Affirmative Action, Reparation Bills Pass Assembly Appropriations
Aided By George Floyd Protests, ACA 5 and AB 3121 move to an Assembly vote
By Evan Symon, June 5, 2020 10:42 am
On Wednesday, the Assembly Appropriations Committee, partially swayed by the recent death of Floyd George and subsequent nationwide protests, passed two bills that could possibly bring back affirmative action to California and may institute slavery reparations for African Americans.
ACA 5 and AB 3121
Assembly Constitutional Amendment 5, written by Assemblywoman Dr. Shirley Weber (D-San Diego) and Assemblyman Mike Gipson (D-Carson) would overturn Proposition 209, which ended affirmative action policies in California in 1996. Affirmative action, which factors in race and gender for public university admissions and state employment, has not been challenged in California since 2014.

Assembly Bill 3121, also written by Assemblywoman Weber, set up a Task Force to compile documentation of the institution of slavery in the United States and then issue recommendations on reparations. Reparations to African Americans in California, if accepted, would most likely come in the form of cash.
Both ACA 5 and AB 3121, previously considered long shots, were boosted in support in the last two weeks by public outcry over the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis and the numerous protests that followed. Some of the largest protests in the United States took place in Californian cities such as Los Angeles and Oakland, strengthening their presence in many districts.
A Tuesday news conference by members of the Black Caucus asked for support of both bills in the wake of the killing of George Floyd, noting instances of racism in California and subsequent “fixes” that aren’t permanent.
“Every incident brings me back to the same spot,” said Assemblywoman and Black Caucus Chairwoman Shirley Weber on Tuesday. “This country has taught itself to hate African Americans and to deny the history that has brought us here.”
Public outcry of George Floyd helps convince Assemblymembers to vote for ACA 5 and AB 3121
The effect was readily seen in voting on Wednesday with ACA 5 passing 11 to 5 with 2 abstentions and AB 3121 passing 13 to 4 with 1 abstention. In at least a few cases, the actions during the last ten days had a direct result in voting on Wednesday.
“I don’t have exact numbers of how many votes were swayed by the protests, but I do know of at least 2 in the Assembly on the Appropriations Committee who were more or less on the fence about these a few weeks ago,” said “Dana,” who works at the State Capitol. “There were a few who were leaning that way or were not planning on abstaining, but then came George Floyd.”
“We’ve all seen the video and the nearly two weeks now of rage over this. There was no way some of them could vote otherwise. Not in this climate, not against issues like that, and not in an election year.”
“Honestly, considering the make up of some of these districts, I was surprised that there weren’t more votes in favor, but then again party lines were pretty solid. All I know is that some of the votes could have gone a different way before this.”
Both bills will now go to a full Assembly vote later this month.
ACA 5 will need two thirds of votes from both the Assembly and Senate by the end of the month. If signed by Governor Newsom, ACA 5 would then be put on a ballot for majority voter approval.
AB 3121 will only need the usual votes and Governor signing for approval. If approved, the subsequent task force will only give recommendations of reparations to the Assembly and Senate.
“This country has taught itself to hate African Americans and to deny the history that has brought us here.”
wow..a country that elected a black president and has blacks as some of the richest sports and entertainment personalities…..why are these people not challenged
Because anyone who does challenge will be labeled a “racist.”
Ancestors of slaves should have retribution made to them by the confederate south with confederate money…Not with government dollars since US government freed and made slavery against the law
Bo I don’t know for sure, but I’m a betting man and I would bet good money that you are in fact a racist like many of the white privileged persons in this string who don’t know anything about how historically privileged whites in this country are. How many have read the Supreme Court decisions reversing the 1875 Civil Rights Act? Or Plessy vs Ferguson. How big of an advantage was gained generationally on the backs of African Americans even after slavery ended.
Let them get reparations from the democrat party since they were responsible for F v P and reversing the civil rights act.
