress hormones and chemicals, even in non-stressful daily routines.

      It can amount to non-physical-impact brain-damage abuse: It has been described as a continuous, discomforting anticipation of ‘the other shoe dropping’ and simultaneously being scared of how badly you will deal with the upsetting event, which usually never transpires.

      The lasting emotional/psychological pain from such trauma is very formidable yet invisibly confined to inside one’s head. It is solitarily suffered, unlike an openly visible physical disability or condition, which tends to elicit sympathy/empathy from others. And it can make every day a mental ordeal, unless the turmoil is prescription and/or illicitly medicated.

      The health of ALL children needs to be of real importance to us ALL — and not just concern over what other parents’ children might or will cost us as future criminals or costly cases of government care, etcetera — regardless of how well our own developing children are doing.

      A physically and mentally sound future should be every child’s fundamental right — along with air, water, food and shelter — especially considering the very troubled world into which they never asked to enter. And mindlessly minding our own business on such matters has too often proven humanly devastating.

  4. Gee, don’t you think that this beyond-the-pale AB 957 merits that CA citizens not only contact their own state reps but also get around the office gate-keepers of bill authors Sen Scott Wiener and Asm Lori Wilson by leaving messages AFTER HOURS on their Capitol and District voicemails?
    Last time I checked a citizen is not allowed to leave a message in person with a legislator’s office if the citizen has the wrong zip code, but considering that this outrage will affect all of CA, it seems more than fair to leave a voicemail message with each legislator AFTER business hours.
    Let’s get their attention and add strength to the efforts of citizens who will be speaking up about this in Sacramento when it is heard in the Senate Judiciary Committee tomorrow, Tuesday, June 13 at noon.
    AB 957.

    Asm Lori Wilson (lead author of AB 957)
    Capitol Office
    (916) 319-2011
    District Office
    (707) 438-7359

    Sen Scott Wiener (co-author of AB 957)
    Capitol Office
    (916) 651-4011
    District Office
    (415) 557-1300

    Finally, find and contact your own state legislators here:
    (Senate is the priority because the bill is in the senate now)
    NO on AB 957

    1. I wrote to Diane Feinstein and she (well most likely not her but one of her aides) basically wrote back that she doesnt care about my opinion since I disagree with her and implied that I am anti-LGBTQ since I expressed an opposing opinion to hers. It is an absolutely waste of time trying to get through to these heathens.

      1. Amy Daugherty, you should consider it progress (and an honor) that anyone in Feinstein’s (or any other Dem politician’s) office bothered to get back to you with a reply —- one that actually cited your particular concerns —- at all!
        I haven’t received a reply like that since about 2004. Most of ’em just can’t be bothered to do what was once routinely done for all of their constituents. Guess they think they don’t have to. Maybe they should think again…..

  5. Will someone PLEASE create a law that only actual parents can write laws that affect children.
    I wonder how many non parents have been responsible for the majority of these horrific laws?
    It is like it is opposite day, everyday.

    1. Katy said, “Do you feel as if you fell through the rabbit hole and are stuck in Alice’s Wonderland?”
      Yes, and also I feel as though we’ve been waking up to a new nightmare every single day for many years now, because every single day for many years now some new nightmare is brought to us by the wicked super-majority Dem/Marxist legislature and our unscrupulous, conscienceless, remorseless megalomaniac of a governor.

  6. unconstitutional – This firmly contradicts freedom of religion.

    CA is going full communist to take away rights to gov.

    Surprised CAGlobe has not shown another bill that will increase crime by outlawing employees to stop theft
    SenateBill 553.

  7. Yes, Orwellianism, everyone should contact their reps about that one too — to Vote NO on SB 553.
    So glad you brought it up.
    Also a reminder about AB 665 — sort of the Evil Twin to the one described in this article (AB 957)
    AB 665 “Allows children 12 and up to consent to mental health treatment or counseling without parental approval or involvement”

  8. Yes, Orwellianism, everyone should contact their reps about that one too — to Vote NO on SB 553.
    So glad you brought it up.
    Also a reminder about AB 665 — sort of the Evil Twin to the one described in this article (AB 957)
    AB 665 “Allows children 12 and up to consent to mental health treatment or counseling without parental approval or involvement”

  9. It’s just the next step in the Marxist dream of destroying the family so it can be replaced by the state. The time is coming soon where if your child goes to school, gets indoctrinated in gender queer nonsense, and then comes home and tells you that today they feel like a member of the opposite sex, if you don’t immediately treat them as if they are a member of the opposite sex, your child will be taken away from you and placed in a state sponsored institution while you and your spouse are thrown in jail. The Marxist revolution has come…but too many of us were so complacent that we didn’t even notice until it was already too late.

