Chuckawalla Valley State Prison. (Photo: CDCR)
California to Release 18,000 Convicted Criminals by End of August
CDCR Secretary apologizes to convicts for ‘significant burden’
By Katy Grimes, July 16, 2020 6:52 am
While California is in another statewide lockdown of most businesses, and wearing masks is mandatory, Gov. Gavin Newsom is releasing convicted criminals from prisons and jails.
“Estimates of 8,000 inmates could be eligible for release by end of August, in addition to the state’s reduction of about 10,000 persons since the start of the pandemic,” the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Secretary Ralph Diaz announced this week. However, instead of apologizing to law abiding Californians, Secretary Diaz wrote a letter of apology to the convicted criminals, for the “significant burden you and your families continue to bear.”

The corrections agency announcement also apologizes the “unnecessarily incarcerated:”
“The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) announced today additional actions to protect its most vulnerable population and staff from COVID-19, and to allow state prisons to maximize available space to implement physical distancing, isolation, and quarantine efforts. The department estimates up to 8,000 currently incarcerated persons could be eligible for release by end of August under these new measures, further decompressing facilities.”
“We’re glad the Governor is taking action to release more people. This is absolutely critical for the health and safety of every Californian. Too many people are incarcerated for too long in facilities that spread poor health. Supporting the health and safety of all Californians means releasing people unnecessarily incarcerated and transforming our justice system,” said Jay Jordan, Executive Director, Californians for Safety and Justice.
Secretary Diaz added, “We aim to implement these decompression measures in a way that aligns both public health and public safety.”
The language is telling: “pandemic emergency decompression efforts.”
Outside of prisons and jails, Gov. Gavin Newsom ordered all law-abiding residents to wear masks and face coverings. However, no such order exists within the prisons and jails. If masks work, as the governor insists, why aren’t inmates wearing them?
Newsom issued an order Monday for the entire state to again close indoor businesses: Fitness centers and gyms, churches, offices, hair and nail salons and barbershops, shopping malls, restaurants, bars, museums, zoos and movie theaters are all subject to the latest lockdown.
While businesses are forced to close again, the governor is letting another 8,000 inmates out of prison, for a grand total of 18,000 convicted criminals on the streets.
Throughout the state, Democrat Mayors and city councils are calling for defunding the police. People who do not live in dangerous inner cities are demanding police budgets be cut – all while Gov. Newsom releases convicts from prisons and jails.
CDCR is using guidelines for release:
In order to be eligible, incarcerated persons must meet the following criteria:
- Deemed high risk for COVID-19 complications by CCHCS
- Not serving LWOP or condemned
- Have an assessment indicating a low risk for violence
- No high-risk sex offenders (HRSO)
- HRSO indicates a convicted sex offender who is required to register pursuant to Penal Code Section 290, and has been identified to pose a higher risk to commit a new sex offense in the community, as determined using a standard risk assessment tools for sex offenders.
Here is CDCR Secretary Ralph Diaz’s letter:
Letter to all incarcerated people

Date: July 9, 2020
As we continue to fight the spread of COVID-19 in our prisons, I want to acknowledge the significant burden you and your families continue to bear as a result of the extraordinary changes we have made to our operations.
Since March, you have endured the suspension of visits, reduced phone call schedules due to physical distancing and cleaning requirements, schedule changes, housing changes, program suspensions and extremely limited movement. Some have been endorsed for other institutions or programs and have not been able to transfer. At institutions that experienced outbreaks, you’ve gone through even more. All this is coupled with the worry you have for your health and that of your peers and loved ones. California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) has lost 32 people to this disease – I extend my sincerest condolences to their family, friends, co-workers, and communities.
To continue to effectively fight this virus, we must create more space in our prisons, both to expand physical distancing to slow COVID-19’s spread and to ease some of the immense challenges staff face every day. To do this, CDCR is expediting some releases and exploring other options. As part of those efforts, and to recognize the impact on programs and credit earnings during the COVID-19 pandemic, I announced today the CDCR will implement Positive Programming Credits (PPC).
This credit will provide 12 weeks of credit to everyone in CDCR custody, except those found guilty of a serious rules violation between March 1, 2020, and July 5, 2020. PPC will be awarded under the existing “Extraordinary Conduct Credits” in Title 15, which authorizes the Director of the Division of Adult Institutions to award credit to an incarcerated person who has “provided exceptional assistance in maintaining the safety and security of a prison.” As this authorization exists in state law and therefore does not require a regulation change, we must follow the exclusions outlined in the law, which means those serving life without the possibility of parole and people who are condemned are not eligible for credit-earning.