I think by now most of us are really tired of being called a racist for every thing we say . isnt it time to cut normal people a little slack . we all dont have to brush our teeth with the same brand of toothpaste
Oh Kevin, please…I grew up with nothing and had poor and good examples of friends and family to choose to follow. I understood that no one owed me anything and we live in the “promise land” where you have the right to pursue your happiness. I chose to work, educate myself and rejected crime and violence. Anyone who is violently rioting and/or thieving is one of the lowest forms of humanity. Any reasonable person should have this condemn this behavior. Regarding “rape-a-nation”…this is naked shakedown and will have no long term benefit to society. If anyone wants to improve their life; accept that you are ultimately responsible for your life and the product of that life. Demand nothing, positively and kindly work for everything and you will always encounter helpful people along the way. This is a productive path to a good life.
Well said.
Germans, Polish, Irish etc all immigrated to the US at differing times and numbers as this country was being formed. NONE were considered white. Racism was rampant. “WHITE PRIVELEDGE” is complete BS.
Kevin, You need to learn some history; the real enslavement of Blacks began with Democrat Lyndon Johnson with his war on poverty. The welfare programs destroyed the Black family and have led to fatherless children being raised with little discipline or moral teaching. Blacks have been conditioned by mostly Democrat designed programs to depend on ‘programs’ and to blame others {especially Whites) for their own bad choices.
If BLM really cares about Black people, why are they not lined up in front of abortion mills where the majority of children aborted are Black??
So Kevin, Which generation of black people should get the reparations. or do you expect it to go to each generation hence forth. This is probably one of the dumbest gimme programs anyone has ever come up with. I am just trying to figure out if you expect me to pay reparation from now on or are you just greedy and want it for your generation?
And what about the Northerners who fought for freedom from slavery? I had 3 2xgreat grandfathers who fought in the Civil War. 1 died, 1wounded, 1 made it out. I’m not counting the Uncles who fought. My ancestors were in this country when NY. Was New Amsterdam and fought every war to protect and build this country and my family were not the only ones. So Kevin Get over it and stop trying to take money from the Tax payers. The native Americans are about the only ones who would qualify for Repreations
oh horseshit.
Hah, or don’t say….
No but they would like you to drink the same Kool-Aid!
So I as a member of a family has never owned slaves, must pay money to a person who has never been a slave?
We all know this will change NOTHING within the Black community, but we will forge ahead anyway to make a statement of White Guilt?
Never mind CA is in debt, we will throw millions at a politically correct statement?
I got to get out of this frigging state, liberals have gone completely insane.
I agree completely!!
Please leave!
they will like nearly ever business in the state that cant make it here any more . the liberal ethics here are choking the life out of everyone and “we cant breath” your shorfall of cash for the budget is going to be further increased by the lack of tax base you now have in this state. maybe time to put a button on the smart mouth and use the brain cells God gave you
Oh Kevin,
Where is the inclusivity? I know this news sight challenges the same tired principles of the leftist agenda.
Life would be so much easier for you and your friends if you did not have to troll free thinking, reasonable people that value the truth and the constitution. Yes we should all just go away!
Also how do you define privileged thought?
This was banned in 1969 giving special rights to one minority is unconstitutional
So was locking us down in our homes…these fks are gonna do what they want…have you traced your genealogy? lol!!
It’s amazing how many uneducated incorrect and foolish statements are made here. Of course, we all no Trump’s base is full of people like the ones making ridiculous comments here.
Learn how to spell Kevin. Then maybe just maybe you can get a job and not need a handout that you don’t deserve.
Reverse racism is not O.K. ; it is EVIL ! Over 150 years ago, slavery was ended and we who live now must pay reparations to someone who was never slave by someone who was never a slave owner. This is totally unjust
What about people from Families that wrote legislation, fought, died, voted for and enacted Freedom for Slaves as Citizens of the United States during the Civil War? In the same manner, people that haven’t lived in the United States during slavery?
The fact that there is more slavery going on right now, Today, in Africa than there ever was during the 240 years that slavery was on this continent enforced by white Europeans. Not even to mention the slavery that the natives practiced between Tribes and Nations in the Western hemisphere for millennia before Europeans even got here.
Legislating feelings is not the correct manner for a Republic. Laws are written as balanced justice. Feelings can come into negotiations during a settlement or sentencing, never to justify a crime.
