Ultrasound picture pregnant baby photo. (Photo: MVelishchuk, Shutterstock)
‘Viable’ Fetuses Sold From Planned Parenthood Abortions to University of California San Diego, New Documents Show
The majority of healthy infants born at 23 weeks can survive with modern medical care
By Katy Grimes, November 24, 2024 11:37 am
As President Joe Biden bestowed the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Cecile Richards last week (she’s the former president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America from 2006 to 2018), David Daleiden of the Center for Medical Progress released an horrific report exposing the University of California San Diego for receiving “viable nonanomalous” babies up to 6 months along, killed in “elective abortions” to be “harvested” for experimentation.

Daleidin explains:
Never-before-seen documents released under a California public records request show Planned Parenthood supplying “viable nonanomalous” fetuses up to 23 weeks old from elective abortions to UC San Diego, as part of its contract to sell the University “proprietary” “fetal material” in exchange for the “valuable consideration” of owning any “patents” and “intellectual property” developed experimenting with them.
The shocking new admissions begin in a heavily-redacted Research Plan submitted to the UCSD Institutional Review Board (IRB) and approved in 2018. On page 3 of the IRB submission, the UCSD research lab writes, “We will collect tissues from fetuses ranging from 4 to 23 weeks gestational age from subjects undergoing elective surgical pregnancy termination at Planned Parenthood in San Diego” and that patients with “viable nonanomalous” fetuses will be enrolled.
The majority of healthy infants born at 23 weeks can survive with modern medical care.
President Joe Biden raved about Planned Parenthood’s Cecile Richards, who oversaw nearly 4 million abortions during her tenure:
“With absolute courage, she fearlessly leads us forward to be the America we say we are — a nation of freedom,” Biden said on X/Twitter. “Through her work to lift up the dignity of workers, defend and advance women’s reproductive rights and equality, and mobilize Americans to exercise their power to vote, she has carved an inspiring legacy.”
“Planned Parenthood’s annual reports indicate that under Richards’ leadership, the organization slaughtered over 3.87 million babies,” the Blaze reported. “In her final year, when the organization killed 332,757 babies, Richards’ salary was $1,033,274, having fallen short of seven figures the previous fiscal year by roughly $42,000.”
That’s quite a legacy.
Daleidin reported that the study sought to harvest fetuses from up to 2,500 patients. He continues:
Documents released from the public records request earlier this year showed transfers of aborted fetuses from Planned Parenthood to UC San Diego taking place under an ongoing “Biological Materials Transfer Agreement” contract. That contract, made for “valuable consideration”, grants UCSD “access” to “fetal and placental tissue, which are proprietary materials of PPSD”. The parties agree that in granting “access” to the “proprietary” aborted fetal body parts, “PPSD shall retain all right, title, and interest in and to the Material, including but not limited to all right, title, and interest in patents and patent applications and other intellectual property rights relating to the Material”.
In March, Sen. Marco Rubio requested an investigation from the U.S. DOJ and HHS. The transfer of any aborted human fetal tissue for “valuable consideration” is a federal felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison or a fine of up to $500,000 (42 U.S.C. 289g-2).
Planned Parenthood has been busted for this before. In 2015 I reported on another barbarity David Daleidin exposed in which aborted baby parts were being harvested and sold:
The undercover operation of the Center for Medical Progress revealed Planned Parenthood’s government subsidized abortion and political business has also been raising funds by harvesting and selling fetal body parts. Nothing is off the table – brain matter, eyes, hands, livers, hearts, lungs, and assorted tissue from aborted infants in various stages of development.
The accompanying videos show Planned Parenthood abortion doctors talking about their work as if its just another day at the office, and they are negotiating bulk sales of wheat instead of the prices for baby body parts.
StemExpress, LLC was a major buyer of fetal tissue from Planned Parenthood, and one of the companies buying the supply of tiny hearts, lungs, livers and tissue. They were a for-profit biotech supply company that partnered with Planned Parenthood clinics across the country to purchase human fetal parts since its founding in 2010.
A video showed StemExpress executives, and CEO Cate Dyer, saying they ship whole baby heads, because neural tissue is “insanely fragile.”
Previous videos featured Dr. Debra Nucatola, the Senior Director of Medical Services at Planned Parenthood, and Mary Gatter, a senior medical director with Planned Parenthood in California, at different lunch meetings with actors posing as representatives of a biotech firm. Dr. Nucatola discusses selling hearts, lungs, livers and even the muscles of aborted fetuses while eating and drinking wine at a restaurant, while Gatter is asked questions about the possibility of purchasing fetal organ tissue from Planned Parenthood clinics. Gatter discusses various prices of aborted baby body organs and tissue, and offered that prices for a baby’s liver, head or heart are negotiable. Gatter also offers to talk with the Planned Parenthood abortion practitioners about altering the abortion procedure to better preserve the organs and tissue for sale, after the baby is killed in the abortion, just as Dr. Nucatola did.
Watch Daleidin’s latest video report here:
You can watch the 2015 video by the Center for Medical Progress HERE:
If David Daleidin’s name rings a bell, he has been the subject of an all-out legal witch hunt:
“Planned Parenthood and their political cronies are waging an all-out, meritless legal assault against CMP, our citizen journalists, and ultimately against the First Amendment. They have sued us for almost everything, except, conspicuously, for defamation, slander, or libel—because the video camera doesn’t lie. CMP and David Daleiden‘s legal team have already notched up two resounding victories against Planned Parenthood’s persecution, but three serious cases remain. Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry’s goal has always been to silence our investigative reporting and cover up the criminal human trafficking of aborted infants.”