  10. It’s curious that Assemblywoman Lori Wilson chose to co-author a radical and controversial piece of legislation like Assembly Bill 957 when she has a relatively moderate background for a Democrat? She previously had worked in various accounting/finance positions before somehow being elected as mayor of Suisun City where the black population is less than one percent out of a total population of around 28,000. She was the only candidate on the 2022 special election ballot for the 11th State Assembly District after former Assemblyman Jim Frazier had abruptly resigned at the end of December 2021 with one year left in his term. The newly drawn District 11 which is mostly rural includes all of Solano County, parts of Sacramento County and only a sliver of East Contra Costa County. She was endorsed by several high-profile Democrats including former District 11 Assemblyman Jim Frazier, Rep. John Garamendi, and Lt. Gov. Eleni Kounalakis. How many of Assemblywoman Lori Wilson’s constituents in District 11 requested that she push this legislation? Probably few to none? Maybe Assemblywoman Lori Wilson’s deep-state Democrat masters chose her to co-author Assembly Bill 957 with creepy Sen. Scott Wiener as pay back for installing her into the legislature? Maybe her Democrat masters think that criticism of her authoring such controversial legislation will be muted because of her race?

    1. According to an article in The Bay Area Reporter dated March 30, 2022, it appears that Assemblywoman Lori Wilson and her husband, Chavares, are the parents of a transgender son who is now in college. While Wilson was mayor of Suisun City, she had installed a rainbow flag display inside the building near the entrance. She pledged to be “a very strong ally” to the LGBTQ community as a member of the legislature. Assemblywoman Lori Wilson is pushing the radical trans agenda legislation whether her District 11 constituents like it or not? She’s a typical authoritarian, totalitarian and dictatorial Democrat?

      (Link to Bay Area Reporter article: https://www.ebar.com/story.php?ch=news&sc=news&id=314257)

      1. She pledged to be “a very strong ally” to the LGBTQ community as a member of the legislature? As an elderly man who is homosexual, Assemblywoman Wilson needs to know that many of us do not wish to be lumped together and be considered a Democrat voting block when we often share little in common other than having a sexual orientation that might vary from the majority of the population.

  11. Our schools are filled with vile, evil, sexually perverted, sicko, freaks, totally devoid of any moral fiber and who have no intention of teaching your children school subjects, but are dedicated to making your children into vile, evil, sexually perverted sicko freaks like they are. Get your children out of public school NOW!

  12. Agree with Katy Grimes that this is a horrifying bill for children, and for parents and guardians in California and for the rest of the country as well. Like most Democrats in the legislature, Assemblywoman Lori Wilson and Sen. Scott Wiener are dangerous ideologues who are forcing a crazy agenda that most parents reject. It might be impossible to pry Senator Wiener from office considering San Francisco is the epicenter of Democrat manipulation and control, but it might be possible for voters in the more conservative areas of District 11 to recall Assemblywoman Wilson from office? Parents need to be made aware of this legislation and put a stop to it ASAP through social media, parent groups, and churches?

  13. Assemblywoman Lori Wilson sounds like a loony leftist Democrat who should have been charged with child abuse for “affirming” the mental illness of her child and allowing body mutilation to occur that she claims is “gender affirming care.” There is no way she would have been elected if voters knew what a wack job she is?

  14. Trans is NOT a gender, if born a male always a male, if born a female, always a female. It’s impossible to change your gender no matter the amount of mutilation you undergo or what you want to believe you are

  15. Gender reassignment surgery and the drugs involved are very profitable for big hospital systems, surgical centers, doctors and big pharmaceutical companies. The monthly cost of a puberty blocker prescribed to children like Lupron can cost $800 or more. Initial gender reassignment surgeries can cost between $100,000 to $200,000. Would anyone be surprised if Assemblywoman Lori Wilson, Sen. Scott Wiener, and other legislative Democrats who obsessively pushing transgender legislation were receiving lucrative financial incentives from those who profit by providing gender affirming care and gender reassignment?