How STUPID and MORONIC can a government be? Well, here you have it. IF this goes through, I can see an exodus of biblical proportion in CA. Good luck getting the illegals (only ones that will be left) to pay….you gotta chuckle and shake your head.
let us all go back farther, Native Americans owned this land and Europeans came over and just stole it from them, so every person should just go back to their History based origin country and then ask to come in? sounds the same as my family never owned slaves and now we are going to pay out to those who might have come from a family that might have been slaves? remember not all black Americans are from Africa or were slaves at all. So how does the US decipher it, and how is that fair. people just think!
The Biggest Injustice by Our State or Federal Government is to stoke the Fires of RACISM! Affirmative Action is ONLY ABOUT RACE and We as a Country have PROGRESSED TO FAR to Return Back to this! Every American Must be Judged not by the COLOR OF THEIR SKIN, RACE, ETHNICITY, LANGUAGE, SHAPE OF THEIR EYES, CULTURE, RELIGION or SEX & GENDER, BUT BY THE CONTENT OF THEIR CHARACTER… AND PERFORMANCE.
And America’s Adults & Children has been & still are Sharing Our Black Brothers & Sisters Business, Their Stories and Their Challenges because Black America Dominates or Has a Voice in MUSIC, MOVIES, SPORTS, FASHION, SOCIAL MEDIA & THE NEWS at EVERY LEVEL! Black America is part of the Very Fabric of AMERICAN HISTORY. Think About that… We also voted in the 1st Black American President, and appointed the 1st Black American, Secretary of State, twice!
Black America has COME SO FAR since Dr. Martin Luther King. He would be Proud of what has been accomplished, but He wouldnt be proud of the Narrative that Black Leaders in Politics are sharing today. It’s setting all His work backwards.
As a mixed race person of both “color” and Caucasian immigrant descent.. this is a horrible thing to impose on people right now. It will come out of paychecks as a tax.. either as its own California labeled tax or just a raised California payroll tax. There is no exact way to pinpoint whose ancestors were slaves and whose ancestors were slaves masters or southern Democrats back then. No matter how you spin it..this is just a way to feed the hunger of white liberal guilt and American black racism. Not reversed racism.. just racism. Half of my familial ancestors immigrated here from Norway and Poland back in the late 1800’s/early 1900’s. The highest position my family has run was a county position for the city of Chico back in the 1930’s. Since then no one in my family has worked in Government. None of my father’s ancestors owned slaves. My mother’s side of the family immigrated here legally from Mexico around the mid 1800’s. Part of my family was already here in the Sioux Nation. As a person of Mexican descent I can say the United States owes us a few states back. As a person of Sioux descent I can say they owe us the land and resources back. As a person of Aztec descent I could say Spain owes us our lineage back. As a person of Norwegian descent I could say England owes us our lands won in fair combat back. As a person of Polish descent I could say..well..we all know what happened to Poland. Going backwards isn’t going to fix a godamn thing. The only thing systemic is the continuation of the populace allowing the Government to divide us, the citizens. Just when we were on the track to unity, even between parts of the two party system, this shit happens. It always happens when things start cooking off too. But this time the Government can’t get a hold on it. The pots spilled over and theyre burning their hands on everything. The Democrats haven’t changed since they were founded. They’re just better at masking their racism. Every move they make regarding American racism is an over correction, and theyre hitting the rails trying to gain control of it again. Meanwhile the Republicans, Conservatives and even some Libertarians are following behind them with a garbage bag cleaning up the debris of everything the left breaks. Go ahead and call me racist… I have more privilege as a minority than my white cousins, father, uncle’s and aunts available to me if I wished to use it. And calling minorities “people of color” is just a Democrat flip of the term “colored people”. The left keeps the minorities in separate communities in the cities as best as they can; but as the crayons melt together they blend together creating one big strong blob of multicolored art, and at the center of that is one color typically.. Green. Money is what matters, we all need it and many of us can’t obtain it. The shut downs closed businesses permanently, these riots will close down businesses permanently in predominantly minority living areas making it harder for lower income citizens to make a living wage which raises the number of dependants on the Government. Common sense. As the very white privileged gentlemen Sherlock Holmes used to say…it’s Elementary Watson.
Robert, you speak the truth!
