COVID-19 vaccines (Photo: Youtube)
California Public Health Officials Silent on CDC Vaccine Injury Report of 438,440 ‘Adverse Events’
CDPH promoting vaccinating pre-teens to help reach goal of 75 to 80 percent herd immunity
By Katy Grimes, July 12, 2021 2:15 am
In a strange announcement Friday, the California Department of Public Health said that school children will have to continue to wear mandatory face masks in class despite new CDC guidelines saying that masks are no longer necessary in schools. “We will align with the CDC by implementing multiple layers of mitigation strategies, including continued masking and robust testing capacity,” said California Health and Human Services Agency Secretary Dr. Mark Ghaly in a statement.
In May, Secretary Dr. Ghaly said at a press briefing getting the COVID vaccine will not be required for attending K-12 public schools in the state. But California’s public colleges and universities, as well as some private universities, are requiring the vaccine to attend in-person classes.
However, in the same May announcement, the California Department of Public Health said parents can start making appointments for their teens 12 and older online at myturn.ca.gov. “We can now provide, with a certain degree of confidence, protection to those young people to start to resume activities, visit more with friends visit with families and friends. It’s a tremendous opportunity for that group to sort of experience that sense of normalcy that they have been missing,” said Dr. Ghaly.
Dr. Mark Ghaly has also spoken out of both sides of his mouth when it comes to vaccines for school-aged children, even as the cases of Myo/Pericarditis increase dramatically in young people after receiving the COVID mRNA vaccine. Yet Dr. Ghaly continues to claim “California’s science-based approach” is backing his decisions – even after contradicting the CDC.
Also on Friday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) says there are 438,440 vaccine injury reports through July 7, 2021, as well as the Myocarditis Reports for ages under 20. Of these reports, there have been 9,048 deaths, 26,818 hospitalizations, 56,970 urgent care visits, 3,324 heart attacks, 985 miscarriages, 19,105 allergic reactions, as well as many other adverse health events:

Despite these alarming reactions to the COVID vaccines, the National Education Association announced last week it will call for “mandatory safe and effective COVID-19 vaccinations and testing for all students and staff before returning to face-to-face instruction in the fall,” as the Globe reported.
Yet children are not vectors for the spread of the COVID-19 virus according to Harvard Health and numerous other studies.
Parents report being pressured by family nurses and physicians, teachers and schools to vaccinate school-aged children for COVID. The mixed messages coming from teachers unions, schools, medical professionals, the California Department of Public Health, as well as California Health and Human Services Agency Secretary Dr. Mark Ghaly is only making the pressure worse.

Dr. Erica Pan, state epidemiologist at the CDPH, said that California has reached almost 62 percent herd immunity, and the addition of teens (vaccinating) will go far in reaching the goal of 75 to 80 percent herd immunity. “The shots are set to begin Thursday after a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention vaccine advisory committee issues recommendations for using the two-dose vaccine in children as young as 12,” ABC7 reported.
However, in January Dr. Pan warned, “Out of an abundance of caution, we recommended that providers pause the distribution of Moderna COVID-19 vaccine lot 41L20A.”
And none of the public health officials are addressing the significant vaccine injuries, which appear to be unprecedented, based on the CDC VAERS website. Instead, “California is ready to safely deliver vaccines to young people age 12 and older,” said Dr. Erica Pan.
The Open/VAERS report from Friday compares COVID-19 vaccines vs. all flu vaccines for groups ages 6-18, 19-29, and 30-39.
In the 6-18 age group, there were 16 Myo/Pericarditis reports of flu vaccines in 20 years, versus 467 Myo/Pericarditis reports of COVID-19 vaccines in 6 months.
In the 19-29 age group, there were 61 Myo/Pericarditis reports of flu vaccines in 20 years, versus 538 Myo/Pericarditis reports of COVID-19 vaccines in 6 months.
In the 30-39 age group, there were 28 Myo/Pericarditis reports of flu vaccines in 20 years, versus 257 Myo/Pericarditis reports of COVID-19 vaccines in 6 months.
*(16 and over vaccination began December 14, 2020; 12-15 year olds vaccination began May 10, 2021)
Myocarditis is a condition that involves inflammation of the heart muscle. “Since April 2021, increased cases of myocarditis and pericarditis have been reported in the United States after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination (Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna), particularly in adolescents and young adults,” the CDC reported. “There has not been a similar reporting pattern observed after receipt of the Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine (Johnson & Johnson). Onset was typically within several days after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination, and cases have occurred more often after the second dose than the first dose.”