  16. It’s officially happening. Biden and Obama flirted with the notion but now government sponsored children abuse is on track to become law. I feel sorry for you guys on the Left coast who continually put up with nonsense from the radicals. Although, being an Illinoisan, sadly we may not be far behind.

    1. It’s not just a left coast problem with Democrat radicals, it’s happening across the country including Illinois as you mentioned. A lack of election integrity and voter fraud is a major factor. The corrupt Democrat machine has controlled politics in Chicago and the state of Illinois for decades.

  17. California will continue to lose those who are paying the bills. Those who are able to do so are leaving by the thousands. Only the poor hoping for the handouts from the state, the illegals, and the transgenders will be left. Gays, many of whom are at the higher end of the economic scale, are leaving. They see a bill like this as a disaster for their families, too. When one is an adult, and desires to mutilate their body, go for it, have at it, cut and paste all you want. But children should never have to deal with a parent’s self-loathing and insecurity to permanently physically scar and mentally destroy them.

  18. What’s going on with this madness , how can a minor who can’t drive, can’t get a tatoo, but can change his gender which is irreversible act without parent’s consent. Where are the parents rights?
    This is a reckless bill that is intended to take parent’s right and do what whatever these idiot evils want with our kids. enough is enough.

  19. How about REAL child abuse, which is all too rampant and on a mega scale.

    Left unhindered, chronic abuse readily results in a helpless child’s brain improperly developing. The emotional and/or psychological trauma acts as a starting point into a life in which the brain uncontrollably releases potentially damaging levels of inflammation-promoting stress hormones and chemicals, even in non-stressful daily routines.

    It can amount to non-physical-impact brain-damage abuse: It has been described as a continuous, discomforting anticipation of ‘the other shoe dropping’ and simultaneously being scared of how badly you will deal with the upsetting event, which usually never transpires.

    The lasting emotional/psychological pain from such trauma is very formidable yet invisibly confined to inside one’s head. It is solitarily suffered, unlike an openly visible physical disability or condition, which tends to elicit sympathy/empathy from others. And it can make every day a mental ordeal, unless the turmoil is prescription and/or illicitly medicated. … I know the latter fact from personal experience.

  20. everyone who haves a child or cares that it is the parents right to protect their children should stop voting for a democratic. register either republican or independent tomorrow. vote these creeps out

  21. everyone who haves a child or cares that it is the parents right to protect their children should stop voting for a democratic. register either republican or independent tomorrow. vote these creeps out.

  22. Lets take our voice back, i’m a registered Democrat. Tomorrow I’m registering as an Republican. Let’s vote these creeps out of office.

  23. Lets take our voice back, i’m a registered Democrat. Tomorrow I’m registering as an Republican. Lets vote these creeps out of office.

  24. You’re right! This is a horrifying bill for children, and for parents and guardians not just in California, but across the country.

  25. “The primary control and custody of infant is with the government”
    Tillman V. Roberts. 108 So. 62

    “Marriage is a civil contract to which there are three parties-the husband, the wife and the state.”
    Van Koten v. Van Koten. 154 N.E. 146

    We are slaves and own absolutely, nothing not even what we think are our children
    (Tillman v. Roberts 108 So. 62, Van Koten v. Van Koten 154 N.E. 146, Senate Document 43 & 73rd Congress 1 Session, Wynehammer v. People 13 N.R. REP 378, 481)

  26. Any parent of a child under the age of 21 that gets a sex change for them is guilty of the most vile kind of child abuse imaginable! They should be thrown in prison for the rest of their lives! These parents are sick in the head to destroy their childs life before he is old enough to make a decision like that, that will affect the rest of his life!
    PRISON for parents of trans kids! 🤮

  27. At 68 years of age, I’m still marveling at the beauty of womanhood, and manhood. These awesome gifts are our true identities; something that takes a lifetime to understand and fully appreciate. Today in our blindness, we are short changing our young kids if we don’t nourish their true birth genders and place them in environments that will do the same. We’ve truly lost our sanity if we think children are able to question and decide wisely their sexual identity. Yes, parents make mistakes and some even abuse their authority, but let’s wake up- most of us are sincerely sensible. Good job, all!

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  29. Being a tomboy is not the same as identifying as a different gender. yes, tomboy can be a phase you grow out of, that does not mean questioning gender will be a phase that ends as well.

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