Hands down one of the best heartfelt responses I have had the pleasure of reading. Your background is very similar to my husband, who shares in what you have expressed!
I agree that there is not reverse racism but just plain racism that can cross all racial lines.
Thank you for taking the time to share your perspective!
With unity, kindness and shared values, it is my belief we can stay united and not let the bad players divide this country!
God Bless!
Like theives in the night, our so called representatives continue to bleed Californians dry. California had nothing to do with slavery. We were never a party to slavery, Why, then should we deprive our own, as he rewards those who never were slaves. Leftist ideology harms; especially when they appropriate huge sums of taxpayer dollars, without consent of the people.
The Biggest Injustice by Our State or Federal Government is to stoke the Fires of RACISM! Affirmative Action is ONLY ABOUT RACE and We as a Country have PROGRESSED TO FAR to Return Back to this! Every American Must be Judged not by the COLOR OF THEIR SKIN, RACE, ETHNICITY, LANGUAGE, SHAPE OF THEIR EYES, CULTURE, RELIGION or SEX & GENDER, BUT BY THE CONTENT OF THEIR CHARACTER… AND PERFORMANCE.
And America’s Adults & Children has been & still are Sharing Our Black Brothers & Sisters Business, Their Stories and Their Challenges because Black America Dominates or Has a Voice in MUSIC, MOVIES, SPORTS, FASHION, SOCIAL MEDIA & THE NEWS at EVERY LEVEL! Black America is part of the Very Fabric of AMERICAN HISTORY. Think About that… We also voted in the 1st Black American President, and appointed the 1st Black American, Secretary of State, twice!
Black America has COME SO FAR since Dr. Martin Luther King. He would be Proud of what has been accomplished, but He wouldnt be proud of the Narrative that Black Leaders in Politics are sharing today. It’s setting all His work backwards.
Great commentary Samuel!
Also California was not a state when slavery existed, so why are we saddled with the burden?
How exactly does this uplift the black community? What amount would it take, to rid the shame of slavery? Slavery that existed all over the world, slavery that still exists in different forms to this day!
According to my 23 and me, I have African ancestry, am I entitled? My check would amount to 1.00!
Random Thoughts:
-Dr. Shirley Weber – Doctor of what exactly?
-If she is so very oppressed, then how did she manage to be elected to public office?
-The West African Slave Trade was dominated by black Africans enslaving other black Africans. Those not sold were oftentimes killed and consumed, i.e. cannibalized. (Really. Look it up.)
-That being the case, why does she not demand reparations from those West African countries responsible for the initial enslavement of her ancestors?
-Indeed, if Racism in the United States is the bane of her daily existence, she need only move and settle in any number of the countries of West Africa, where everyone looks just like her and presumably there can be no Racism. (Not an original thought I know, but nonetheless true.)
-Oh, that’s right! The locals there would see her as just another loudmouth American, obnoxious and overfed, demonstrating up front that all this endless debate is not about Racism, but rather the impact of a wholly dysfunctional and entrenched subculture on mainstream American society.
-That said, if somebody does accept reparations, are they not making a tacit admission that they don’t belong here, that they were born here by mistake, and that they can therefore be stripped of citizenship and transported back to West Africa, the “Homeland”?
We could go on and on here about Europeans being the ones ending the slave trade, that the trade still exists in Africa, that most of the slaves went to Brazil and the Caribbean, that slavery was endemic among Native Americans who were also the biggest slave traders in the Southeast, that black slaves were so very valuable that, unlike the Irish slaves – yes they existed – that mistreatment was the exception and not the norm….
And so on and so forth.
Really, this “Dr.” Shirley Weber is just a demagogue who’s made a career of pandering to her constituents by playing the aggrieved minority race card. With the current troubles, she thinks she sees yet another opening by which she might advance her successful albeit parasitic career of feeding out of the public trough. Hence her current traction but limited in the media.
Just a thought.
P.S. For further reading, you may wish to pick up a copy of Africa: A Biography of the Continent
by John Reader.
Agree 100 percent!
Per Wikipedia:
“Weber is a professor emerita of Africana studies at San Diego State University. She helped to establish that department in 1972 and became its chair, teaching there for 40 years. She was president of the National Council for Black Studies from 2002 to 2006.”