In June, the US Food and Drug Administration said it would be adding a warning to the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, after the CDC said there is a ‘likely link’ between them and rare cases of heart inflammation in teenagers and young adults, the Daily Mail reported.
This information is staggering. Why would the California Department of Public Health state epidemiologist Dr. Erica Pan and California’s Health and Human Services Agency Secretary Dr. Mark Ghaly agree that school-aged children are okay to take the vaccine? They certainly have access to the CDC database and VAERS reporting system.
In a recent interview with Real America’s Voice, Dr. Michael Yeadon, a researcher, scientist and former vice president of Pfizer, claims that children are 50 times more likely to be killed by the COVID shot than they are to be killed by the virus itself, Natural News reported. Dr. Yeadon, who describes himself as “very pro-vaccines,” says that these drugs have not been sufficiently tested and that they shouldn’t have been authorized for emergency use when there are safe and effective medicines available for COVID-19.
Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, epidemiologist and professor of medicine at Stanford University, said the COVID vaccine does not benefit children. As for mandating that children must be vaccinated in the fall before going back to school, Bhattacharya said “this is deeply, deeply unethical. My calculation is that the vaccine is not that good for children. There’s almost no benefit to children.”
Is public health Dr. Ghaly living in a parallel universe from the Stanford doctor? From the CDC? From the authors of the many studies? From the former VP of Pfizer?
Of the 9,048 reported deaths from the COVID vaccines, the breakdown is available on the OpenVAERS website showing number of deaths attributed to the different vaccines. (See screen shot below) Notably, the Johnson & Johnson vaccine is not attributed to the vaccine-related deaths, but the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines are.
The OpenVAERS report says “there may be a backlog of up to 4 months between when the reports are filed with HHS and when they appear on VAERS. The coronavirus vaccine campaign has already killed two times more Americans than 9/11. If the VAERS backlog by a factor of 5 is correct, then the coronavirus vaccine campaign has already killed more Americans than the Korean War. And if the underreporting is by a factor of 10 or 100 then the coronavirus vaccine campaign has already killed more Americans than World War II.”
The OpenVAERS Project allows browsing and searching of the CDC data and reports without the need to compose an advanced search (more advanced searches can be done at medalerts.org or vaers.hhs.gov).

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Is Dr. Ghaly someone who could be fired by a new governor?
Great article Katy! I wonder if some of these statistics will be used by Biden’s vaccine door knockers? We all know MSM, healthcare professionals, politicians, commercials don’t say a WORD about the adverse reactions/deaths let alone how dangerous it is for children. People are signing off on the informed consent based on false representations and information that is conveniently left out. The informed consent protects the manufacturer not the victim of vaccines. How is it that there is never a word about the adverse effects? How is it that there isn’t an open dialogue about the pros and cons of these vaccines? It really is a shame we have Americans intentionally causing harm to other Americans, that includes your physician.
Why are we seeing this absurd push and pressure on parents and children from the state public health bureaucrats Dr. Ghaly and Dr. Pan when, after all, the adverse event facts are there, the numbers are there, for everyone to read and heed? What could possibly explain their self-contradictions, CDC contradictions, double-talk, and pressure to vaccinate as many warm bodies as they can get their hands on?
I would guess that all of it can probably be attributed to a Golden Window of Opportunity (for them) —- this period during which the vaccine is considered experimental before FDA approval. Everyone who is jabbed must first sign a consent form which waives their right to sue in the event of harm or death. It releases the pharmaceutical companies and related entities from all liability. Thus there is a lot of money to be made during this “Golden Window” and it sure looks as though they are determined to make it, come hell or high water.
Which leads to another question: Do any of these state bureaucrat public health officers who are ignoring data and acting so irresponsibly and delusionally have personal money investments in these pharmaceutical companies or do they stand to benefit financially or in any other way?
What astounds me is the public health administrators act as if the mRNA vaccine is settled science. It is far from that. The mRNA is a novel technological advancement yet to be proven safe! That is the hard truth.
All who get injected are test subjects. It is used under the Emergency Use Authorization through the FDA.
To push it onto young adults and children is foolish and potentially dangerous. This should not be mandatory to return to school.
Why aren’t more clinicians and scientists investigating prophylactic treatments such as ivermectin?
Most likely as @ShowandTell has suggested money from Big Pharma. If they were proven to prevent and treat Covid19 with little harm then the EUA would be null and void.
It is our responsibility as a society to protect children from harm not induce it.
Thank you Katy for sharing the important information, so your readers can further investigate and make a rational decision to inject their children.