These credits are expected to be applied by August 1, 2020. For those whose Earliest Possible Release Date will be reached once the credit is applied, we expect releases to begin in August following normal processes outlined in Title 15.
While this will in no way make up for the multitude of changes and impacts to your lives this pandemic has necessitated, I hope it will play a part in recognizing your sacrifice and the role you continue to play in keeping the institutions safe and peaceful, which enables staff to focus on providing care to those who are ill. We cannot get through this without your understanding, patience, and support. Your efforts are appreciated.
With gratitude,
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Release criminals while the economy is shut down. Can’t fix stupid.
Leave them in to FINISH their entire sentence. After all, THAT was their punishment correct?
If we don’t, I t’s like telling your kid his punishment is to not have cookies after dinner – then a 1/2 hour later giving him a cookie anyway. Plain and simple. Crime = punishment. If you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime.
That is so true!
This is not just stupid, it’s crazy and very scary. Did they sign paperwork stating they would vote for Newsom??
Oh my GOD! Karen, you’re on to something!!!!!!!!!!! THAT’s WHY! All the criminals are being let out in exchange for their democratic votes!
Yep! That goes along with the change they are trying to do so felons can now vote!!!!! This is all crazy and unlawful! But democratics don’t follow the laws!!!!!
Felons can’t vote you idiots! If you ppl actually did some research you would know that inmates are getting released a few months before they were already going to be released. Yes they committed a crime but, they didn’t get sentenced to LIFE! Which what you are saying they deserve by leaving them in overcrowded prisons.
You’re the idiot. Refer to CA Assembly Constitutional Amendment 6. The democratic run state has continually attempted to give voting rights to felons in efforts to “buy” their votes. Some have advocated for the felons to be able to vote while still incarcerated. Political agendas abound with no respect for public safety or justice for victims. The future of California is in peril.
You sir are 100% correct.. and more than once have the Dems tried to give Criminals the vote. They started with cut jails and worked up to prisons. A felon can run for office if time spent has justified the charges. What I don’t get is a person with Criminal Charges pending for court is able to run for Vice President. Regardless of the country, as well known the Ukraine President has named Biden with criminal charges. That’s Dem mentality and that alone should have him withdrawing his bid for PRESIDENT OF THE US. A person with criminal charges filed is actually running for President… as of 8/31/20 CA Newt has released 18, 000 criminals into the communities of CA, How can we thank him. Maybe CDRC Diaz can write them another apology letter? No I think Neeson has pretty much if not already ruined California and now that he lives in Placerville on the California Nevada border when he’s done with us he’s just gonna flip over into Nevada. Yeah he’s out of here
You are the idiot. Let me refer you to California Assembly Constitutional Amendment 6. This bill seeks to restore voting rights for felons in California. Another attempt by the Democrats to further their agenda by buying the votes of criminals. Many of these politicians have supported the idea of allowing felons to vote while still incarcerated. The future of California is in peril as these measures fly in the face of true criminal justice, justice for the victims, and the safety of the community.
Can’t vote with a felony
Wouldn’t it be better to Put them on 24 hour lock down and give them all masks quit outside visiting so we can protect our prisoners from this virus. It’s scary out here.
they haven’t had any visits, they’ve been mandated to wear masks. And they have not been able to program to shorten their sentence because of being locked down.
That is incorrect. Lockdowns in CA prisons revert all inmates assigned to credit earning programs to receive “S-time”. This is full credit earning “Security time” while doing nothing. And they don’t wear the masks because they don’t want to. They have a documented, court-adjudicated history of breaking rules and not following instructions. What are you going to do to them? Put them in prison? They are already there. Duh. But you are correct about visiting being closed as a protection measure.
They raped a child, murdered a spouse and hopefully will live next door to you.
They haven’t had visits since March 9th!!!
Wouldn’t it be better to Put them on 24 hour lock down and give them all masks quit outside visiting so we can protect our prisoners from this virus. It’s scary out here.
Why does California prison population keep going down but the CDCR budget does not.
Newsom is so stupid….. Please NOOOOO
The governor and his minions are literally waging war on the law abiding citizens of California.
I read this, shake my head , wonder, and ask myself “am I dreaming?” These people were put in prison for a REASON! THEY ARE DANGEROUS! And Gruesome is releasing them. Stay tuned folks the next step is more gun control! Thank you Katy for another informed article.