Thanks. (That was a rhetorical question BTW. I already knew the academic rigour was lacking.)
In other words, she’s a Black Power, left wing racist, Angela Davis wannabe, without any credentials in either a hard science or the classical humanities, who has promoted herself by braying nonstop whilst waving the race card at every opportunity, thus intimidating and threatening professionally anyone who might otherwise call her out as a self-evident vicious bully. And being a bully, and like all bullies, she sees anybody who might try and mollify her via compromise or acquiescence as weak, encouraging her to bully yet again and to advance her otherwise hair-brained schemes to the ultimate detriment of all.
And that’s what she is. That’s all she is. And it’s a shame she wasn’t slapped down hard in 1972.
Just a thought.
It is racist and demeaning to blacks to keep bringing up this divisive, racist trope every election cycle. Are blacks as stupid as democrats think they are? Nope. They see racist pandering all the time. This is just the same old, same old. No adult would fall for such a promise, so why treat blacks like children by expecting them to?
Very insulting and demeaning yes! Shameful you are trying to take advantage of a crisis but not doing a very good job. You are setting these kids up to fail stop with your phony regressive AA!
This article would have done much better by identifying who voted how on each bill. Without that info, or by sounding the voting members on why they voted as they did, It’s pure speculation to claim that “recent events” – read, riots and looting – influenced the votes. Also, it’s not AA that’s not been challenged in CA since 2014, but the ban on it that citizens properly enacted into CA’s constitution when they approved Prop 209.
May each of these selfish, ridiculous, and divisive measures go down to the humiliating defeat each deserves.
Like always, it mostly was a party line vote: democrats voted yes for pandering to blacks. Republicans voted No to treat inviduals equally. You have been living under a rock for the past decades since you needed to ask such consistent voting records.
More anti-white legislation by the pro-communist Democrats of California who love to spend other peoples money and still have nothing t show for it.
Tell all the South Americans and illegal aliens along with all the other immigrants to this country that they now work for black people who were never slaves and that they owe them a free living. Tell American Indians too! See how that works out.
The “ Country “ ? The Country has “ taught itself to HATE her people ” ?
I’m sure this woman is speaking mainly of Caucasians, but when she blames the country she’s pointing her hate-filled racist finger at everyone. I’m sure the Chinese and Mexican people who’ve made and continue to make enormous contributions to this country will be thrilled to know how this lady feels about them. Every race of people in California are going to pay for this race-baiting ignorant woman’s BS whether they know it yet or not. Apparently she isn’t grateful for America fighting a war to end the bondage of her people but instead trashes them and kisses the butts of the party that fought to keep her people slaves. Nothing like being racist, stupid and proud of it.
If she wants to blame someone she should start with the tribal chiefs in Africa who sold them into slavery all over the world for centuries. There were also blacks who owned slaves in America, and there were white slaves as well as black slaves. That’s just a start, but hearing this race-baiting crap from the black community as if the world owes them something has been getting old for decades. Why this woman and people like her are so full of hate, racism and entitlement, and not thankful to be in America is beyond me.
This woman has proved herself to be little more than a useful idiot to the California DNC.
I believe y’all are all missing the point on what this means and only worry about where the money is going not why. Please go back learn about black history for real not just what you want and tray to understand why this is Important. And slavery had not end it is still going on today no just to black people but everyone as well but it has been happen to black people more. Plus the killing of black people in this country not only the ones by the cops but the ones we don’t see that is cause by some racist Caucasian people. Really as Bob Johnson (who is a black millionaire) said this is a estimated and may not be fully accurate but it’s a start to and end. This can be much worse on boat ends so learn your history first before you try to make Assumptions on what black people in this country deserves
ACA5 is a racist unconstitutional bill that will just judge students based on skin color , but not on the content of the character as MLK famously said. It is very lazy bill suggested by politicians to call their job done, but will never fix the root cause of problem while penalizing other hard-working kids by putting them at an unfair advantage. There exists many other more effective and more accurate ways to get to the bottom of the problem by helping those in disadvantaged conditions, but definitely not blindly allowing the colleges to unconstitutionally select students based on the skin color that the students can never change,