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CA Attorney General Rob Bonta. (Photo: Kevin Sanders for California Globe)

California Attorney General Rob Bonta Wants to Turn Shoppers Into Spies

Bonta urged consumers to report stores that lack gender neutral toy and child care sections

By Evan Gahr, December 12, 2024 10:52 am

California Attorney General Rob Bonta wants to turn shoppers into spies.

In his consumer advisory issued late last month on how to avoid holiday shopping scams Bonta urged consumers to report stores that lack gender neutral toy and child care sections mandated by  AB 1084, which took effect at the start of this year.

The legislation requires large retail stores to have  sections with gender neutral toys.  Stores that do not follow the diktat can be fined $250 for the initial violation and up to $500 after that.

The law played into the leftist fiction that there are no real differences between the sexes and now Bonta wants to turn California shoppers into his enforcers. His job is to protect Golden State consumers but the missive sounded more like an ideological crusade than anything which really impacts Californians.

“Does your department store have a gender-neutral children section?” Bonta asked.“As of January 1, 2024, large retail department stores that sell childcare items or toys must maintain a gender-neutral section for these items. Under AB 1084, retail department stores that have physical locations in California and 500 or more employees across all California locations must maintain a gender-neutral section, where a reasonable selection of the childcare items and toys for children that they sell must be displayed, regardless of whether these products are traditionally marketed for boys or girls. By requiring large retailers to maintain a gender-neutral section, AB 1084 makes it more difficult for these retailers to engage in gender-based pricing discrimination and reduces the imposition of gender stereotypes on children.”

Bonta urged consumers to send in documentation of any transgressions that they find.

 “If you do not see an adequate gender-neutral product section in a large retail department store in California that you believe is covered by this law, you may take pictures, document, and file a complaint with our office at oag.ca.gov/report.”

AB 1084 was authored by Assemblyman Evan Low (D-Campbell) in early 2021 and signed into law by Governor Gavin Newsom in October of that year.

Low said in his legislative analysis for the bill that it would make “all kids feel welcome” but is there any evidence that boys and girls were feeling alienated by finding toys in sections for them?

“A generally labeled area allows for a freer shopping experience for both children and the guardians to shop for the items the children would like to purchase without societal pressures,” Low wrote. “This is about kids not feeling bad about what they choose to purchase because of the store section it was purchased from.”

But other legislators and conservative organizations criticized the legislation as improper government overreach that foisted a social agenda on business that should be free to operate as they please.

“I would recommend we let parents be parents,” said Senator Melissa Melendez (R-Lake Elsinore) in a statement in 2021. “Unlike the author, I actually have children, five of them to be exact, and I can tell you it is very convenient for parents. I don’t think parents need the government to step in and tell them how they should shop for their children.”

The California Family Council, a conservative Christian group, blasted the legislation as the government forcing compelled speech on businesses in violation of the First Amendment.

California Family Council vice-president Greg Burt wrote that, “This is government-compelled speech. This law tells private business owners, who might be Christian, Jewish, or Muslim, that they must communicate a government-sponsored message about gender when they display and market children’s toys. That is illegal.”

Burt told the California Globe that Bonta’s language urging consumers to report stores that do not have “adequate” gender neutral sections is an invitation to radical trans activists to file complaints and advance their agenda of pretending there is no difference between males and females. .

“Notice how vague the language is.  What is an adequate gender neutral section? What is enough gender neutral [products]?” he asked rhetorically. “This is impossible to enforce and this is a ridiculous standard.  You are going to have trans activists going into stores and say these stores are not putting enough gender neutral products on their shelves.”

“This [legislation] is just the beginning,” Burt added. “They want everything mixed together. In their mind they want to destroy the binary nature of what a human being is–that we are a species of male and female. They want to enforce that philosophy on the whole culture and they are willing to use government power to do it. All under the guise of being inclusive. It is very authoritarian.”

In response to an inquiry from the California Globe, Bonta’s press office declined to say if any consumers had filed complaints following his entreaty to snitch,  but said no enforcement actions have been taken so far.

“We are unable to comment on, even to confirm or deny the submission of, complaints received by our office as they are considered confidential investigative records of the Attorney General,” said an unnamed press aide. “We have not taken any action against retailers to date.”

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13 thoughts on “California Attorney General Rob Bonta Wants to Turn Shoppers Into Spies

  1. Ridiculous requirements deserve ridiculous responses. Don’t change anything except to install a large sign over the isle that can be read from a basement in New York which LOUDLY proclaims “GENDER NEUTRAL SECTION,” with smaller print underneath: “All genders can select whatever they desire.” That would probably not satisfy the Stasi Bonta wants to recreate in California, but, depending on the courthouse, it might well be legally defensible even in the current manifestation of the Democratic Republic of East Germany AKA Newsom’s California.