As of August 31 the nude has released 18,000 felons from prison. Only felons go to prison do you get that? Seven were released in small towns in Southern California from one kidnapper child molester of a 10-year-old boy who he kept for weeks before the child was found, and another woman who killed her husband, yet another who has an armed bank robber yet another three that were pedophiles. Since the Newt is intent on makingA haven for pedophiles comment stating that the registered sex offender law was outdated, and not requiring any of the 18,000 to fill out a piece of paper of an address they were going to who the hell knows where they are? They ain’t taking my bullets. I think the Newt is a sociopath narcissist and hopefully the fourth impeachment petition reaches freaking Sacramento. And since he is Nancy Pelosi‘s nephew there is actual psychotic DNA shared in that family tree. The fact that they’re all in California but every life at risk. The new were destroy every citizen in the state of California because of his in-depth, inbred hatred for people in general. I didn’t vote for him he’s nuts. And convicted felons cannot vote, they cannot vote while in prison, they cannot vote out of prison. When someone goes to prison they lose their constitutional rights, when is their freedom, the other one is that no one gives a shit what they think or say and I hope to never see them again. The fact that California does not have the death penalty well that would solve a lot of problems now wouldn’t it?. Oh and yes they are intent on defunding every police department in the state of California? Well maybe they can have the criminals be social workers since they’re so damn street smart. And on the last point why even have a proposition 15 on the November ballot anyway to find local government? All the local governments are being defunded, ask Siri what that means if you do not know. So why would we find governments that are in the grip of a lot of Democrats who do not want them to exist. Oh along with closing all prisons well There would be no where to send the serial killer right well maybe they can buy the house next-door to you oh since California now has a house the criminals program. I am voting no for any tax increase that there is. Of course now all the very rich people that make over $400,000 a year or so upset with lion Biden that they’re switching over to Trump. Course I can’t blame them either you have to work your ass off to make over $400,000 a year so they could pay triple the taxes?. It’s all about getting our money so maybe the welfare system riders have it correct after all. Let’s just all go apply for welfare and let the government support us, pay our rent,Buy our food and give us free medical insurance. Hell I’m gonna quit my job tomorrow. Except I won’t be roaming the streets God knows what criminal is behind that COVID-19 mask
Wait how contradictory. Did you guys actually read the article? It starts off with inmates are mandated to wear a mask. Yet the spread continues to rise. Then the author refers to Newsoms mandate of, “law abiding citizens mandated to wear a mask, but that no mandate for the inmates”. Inmates have been required to wear a mask for months now. And they are allowing a credit to inmates as a credit for their inability to shorten their sentances through programming which has been disrupted.
I did not see that inmates are mandated to wear masks anywhere in this article and I read it twice. The spread continues to rise because the inmates are trying to get Wuhan. Find the video of the inmates in L.A. County jail doing this.
my son is in prison and they have been mandated to wear masks for months. And shame on all of you who think that it’s right and just to keep them locked up with the covid-19 running rampant in the prisons. It’s even scarier for me as my son has cancer and is very high risk for covid. So you think he deserves a death sentence? You know that some day it could happen to you, right? Never say never.
Stupid doesn’t even cover the things and thinking’s of Newsome! I just want to know, did the department find these criminals (oops) a job before their let out? Newsom has closed businesses a lot of citizens are out of work. Just how is this to work? Oh, just give the newly released convicts $$$ to live on & what about health insurance? I guess California is in the money! There is a greater agenda going on here that the American/ California people don’t know.
If I read the article correctly all inmates who are eligible for the 12 weeks credit will receive 12 weeks off their sentence. Therefore, there will continue to be early release even after the first 8000. And you are spot on about the job industry! Scary times happening NOW!
This was the plan Democrats had before Covid-19. It has given them cover to actually do it in the open. They want to get rid of prisons. So what can go wrong with no police and jails. We may soon find out. Prisoners getting set free while everyone else is imprisoned at home, with the exception of BLM protestors of course.
This wah-wah letter makes me furious!!! Some people have their loved ones locked away in nursing homes (or whatever place) and they haven’t seen them since February or March!!!! Where’s their gushy letter? This is simply hogwash!!!! They are criminals for crying out loud–they broke the law!!!! Our elders broke no laws and get treated like dirt–as do their families. Just not fair!!!!
Totally agree. This virus has mad everyone stupid in their thinking. Tell that to the elderly stuck in a nursing home for the last 5 months without the right to see their families, have to stay in their rooms, have to wear a mask if they even come out of their rooms and most of the residents are put in bed and no one gets them up. Also, the residents can not even have any physical touch which if anyone has visited a nursing home. The residents need social touch and companionship. Why didn’t the convicts just stay in their cells and not let out? Because that is what the cdc is doing to these poor residents in nursing home. The residents are not even allowed any activities or connection with others. Tell you what the prisoners are going to do: they will commit more crimes against law abiding citizens. Time to stand up USA and take back our country from these left wingers and blm group.
