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California’s War Against Donald Trump – Part II

‘If Trump wins, California’s top law officer is prepared’

By Katy Grimes, May 16, 2024 5:43 pm

In 2016, Donald Trump shocked Democrats when he beat Hillary Clinton in the Presidential Election. Simultaneously, California’s new Democrat supermajority Legislature used the usually congenial legislative swearing-in ceremonies to rush through Assembly and Senate resolutions insisting President-elect Donald Trump abandon his immigration deportation policies–at least in California, I reported at the time.

California is home to the largest illegal-alien population in the country, and is a Sanctuary State. President-elect Trump vowed at the time to build a border wall and deport immigrants that have a criminal record, which he estimated to be two-three million. Today that number is likely quadrupled.

Ironically, less than four weeks after California voters passed a new transparency ballot initiative requiring advanced notice of legislation of at least 72 hours, these Democrat lawmakers rammed through the two resolutions hours after turning them in. Specifically, these resolutions demanded that President-Elect Donald Trump withdraw “a mass deportation strategy” of illegal immigrants. Except Trump never said he was going to employ a mass-deportation process; Trump said he would deport criminal illegal aliens.

Then-California Senate President Kevin De Leon ordered President-elect Trump to not deport illegal immigrants to their home countries, “under any circumstances”… But he was pressed by a reporter about Trump’s actual statements regarding the deportation of only criminal illegal aliens. “I’m not sure I heard it that way,” de Leon said. “I based it (the resolution) on the 60 minutes interview, and 3 million criminal immigrants. We don’t know if that’s a pretense to loosen up the criteria with mothers, nannies and dreamers,” he said. “If it’s felons, we’ve never had a problem with felons. There’s never been an issue with that.”

“I didn’t hear him make the comment,” he added. Apparently the California Senate was basing state policy on a 60 Minutes interview. Sen. Ricardo Lara, D-Los Angeles, ratcheted up the rhetoric by threatening to “fight in the streets” anyone who tried to “dissolve the work we have done.”

Ricardo Lara is California’s Insurance Commissioner today, and Kevin De Leon is a Los Angeles City Councilman.

According to de Leon, and Sen. Lara, “Thousands of illegal aliens in California are (were) terrified.”

“However, De Leon and Lara failed to fairly report how their official media blasts are more likely terrifying immigrant groups,” I reported. “De Leon said that throughout the election, the President-elect made many disturbing comments. ‘I am guided by principles of justice. There is no greater policy area than immigration,’ he added at the press conference.”

Well, here’s our deja vu.

The Los Angeles Times reports a familiar scenario:

California Atty. Gen. Rob Bonta said he and his staff have been reviewing former President Trump’s second-term agenda to prepare a potential onslaught of environmental, immigration and civil rights lawsuits in the event he defeats President Biden in November.

“We can’t be caught flat-footed,” Bonta said in an interview Thursday in Washington. “Fortunately and unfortunately, we have four years of Trump 1.0. We know some of the moves and priorities; we expect them to be different.”

Bonta, a Democrat who is considering a run for governor, said he has been reviewing the work of his predecessor, Xavier Becerra, who filed more than 100 suits against Trump policies before leaving the office to become Biden’s secretary of Health and Human Services. Bonta and his deputies are also looking at “Project 2025,” a document drafted by the Heritage Foundation, a Trump-aligned think tank, which offers a blueprint of his second-term policy goals.

Will Ricardo Lara again threaten to “fight in the streets” anyone who tried to “dissolve the work we have done?”

Not to be left out, then-Governor Jerry Brown also made threats against Trump policies. As James Lacy and I reported in our 2017 book, California’s War Against Donald Trump: Who Wins? Who Loses?  when President Trump announced he would refocus climate change research conducted by NASA as part of his fight against climate-alarmist policies, Gov. Brown launched into an epic monologue on the dangers of climate change, and he even threatened to launch California-funded satellites. Then California’s Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom threatened Trump’s plans for a wall on our southern border with environmental lawsuits.

As we said in our book in 2017, “the coming years will surely reveal whether Californians will benefit, or be the losers, in the conflict between the Trump administration’s policies and the policy alternatives offered by the liberal Democrats who run California.”

Well, we know how that has worked out.

And since we know that California Attorney General Rob Bonta has been exploring a run for governor for several months, and Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra is “considering” leaving the Biden administration to run for California Governor, expect both Bonta and Becerra to escalate attacks on Donald Trump closer to the election – and after, should Trump win, only advancing California’s War Against Donald Trump.

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16 thoughts on “California’s War Against Donald Trump – Part II

  1. A war against President Donald J. Trump has proven to be a war against the American Citizen!
    Californians can ill afford another phony war against a sitting president.

  2. It’s not California’s war on Trump, it’s the lawless Democrat cabal’s war on Trump led by the likes of California Atty. Gen. Rob Bonta who has ZERO ethics. No doubt they’re feverishly scheming with corrupt union boss thugs, Democrat connected NGOs, and the cartels to ensure that the election is stolen once again?

    1. It’s also RINOs like Rep. Tom McClintock who are waging war on Trump and partly responsible for installing the Biden regime into office? McClintock voted to certify the stolen 2020 presidential election for Biden and he refused to investigate or even acknowledge any of the blatant voter fraud. McClintock attacked Trump on Jan. 6 claiming that his rhetoric about the stolen election was “utterly irresponsible,” and claimed that Trump “betrayed” the trust of his supporters. McClintock is part of the deep-state establishment RINOs who are all talk when it comes to conservative principles when running for office but who are no action after they are elected?

