California Republicans are Gaining Traction in Voter Registrations
The pendulum may have veered so far left in Crazifornia that the future could be looking brighter for California Republicans
By Katy Grimes, March 2, 2024 10:00 am
Well this is interesting – “the percentage share of registered Republican voters increased in every single one of California’s counties, assembly, state senate, and congressional districts,” according to Rob Pyres, research director for the California Target Book.
Wait – what??? Is this possible?
Yes. Fix California has been registering Republican voters in the state now for a few years.
In July of 2021, Ric Grenell’s Fix California started a statewide inspection of the 58 counties’ voter rolls.
As the Globe reported at the time, “California’s November 3, 2020 election was marred by significant voting and registration irregularities, the Globe reported in June, following an alarming report by the Election Integrity Project California.”
This is playing out as we speak. As Assemblyman Bill Essayli (R-Riverside) just posted to X/Twitter this morning:
@RichardGrenell’s Fix California has been quietly registering conservative voters for the last 3 years. Coincidence?
— Bill Essayli (@billessayli) March 2, 2024
Essayli retweeted the post by Rob Pyers with new voter data from the California Secretary of State:
NEW: @CASoSVote publishes its final 15-day pre-election registration report ahead of the primary. DEM 10,285,108 / 46.59% (-38,106, -0.17% vs 1/5 rpt) REP 5,388,479 / 24.41% (+55,621, +0.25%) NPP 4,822,547 / 21.84% (-22,566, -0.11%) TOT 22,077,333 (-79)
Fix California cross checks voter data with the California Secretary of State, Department of Motor Vehicles, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Postal Service’s National Change of Address database, California Attorney General, any California Superior Court, the County Health Systems, county and city district attorneys’ offices, and county and city election departments.
This is cross checking which should have been going on all along by counties. And that’s what Fix California has been doing: “through our work on the data front, we are identifying key areas where there appears to be high concentrations of inaccurate or poorly maintained voter rolls.”
As the Globe reported in 2021, California had 1.8 million more registered voters than it should – that we knew of at the time. (more on this here)
As Pyers reported, “Relative to the January 5th report, the percentage share of registered Republican voters increased in every single one of California’s counties, assembly, state senate, and congressional districts.”
The pendulum may have veered so far left in Crazifornia that the future could be looking brighter for California Republicans. Just look at the Garvey/Schiff polling…
- ‘Impeach Trump’ is Back in Business - January 21, 2025
- California’s Professional Political Class Caused the State’s Demise - January 20, 2025
- Gavinomics: California’s High Cost of Living is Exploding - January 18, 2025
Good news, waiting to see this play out further, fingers crossed!
“The pendulum may have veered so far left in Crazifornia that the future could be looking brighter for California Republicans.”
Hopefully, Fix California and others will also focus on (1) outlawing the universal mail-in ballot and (2) installing a requirement for voter ID. When this is accomplished we can say goodbye to the DemoRats’ policy of “vote early and often.”
This is encouraging.
We really need conservatives, independents and the dissatisfied Dems to vote!
Only 38% of eligible voters casted a ballot in 2020! A little over a 1/3 of eligible voters are deciding our fate as a state! Ballot stuffing got us to 38%. This is pathetic!
Please encourage everyone in your circle and social media to vote now and in November!
And yes the cheat is REAL!
We had a chance when Schwarzenegger was elected but he was a disaster. His only objective was to have people idolize him. In hindsight we should have seen that coming.
Fed Up – In the end one of the good things about Scharzenegger —- once voter disappointment set in —- was that as I recall he did VETO a lot of bad and garbage legislation.
So at least THAT…. 🙂
Voting for him was the among the worst political decisions of my combined voting experience.
“As the Globe reported in 2021, California had 1.8 million more registered voters than it should – that we knew of at the time.”
Unfortunately, 1.8 million “voters” crossed the border last year.