What about all of the crimes that these inmates committed but were never caught or convicted of? 3 strikes your out!
These inmates for the most part have gotten away with multiple crimes, some of which could have been very violent including rape, murder, attempted Murder, assault with a deadly weapon and never been arrested or charged. They are prisoners and should remain in jail to serve their sentences.
Why are letting gov newsom put all California in such danger? How can we stop him.
You have to ask?
Time to buy guns…several and lots of ammo. I’ve been putting it off, but this is the last straw. And, I have no reservation whatsoever about making trips to NV for ammo stockpiling. Handguns, shotguns, a few rifles. Yep, that’s a start.
Will you plz be my neighbor! ????????
Where does Newsom plan to dump these convicts? No !!!!!!
If I were a victim of one of these criminals……..I’m not sure I could contain myself….I know going to court would not work……but maybe I would become proficient in using a crossbow……realizing of course……I would be let out of jail in just a short time……!!!
With “gratitude”?? For the crimes they committed?! Wake UP!
This is the worst news ever!!!!! We all need to get a guns
I think that a lot of you are overlooking the fact that California incarcerates more of its citizens THEN ANY OTHER PLACE IN THE WORLD – and leads by a deplorable amount. The number of people who are incarcerated in the CDCR system, that would have otherwise never been sent to prison should their offenses have been committed elsewhere, would shock and outrage those of you who aren”t so far up on your high horses of ignorance to fear the fall would be a mortal injury. You are all so quick to look at the people who are being “punished” and pick apart and complain about the budget allocated to those who’s responsibility it is to maintain the system- and I get that- that money is coming out of your taxes and effort. ..but have we become so narrow sighted and complacent to turning a blind eye on WHO IS BENEFITING from the systems in place, that it never even occurs to any of you to ASK WHY California’s prisons are the most populated, notoriously over crowded and recidivism prone? BILLIONS of dollars are made by the PRIVET business that fuel the felon factory our state has become. A disturbing amount of prisoners are regular people who either have social or mental crisis issues , who made poor decisions and , instead of being given the direction and support needed to correct their path and returning them to bring healthy functioning members of our communities, they were placed in institutions that do nothing but condition and mold them into nameless profit sources guaranteed to return- if they were aming those lucky enough to receive an out date at all. Why? Profit. If you want to stand on your soap boxes in front of your glass houses and raise the banner against a villain- why not start with the people who are making more money in a month then you will see in a lifetime by making us the most populated prison system in the world. I don’t understand how so many people can be so ignorant and short sighted while believing they are so far superior to everyone else. May God have mercy on your intelligence and ego’s.
I totally agree…… well said!
I have something to say on this issue also. My husband has been incarcerated for going on 2 and a half years now. He was arrested for possession of a firearm by a felon, the firearm however didn’t fire as the firing pin was removed..he was sentenced to 4 years with half time. His original release date was 9/10/2020, right about the time when CDCR was releasing inmates early due to COVID19; he should have been one of those inmates released. Instead he went before the parole board, and his release date pushed out to January 2021, which made him ineligible for early release. To be eligible you had to have less that 180 days left on your sentence. Oh might I add, that there were SEVERAL inmates released from his facility that were not supposed to be released until May of next year and after..and still my husband sits, to this day wondering why he hasn’t been released yet. One of the people released from his facility was a child molester, who had already reoffended before. It’s ridiculous…the ENTIRE SYSTEM IS CORRUPT.
Everyone needs to remember that they’re in prison for a reason – they committed a crime(s). Nobody forced them, they did it on their own and now must pay for their crime(s). We’ve also forgotten that Newsome is the biggest criminal of all and must be made to pay for his crime(s). BTW, he (Newsome) isn’t a real nephew of the moronette Pelosi. He’s her adopted nephew. Yeah right like her father was just a small time criminal in one of New York’s five families.
I don’t blame the governor one bit. I blame all you voters in California. You voted these geniuses into office. You made your bed, now lie in it. “Liberal” used to mean standing up for the little guy, the most innocent and vulnerable people in society. Now it means “stupid as hell”. Now you kill the most vulnerable and celebrate and have parades over it. You shut down the police who protect you and release convicted felons. Racial justice is important . It’s a right. But you don’t fight racial injustice with another form of racism. You don’t give a damn about saving the economy or the plight of struggling small businesses . You can go to the mall but not church. You pick and choose your favorite and least favorite “right” and act like the ones you don’t like don’t exist bc it doesn’t fit your “its all about me” philosophy. So either wake up or live with your decision. You folks are great at coming up with a rationalization to get you through the day, so come up with one to get you through this latest round of California hypocrisy.