  3. The dimwits that think that they are going to be Californias next generation of leaders has a thing or 2 coming. While they talk tough about taking on Trump it’s most of them that should be worried about what a new Attorney General might investigate about them. If I recall correctly, they all have skeletons in their closets of potential illegal activity. I can’t wait for November to roll around. BTW, I look for Trump to hold a massive rally here in California as part of his 50-state strategy.

  4. Are we being played?

    “If I were to run, I’d run as a Republican. They’re the dumbest group of voters in the country. They believe anything on Fox News. I could lie and they’d still eat it up. I bet my numbers would be terrific.’

    Donald Trump
    People Magazine, 1998

    And this too; more quotes by Donald J. Trump.

    “Everybody, go get your shot.”

    “The vaccine is a great thing, and people should take advantage of it.”

    “I would recommend it to my vaccine skeptic allies.”

    “Don’t let the libs win when you promote vaccine scepticism.”

    “I recommend you take it.”

    “Once you get the vaccine, you get better.”

    “Take the vaccines…it is working.”

    “The vaccines do work… it’s tremendously successful.”

    “I’m all in favor of the vaccine.”

    “People aren’t dying when they take the vaccine.”

    1. It looks like poster EYEINTHESKY is trying to play California Globe readers who are anything but dumb. The now-debunked quote claiming that Trump called GOP voters dumb in an interview with People Magazine in 1998 first emerged as a meme in late 2015, after Trump’s presidential campaign started to gain traction. The meme’s attention prompted ‘People’ to issue a statement saying they had searched their records but “did not find anything remotely like this quote – and no Trump interview in 1998.” Maybe EYEINTHESKY heard it from his idol Bette Middler, the aging pop diva and annoying yenta, who tried to use the meme in a 2019 tweet attacking Trump?


      Trump was slow to endorse the COVID-19 vaccine and initially downplayed the severity of the scamdemic and the effectiveness of masks. As political and public pressure increased, Trump’s administration began to shift its stance. Trump consistently advocated for vaccine voluntariness and that it should not be mandated. Trump’s stance on vaccine voluntariness aligns with his general approach to healthcare policy, which emphasizes individual choice and freedom.

      1. Check European news outlets for Trump’s disparaging commits about the naive and dumb republicans; valid and verifiable evidence everywhere.

        Donald Trump is the king of the COVID vax: He refused to to invoke the powers he possessed to halt the poisoning of Americans but refused.

        While you are in the denial mode and acting a the consummate toady for Trump you may also want to deny his close affiliation with George Soros; well documented. Then there is his sojourn with Epstein; and yes only one.

        Sadly the American people willingly subjugate themselves to the diversions that obfuscate their view of the pending threats to their and America’s survival.

        1. How about some links to those “European news outlets”? LOL! Here are a few links from the likes of CNN, AP, Reuters, etc. debunking your nonsense about Trump making disparaging commits (comments) about Republicans:


          Trump NEVER mandated the C-19 shots unlike Biden, Gov. Gavin Newsom, Gov. Andrew Cuomo, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, Gov. Jay Inslee, Gov. J.B. Pritzker and all the rest your Democrat masters in positions of political power.

          There has never been any link between Trump and the shenanigans of Jeffrey Epstein. In fact, Trump threw Jeffrey Epstein out of Mar-a-Lago, his private club in Palm Beach, Florida, due to Epstein’s alleged inappropriate behavior towards a teenage girl, the daughter of a member.


          There has never been any connection between Trump and Soros. In fact, Trump has pointed out that Alvin Bragg, the District Attorney of New York who indited him in the current trial, was brought into power by George Soros money and that Soros is behind the criminal charges against him.

          Sadly, EYEINTHESKY has to make stuff up to push his Democrat/RINO master’s agenda.

        1. Did EYEINTHESKY bother to read the article? The majority of the construction funding for the Chicago tower came from a $650 million construction loan from Deutsche Bank. A portion came from Grove Capital LLP which manages most of the multibillion-dollar real estate portfolio of the Soros Fund Management. Soros was not personally involved in the transaction.

      2. Yes, TJ.
        May I also add, he had scarf lady, Fauci and Redman pressuring him to follow WHO protocols
        He also put VP Judas Pence in charge!
        So EyeintheSky is baiting readers without all the facts.
        I do think in the beginning people were scared into thinking a rushed vaccine could put an end to the fake pandemic!

  5. Yawn….

    These politicians are posturing, , pontificating and speculating using tired political tropes. Illegal immigration has driven up our budget deficit, and crime rate, and we are drowning in red ink, trains to nowhere, stalled water projects, high taxes, and increasing homelessness. THe only way out of these problems is help from the federal government. The healthier policy is cooperation to make this State prosperous and livable again.

  6. Trump won the election back in 2016 without winning California, and he would’ve won re-election in 2020 with or without California had COVID never happened. So, he couldn’t care less what California thinks of him.

    1. There is no way that Biden the deep-state puppet who looks like a corpse could have received 81 million votes without rampant Democrat/RINO uniparty voter fraud and rigged voting machines? Trump won the election in 2020 and probably California as well?

      1. And Gavin Newsom should have been recalled, had the voting procedures and platforms not been corrupted….

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