For those of you who haven’t voted yet, consider consulting Craig Huey’s voter guide to either help you choose or to confirm your choices. Highly recommended. Most of us use it to find best judges, which we wouldn’t otherwise have a clue about, unless we know them personally. (We did know one personally one election year and Huey’s high assessment matched ours.) Huey uses an objective, standardized method of sorting out best judges and other best candidates. He researches candidates, sends them questionnaires, and rates them with a star system based on the results.
Click on the county you want and scroll way down to find judicial and other candidate recommendations:
Remember that Schwarzenegger was elected using the same voting system as used for Brown and Newsom…Kevin Schelley the Secretary of State *Decertified* the Diebold voting machines after the October 2003 recall election claiming the machines were hacked from Venezuela. He was the first state election official to decertify the DRE voting machine systems already in use, to require all DRE voting machine systems to contain an accessible paper copy of a person’s vote, and to adopt standards and security measures for such systems. He initiated an investigation into electronic voting machine manufacturer Diebold Election Systems (now Premier Election Solutions), and at the conclusion of the investigation, requested that then-State Attorney General Bill Lockyer investigate Diebold for criminal fraud. There was great fear the Shelley decertification would lead to to the decertification of the Schwarzenegger recall election in early 2004. By March 2005 Shelley was hit with a series of scandals that drove him from office.
Schiff was pulling a fast one this past week, since Schiff wants to run against Garvey; not Porter. So Schiff last week sent out two slick mailers to GOP households that almost looked like campaign material for Garvey, but sent out with its standard printerunion bug, from “Schiff for California”.
Both mailings intended to put Garvey into the MegaMaga camp, which normally would be a taint to the Democrat voter, but this is a jungle primary so why was Schiff telling GOP households this?
……….”.Garvey pretends he is a moderate. Garvey is too conservative for California. Garvey will join Mitch McConnell and help McConnell push his extreme conservative agenda. Garvey voted for Trump Twice!!!” …………
Too weird, unless Schiff wanted to galvanize GOP primary turnout – us red necks sho want our boy Garvey to take on those commie Dems, right Schiff? We’ gonna git them to polls and vote for our red meat boy Garvey.
Bingo – Schiff’s expensive mailing worked. Garvey got boost in the polls. Schiff most likely gets to run against Garvey, and Schiff expects to pick him off in the general election with one hand tied behind his back. Katie Porter gets to take the knife out of her back.
And Garvey will now have to fight like hell against the big Democrat Mean Machine all greased up by Schiff to lay Garvey low.
Next Schiff mailing to GOP households will not be Mega Mega, but that Garvey is a disgusting piece of human excrement. Who probably even joined Pete Rose to throw baseball games. On and on until election day. Get ready for more Democrat Dirty Tricks.
How low will Schiff go – we know that already.
Jaye, I definitely agree with your description of what is happening and what could very well happen here. But in these terrible times, where the more sensible message HAS TO BE resonating, to blot out the Dem/Marxist one that results in the HELL on EARTH we are in the midst of now, Sleazeball Schiff’s “strategy” could very well backfire.
Katie Porter is doing the same thing, with Repub candidate Eric Early, but it’s such a brain-twister as to what her goal is supposed to be it becomes like higher math. I’m not smart enough: One grasps it for a moment and then loses it — or if you’re like me that’s what happens. 🙂 Seems to me SHE, in promoting Eric Early as a right-wing nutcase with Garvey as a more moderate candidate, sends Early voters to Garvey. Or something….. oops, lost the thread again. See? Who can even figure out or follow WHAT her goal is in those ads.
Silently cheering for a backfire and a blowup —- on ALL of Schiff’s and Porter’s skanky skunky skullduggery. And why not? Garvey’s minimalist message MUST be resonating with today’s beleaguered voters of BOTH parties. For some of them it’s probably the first time they have even HEARD it, given that sensible voices are so often completely SHUT DOWN. And that message should continue to resonate in spite of future mud thrown. That’s the hope, anyway. (knock wood and fingers crossed, ha)
Today I read something which really got my attention.
Candidate Early has been endorsed by the California Rifle and Pistol Club.
Why would they a prefer one national office candidate over another?
Well, maybe because Early, a Republican, is willing to honestly participate in an adult conversation about our Constitutional rights.