If herd immunity was truly the goal then all avenues would be explored to get there, such as natural immunity acquired through previous exposure, prophylactics such as Ivermectin, HCQ, and safe vaccines.
Because Ivermectin & HCQ are generic / OTC drugs without patent protectiom, that’s why…
Having worked in the bio-pharma industry for a few years, I can tell you that their focus is on patented products, NOT patient well-being…
This is the big push for world dominance by the Great Reset oligarchs. They have put all their eggs in one basket. Their disease and solution are implementing the enslavement/training/depopulation and brain washing of the world population to accept absolutely ANYTHING they want to inject into your body. The Vaccine not only kills people outright it is a STERILIANT which causes infertility and spontaneous miscarriages in women. That the negative effects (positive to them) are a big disappointment means they are already working on the NEXT phase which will be an even worse disease and vaccine. The multiple “jabs” are an attempt to expand on the deaths and other bad effects which so far have not been nearly as effective as planned.
Covid 19 is the perfect wet dream for an amazing array of undeserving organizations and individuals. First, the already overpriced pharmaceutical industry makes windfall profits and gets impunity from its untested vaccine. Then public employees (all union members) get to mostly stay home and be paid for doing little or nothing. Public school teachers get the biggest wet dreams. Irresponsible businesses get to use Covid as an endless excuse for poor customer service. Lastly, those whose primary objective is acquisition and retention of power get their wet dreams: Politicians, bureaucrats and tech oligarchs.
Fed Up: You’re right, and media sales also benefit because the CA government agency MyTurn.ca.gov continues to buy from them expensive CA radio and TV ad time. MyTurn.ca.gov continues to pump out (and pipe in to our homes and cars) endless COVID and vaccine propaganda. The latest nauseating ad campaign (I just heard one of the ads a few minutes ago in fact) assures all who watch and listen to it that “vaccines are safe and effective for everyone 12 and older.” It’s a scam and should be a crime, because apart from the Fauci, Ghaly, Pan, and Fake Doctor Barbara Ferrer’s brand of “science,” there is no real scientific basis to make such a claim about the vaccine.
When will this end? With new state leadership, we hope.
Showandtell: I’m deeply concerned that it will never end, at least not in California. The beneficiaries have glommed onto a scam they can endlessly milk. They can (and are) censoring any information exposing the scam. They can concoct any “variant” to perpetuate the scam. It’s the Delta Variant now. Next week it will be the Symbionese Liberation Quadruple Variant. Lastly, the majority of Californians are clueless morons who will believe anything. We know this because they have no problem electing people who screw them over time and time again. They’ll even keep assweepay Newsom in office.
Over 9,000 deaths. To put this in context there are normally about 1,000 annual deaths due to all vaccines Combined. The CDC and the leftist media hide the data.
Read the VAERS website and how they collect their data. If I wanted to, I could add about 100 new deaths by the end of the day just by filling out the forms. The VAERS people admit that it is unverifiable. The right is hiding that.
For inspiration and an escape from the mad predators and their version of living (making life hell for humans). Don’t miss this health and freedom tour: this Saturday and Sunday in Anaheim.
If unable to go, it likely will be shown on the Pete Santilli Show (on Rumble) live streaming or replayed like this one in Tampa from June
Queeg is wore out from the daily barrage of Coveee chaff.
Taking a month off from everyone, everywhere, every how.
Have a nice vacation, Queeg. Take care and don’t forget to come back; SERIOUSLY.
Emergency Use Authorization is an experiment on mankind. Educate yourself or submit to a huge experiment! I just still can’t believe any American would submit to a vaccine that is so experimental with noted long time adverse reactions to say the least. Everyone assumes it is safe because LeBron and other idiots say so. Informed consent means informed, not excluded information. Less intelligent individuals are going to suffer due to the MSM preaching it is safe!
This isn’t limited to “less intelligent individuals,” note the number of Doctors, Nurses, research scientist’s, and other smart people that without a second thought willingly, sought out, and received the kill shot. Doctor’s are pretty much genius level, Nurses are arguably smarter, yet behaved like sheoples. On the other hand, no one will accuse me of being sharper than a marble, took a moment to understand the contents, and the risks involved in the use of these deadly toxins, and mRNA, a DNA altering experimental gene therapy, in the human carcass. Being the idiot that lives in this particular example, and believe God gave us the right of
self-determination, of self-defense, to choose the thing’s that we allow to be put into our body, or put them there ourselves.
A cursory inspection of data available on this subject, tends to indicate this product has zero medical benefit, is misrepresented by our beloved Government, and the entire healthcare industry.
