Rebecca Friedrichs at 'Government Is Not A Co-Parent’ Rally At State Capitol Monday. (Photo: Katy Grimes for California Globe)
ED Source Falsely Claims ‘LGBTQ+ Students in Conservative Crosshairs’
Article omits real teachers’ voices in exchange for talking points parroted by union activists
By Rebecca Friedrichs, October 8, 2023 2:30 am
At school board meetings, rallies, on TV and social media, parents and teachers from all over the nation are standing together in protection of childhood innocence and parental authority. This is because our children are under assault in government-run schools. They’re sexualized and indoctrinated in communist propaganda, and when parents and teachers push back, we’re pulverized by the unions and special interests who’ve invaded our schools.
Those of us in California have been desperately fighting to reassert our authority by working to pass “Parental Rights Notification policies.” They’re simple. They require that school districts alert parents if their children seek to be transgender.
Currently, teachers in California are instructed (by law) to lie to parents – to keep secret any transgender tendencies in their children, among other things. As an educator who taught 28 years in California schools, I can assert with authority that good teachers never lie to parents, and we’re horrified by union-backed policies that pit teachers against parents and bring untold harm to children.
Good teachers overwhelmingly support parental rights – indeed most teachers are parents – but you’d never know that when reading an EdSource article that omits the voice of real teachers in exchange for talking points parroted by the very union activists that are undermining our profession.
That article, “LGBTQ+ Students in Conservative Crosshairs,” published October 5th, claims that those of us fighting for parental authority are “targeting” the LGBTQ community, yet it’s the militant promoters of transgenderism that are shoving their agenda down the throats of America’s families and teachers.
EdSource also asserts that our parent/teacher coalitions have “divided communities, leaving anger in their wake.” What a dishonest assessment. It’s the special interests (led by so-called teacher unions) who are creating division. They are using our schools to smother our children with sexualized content in order to wreak havoc on families and flip upside-down our American way of life. Is EdSource really so naive as to not see through this agenda?
Though parents and teachers alike are desperately writing, speaking and standing up for the innocence of our children, EdSource continually disregards great teachers while promoting the insufferable opinions of hypnotized teachers who’ve fallen prostrate for union indoctrination and clearly have no idea that our schools were designed to educate, not to be hotbeds of “social justice” or politically charged debates.
The only teachers EdSource quoted were Travis Mougeotte, president of the Rocklin Unified teachers union, and Mike Patterson, a California Teachers Association board member. Union leaders. No surprise they stand against parental notification policies and used union talking points like “inclusive,” “safety,” “students in marginalized groups,” “an environment that’s unwelcoming to students,” and “book bans” to make their divisive and deceptive points.
Parental Rights Notifications won’t create unwelcoming environments for children; in fact, they’re one small way to put an end to the unwelcome stranglehold of special interests and their perverted desire to thwart our kids’s minds with non-stop talk about sex, unlimited genders, and rebellion against parents.
And we must be wise and reject the propaganda used to manipulate people into accepting the subversion of parents by claiming some kids “would not be safe” in their homes if their families knew they were questioning their genders. Tyrants have used this argument throughout history to force radical changes onto people who would prefer to retain liberty. Our institutions of learning should recognize such a brazen repeat of of history and rescue our children from the deviants exploiting their innocence.
Speaking of deviants, California Attorney General, Rob Bonta (a union controlled and funded politician) is mentioned in the article as believing “parental notification policies break state law.” It’s also mentioned that he’s suing Chino Unified School District for passing a parental notification policy, he’s harassing the rest of the state’s districts with threatening notifications, and he “was granted a preliminary injunction to halt the parental notification policy to protect the safety of transgender and gender-nonconforming students while the court case proceeds.”
Newsom and his other Democrat comrades are also heralded in the article for their mass efforts to disempower parents, local school boards, and good teachers while empowering the state to force dirty books and other questionable policies onto our kids.
It’s clear that Bonta, Newsom, the Democrats, the union activists they utilize, and EdSource don’t understand that We the People are the sovereign in California and America. We’re empowered to reject evil laws that tie the hands of parents and sacrifice our kids to government control.
It’s clear they don’t understand great teachers either. The article states: “Teachers widely disapprove of notification policies,” and that teachers “have come out as major opponents of parental notification policies.”
That’s a lie. And it’s a whopper!
Oh it’s true that union activists are descending on school board meetings with their outsized voice and disreputable behavior. But it’s not true of the majority of great teachers who are dedicated to their students and tormented by unions for standing up in protecion of wholesome family values.
EdSource also shares the assertions of a character named Fuller who says parental rights advocates “are taking direction from well-funded lobbies in Florida.” That’s a lie too. The only well-funded challengers in this battle are the unions (who collect billions annually) and their handpicked politicians.
Great teachers are in partnership with parents. We don’t supplant parents – ever. We also don’t use our profession to push a sexualized political agenda or any agenda. We teach – without woke topics weaved into our lessons. We promote kindness to all – not hurtful agendas that label some citizens as “oppressors” and others as “oppressed.” We respect real science and the biological reality of two genders. All of our students are liberated to learn and thrive. This was true for almost 250 years in America’s schools until unions seized their stronghold and imposed their suffocating edicts on our profession and our students.
Great article by Rebecca Friedrichs. It would be a great great thing if all Californians —- not just parents, and not just those who are dependent upon the public schools —- would solidly attach themselves to EVERY POINT that has been rolled out by her in this article and absolutely refuse to believe or to go along with the constant lies of AG Bonta, Gov Newsom, the malevolent teachers unions, the astro-turf speakers and violent fake mobs, and all the rest of the skunks who seek to undermine common sense and decency in education and beyond. All of the disgusting bilge cited by Friedrichs has gone so far into the land of absurdity and an actual, dangerous attack on children and parents that now, more than ever, we need a solid and united front to go up against it.
The assault on parental rights is not dismissed by everyone. One of my professional associates became so disgusted with the evil crap his kids were bringing home from school he moved his entire family to another state. He negotiated a deal with his employer that he would work remotely two weeks a month and return to California the other two weeks. His sacrifice impacted his family income and he has to juggle family life but he decided it was more important to get his kids the hell out of California schools.
Fed Up – Unfortunately these creeps WANT sensible people like your colleague to leave California. But sure, I completely get it that he did what he needed to do for his family. And had to sacrifice in his determination to do it.
I think we will be seeing an exponential increase in home schooling after this horrendous legislative session. At the website below (Rescue Your Child, one of many such resource sites, I’m sure) there are links to homeschooling info and other alternatives to public school in CA. Sure wish sensible people could find a way to stay here. I’ve heard many people say that homeschooling turned out to be nowhere NEAR as onerous and time-consuming as they had previously thought it would be and that their kids were doing really well in it —- FAR ahead academically compared to peers.
Showandtell, thanks for that link.
When will a reporter bring one of these ‘banned books’ and ask Newsom or Bonta to read aloud from the book that they claim is so harmless ?
Exactly! Parents reading those “harmless books” have been stopped from reading them at school board meetings, but somehow they are OK for children to read. (roll eyes)
Mary and Protect Freedom nailed it. And these freaks in power are not even embarrassed by it! Mind blowing.
Related to this:
October 9-13, LAUSD will be participating in a week of “Coming Out Day” lessons. “Children as young as five years old sent to school to learn reading, writing, and arithmetic will instead sit through lessons that center around an individual’s sexual attraction to others, a topic inappropriate regardless of sexual orientation. ”
More about it here: https://www.californiafamily.org/2023/10/opt-your-children-out-of-coming-out-week-lesson-plans/