“CMP and David Daleiden are represented in the civil lawsuits by the Dhillon Law Group. You can support CMP directly and we will apply it where it is needed most in the legal defense and in our efforts to continue to report the truth despite the abortion industry’s attempt to weaponize the courts for censorship.”
UCSD must be sanctioned for approving this type of research involving the killing of viable human beings. Federal funds should be withheld. Secretary of HHS Robert Kennedy Jr. will be in charge of these government funds:
“About 43% of Planned Parenthood revenues came from government reimbursements or grants in the 2014-2015 fiscal year. Out of the $1.29 billion in total revenue, $553.7 million came from the government reimbursing Planned Parenthood for providing medical services covered by programs such as Medicaid or from government grants from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The remainder of revenues mostly come from donations (27%) and patient fees (24%)…..Planned Parenthood receives money from the government in two main ways: reimbursements for providing services to people covered by Medicaid and grants from government agencies, primarily HHS. In FY 2015, the Congressional Budget Office estimated that Planned Parenthood received $390 million in federal and state Medicaid reimbursements, making it the nonprofit’s single largest stream of revenue.”
This is sick and reminds me of experiments that the NAZI’s were performing on those in concentration camps. Although there is hope. Planned Parenthood is going to lose $300 million dollars in Federal funding as called for by DOGE. https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/other/planned-parenthood-says-it-s-seen-a-1-200-spike-in-vasectomy-appointments-as-musk-s-doge-targets-it-for-cuts/ar-AA1uAuGq?ocid=BingNewsSerp
Besides providing abortions PP is also the largest supplier of puberty blocking drugs. Our enemies have overplayed their hand and are losing their covering. (Numbers 14:6-10)
Human life relegated to a mere commodity.
Thank you so much for covering this, Katy Grimes.
If this shocking demonstration, which unbelievably has continued, of raw, hideous EVIL on the part of these subhuman people trafficking in fetal body parts doesn’t move us to do what we can to put a STOP TO IT, then for God’s sake what would? The blind spot for decent, normal people that makes this additionally difficult to fathom is that the horrors these subhumans so casually describe while they happily eat, drink, and laugh are ultimately all about MONEY and PROFIT. These people are in the business of encouraging baby killing and the subsequent organ and baby parts harvesting so they can make more money. Just sit quietly and THINK about that for awhile.
May God bless David Deleiden, whose courageous efforts first brought these monsters to our attention, and whose work continues in spite of being mercilessly flogged ever since the first release of these nightmarish videos many years ago. Also grateful to Harmeet Dhillon for taking these cases and for her firm’s successes in these thus far.
Deleiden’s organization Center for Medical Progress is linked above but it can’t hurt to post it again here, can it. We need to donate, if we can manage it, to the effort to put a stop to this outrage and work to overcome this evil with good as quickly as it is possible to do.
Center for Medical Progress:
The horrors of abortion can only be tolerated or “normalized” by those that have no reverence for life itself. I witnessed what these Frankenstein-like “doctors” were capable of, and the horrific impacts that it had on the attending nurses and technicians around them. “Harvesting” baby-parts to sell for research, is something the Nazi doctor: Josef Mengele would have done.
This is criminal. Why are charges not being brought?
Let’s just be very honest. Planned Parenthood and any entity that promotes the business of abortion are part of a death cult! The death cult persuade unthinking people of this world to buy into the death cult, they convince them it is “Women’s reproductive health”! Nope it is murder, premeditated murder. It is planned, it is set up and then covered up.
UCSD should have all Federal dollars stripped including NIH grants!
If I had any power I would shut down the Science Department and restructure it.
Kamala Harris and the democrat party want to be the face of this death cult, Biden just proved it by giving a medal of freedom to that woman with blood on her hands! Where are the medals for those that save thousand of infants from this fate. Oh that’s right some are rotting in jail for praying in front of the butcher shops called Planned Parenthood!
No doubt selling aborted fetal tissue is very profitable for the criminal Democrat mafia along with human trafficking and the sale of illegal drugs? The Democrat party is a blood thirsty satanic death cult?
get you shit together, they are living children, not “viable fetuses” living children
Yes they are. My son was born at 24 weeks gestation.
He by the grace of God and the talented doctors and nurses survived his early birth.
It is beyond me that these butchers get way with the terminology that dehumanizes infants!
The industry of death, propped up by Democrats because they profit off of it, too. How many stories like this need to come out before a majority of people realize that “Planned Parenthood” is just a baby death factory that needs to be shut down and have the people running it prosecuted for murder.
Cannibalizing humanity. It’s unacceptable. Those who say it’s acceptable are mind controlled by books, media, professors, politicians, celebrities, and activists. Well, it should be common knowledge by now that some members of a certain Race/Religion are in favor of and originated abortion rights in this country.
NPR – “Some Jewish groups blast the end of Roe as a violation of their religious beliefs.”
The Forward – “‘Abortion access is a Jewish value’: Reaction to Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade.”
Newsweek – “The Jewish Case for Abortion Rights” – https://www.newsweek.com/abortion-jewish-right-scotus-june-medical-services-louisiana-constitution-1514214
Catholic historian E. Michael Jones posits that in the near future, this may mean that if we ban abortion we’re “antisemitic.”