(we’re being lied to, deceived, in all respects,as to the contents of this product, it’s stated purpose as a medicine, the risks of using this product, and the benefit’s of using it. At the very least, what we’re being told on this topic, is not what this is, not the purpose it’s being used, and not safe to use. The truth is, this product is designed to kill people. The main ingredient is toxic to all life, and in the amount’s used in this product, deadly. Graphene Oxide, (graphite) in this quantity will overwhelm the immune system’s ability to cope with degrading it, and removing it. This causes intense respiratory issues, (bilateral pneumonia) uncontrolled blood clotting, permanent heart damage, eventual failure of the body’s immune system. Life expectancy after this injection is 2 year’s max.. The effects of mRNA on the human carcass are not known, are not knowable, at this time. Experimental gene therapy has been a total failure as a medicine, treatment of disease, and every animal test attempted killed all the test subjects.
This is stupid, I’m not doing it.
This genocide will stop when the people stop it, or 90% of us are dead.
Great article!
The second to last paragraph is absolutely chilling.
Another excellent article Katy. Everyone should see the http://www.OpenVaerrs.com website, and the data is shocking from these COVID-19 experimental mRNA injections. My wife and I had the C19-Wuhan Flu, and for us, it was a five-day flu. We did not lose our taste or smell. We also had about 15 friends and relatives who had the C19 Wuhan Flu and were sick for about one to five days with no loss of taste or smell. We will NOT get any experimental COVID19 jabs as they are NOT safe for humans. These COVID19 experimental concoctions have no long-term human safety studies, no long-term animal testing, and the long-term effects on humans are unknown. Please see the excellent but shocking VIMEO interview of Dr. Peter McCullough. He explains how those in power ignore alternative medicines that cure COVID19 like Ivermectin and how “science” dismisses natural immunity to the COVID19 virus. Dr. Peter McCullough said that most Americans have COVID19 antibodies as they had it, with most not knowing it and recovered from the COVID19 virus. Most police officers I know are not taking the COVID19 jabs because we smell government BS about its effectiveness, duration, and safety to humans. The evidence on http://www.openvaers.com cannot and should not be ignored, and screams DO NOT TAKE THE EXPERIMENTAL COVID19 “VACCINES”.
The UK countries are building massive prison cities for all those that will not take the vaccine. You will be re-educated or die in these government run slave camps.
Biden is starting his list of those that will go to prison by sending people door to door to identify the hold outs.
According to their website:
“VAERS is a passive reporting system, meaning it relies on individuals to send in reports of their experiences. ANYONE can submit a report to VAERS, including parents and patients.”
Any person can download the form, say they had an adverse reaction and send it in. It is under the honor system.
Has anyone looked at the forms? You could file one under Homer Simpson. Anyone who wanted to could easily throw these numbers completely out of whack with a few hours of work. The verification process is almost nonexistent.
This isn’t limited to “less intelligent individuals,” note the number of Doctors, Nurses, research scientist’s, and other smart people that without a second thought willingly, sought out, and received the kill shot. Doctor’s are pretty much genius level, Nurses are arguably smarter, yet behaved like sheoples. On the other hand, no one will accuse me of being sharper than a marble, took a moment to understand the contents, and the risks involved in the use of these deadly toxins, and mRNA, a DNA altering experimental gene therapy, in the human carcass. Being the idiot that lives in this particular example, and believe God gave us the right of
self-determination, of self-defense, to choose the thing’s that we allow to be put into our body, or put them there ourselves.
A cursory inspection of data available on this subject, tends to indicate this product has zero medical benefit, is misrepresented by our beloved Government, and the entire healthcare industry.
(we’re being lied to, deceived, in all respects,as to the contents of this product, it’s stated purpose as a medicine, the risks of using this product, and the benefit’s of using it. At the very least, what we’re being told on this topic, is not what this is, not the purpose it’s being used, and not safe to use. The truth is, this product is designed to kill people. The main ingredient is toxic to all life, and in the amount’s used in this product, deadly. Graphene Oxide, (graphite) in this quantity will overwhelm the immune system’s ability to cope with degrading it, and removing it. This causes intense respiratory issues, (bilateral pneumonia) uncontrolled blood clotting, permanent heart damage, eventual failure of the body’s immune system. Life expectancy after this injection is 2 year’s max.. The effects of mRNA on the human carcass are not known, are not knowable, at this time. Experimental gene therapy has been a total failure as a medicine, treatment of disease, and every animal test attempted killed all the test subjects.
This is stupid, I’m not doing it.
This genocide will stop when the people stop it, or 90% of us are dead.