  2. When I see a gaggle of gender neutral folks wandering hopelessly looking for an adequate gender-neutral product section in a large retail department store in California that I believe is covered by this law, I may take pictures, document, and file a complaint.

    1. I’ve lived and worked in several states and literally all over california south of Redding, a lot in the backyards of every type of people there can be. Except for media pictures, I truly believe I’ve only seen 2 real life, obvious trannies (they were obnoxious), although I haven’t been out and around much since covid. However, I’ve been in the midst of quite a number of homosexuals over the years who were just men who liked men, some were obnoxious, others weren’t, and while some might cross dress on occasion I don’t recall any who outright pretended to be women as a full time hobby. They did tend to be pushy about rights, some unreasonably so. I think the cross genders of the last few years are like shithouse flies, 5 can mimic a thick, supremely annoying swarm of locusts right in your face which won’t leave you alone – and that’s how the cross genders get all the publicity they do. To get pushy about ridiculous non problems in search of a coersive solution could be one definition of someone who is an unmitigated asshole, and that includes anyone who gets bent over how store shelves are stocked.

      1. What is gender neutral? You have pots and pans, house cleaning appliances and supplies, books, sports items, groceries, and in today’s twisted world, any girl can wear a jockstrap even though it’s purposeless to do so. Even “Analese” lube isn’t gender neutral. On the other hand, things like “tuck the sausage” clothing would seem to be confused gender specific. I think that if I had a store I would designate an isle as gender neutral and stock it only with rainbow flags with a Gadsen Flag twist. Of course it would have a rainbow background, but it would have a coiled turd instead of a snake. It would be topped with a scowly face like the angel on the tree, and flies would be buzzing around it. Of course, “Don’t tread on me” would underscore the turd. In the upper top left there would be a peach displaying peach cleavage, and there would be a star on the cleavage about 3/4 down the cleavage. there would also be a knockwurst sausage protruding from the peach with a pink and blue ribbon on it tied in a bow. Under the peach/sausage, there would be smaller print, all in bold caps, loudly proclaiming “9 THOUSAND GENDERS.” That should do it.

    2. The guy who talks about taking pictures and filing reports would be too busy trying to not be trampled by shoplifters to be a Bonta snitch

  3. Democrats are so scared that Wal-Mart and Target are going to make boys thing that they shouldn’t play with a Barbie that the think they need a law to prevent this. Meanwhile, the boy with the Barbie will show up with it at school and then get beat by his classmates for being a sissy-la-la. Reality has a way of ultimately sorting these things out.

  4. This sounds like a tactic commonly used in communist countries like China?

    Bestselling author Peter Schweizer revealed in his book “Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans” how two billionaires, Neville Roy Singham and Alibaba co-founder Joseph Tsai, prop up radical activists groups that use transgenderism as a weapon against the “capitalist order.” Schweizer noted that neither billionaire or the pro-Beijing groups pushing the trans agenda in the U.S. they don’t push the agenda in China where the CCP government views LGBTQ as an evil foreign influence that prevents young people from marrying and having children. The CCP also bans “effeminate men” on television among other depictions that could be seen as pro-gay.

    Would anyone be surprised if AG Rob Bonta and other members of the criminal Democrat mafia that controls California weren’t getting payoffs from the CCP to promote this agenda?

  5. This is the kind of ridiculous, brain-dead legislation that makes CA a laughingstock. But those who write it and push it and pass it don’t care because, through trivial nonsense, they hope to undermine the basic building blocks of society, probably because they have been paid off to do so. And we in California are their hapless guinea pigs. Great.
    Of course AG Rob Bonta demonstrates again what an IDIOT he is. And doesn’t he have a Fed investigation hanging over his head? Maybe he should go home or lock himself in his office and get busy shredding documents ASAP, or whatever it is these people do, instead of making public statements about how customers should snitch on stores. Pathetic.
    Do your job AG Bonta! THIS is not your job.
    How does this help you politically? You just look silly.

  6. sure, once police show up and arrest the shoplifters, maybe we ‘report’ evidence of other crimes…….
    no wonder cali is in shambles.

    kick these incompetent boobs (which is gender neutered, by the way) out of their jobs and lets make california great again. MCGA !!!

  7. “Attorney General Rob Bonta” is a very sick person and should be removed from office as an attorney general who condones criminal sexual child abuse by pushing transgender areas in stores to further groom children into his sexual delusional mentally ill fantasy of his pedo tendencies. He suppose to up hold the law and not break them, he is unqualified to be AG. All of this pushing is sexual child abuse and grooming and manipulation of children into transgenderism.

  8. This is more proof that Democrats are mentally ill, and need treatment.

    My next question is why would anyone vote for the dumb@ss Attorney General?

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