State Capitol Building. (Photo: Kevin Sanders for California Globe)
UPDATED: Failed Bills 2020 California Legislature, End of Session
Bills were heavily lobbied up until the last minute
By Chris Micheli, September 7, 2020 7:08 am
Some California political junkies call these “leftover bills.”
When the California Legislature adjourned its 2020 Session just before 1:30am on September 1, it left unfinished a number of bills that were heavily lobbied up until the last minute. While the following list is not exhaustive, it covers most of the major bills that failed passage on either the Senate or Assembly Floors at the end of Session.
SB 9 (Durazo) — Surplus property: sale procedures; not taken up on Senate Floor
SB 51 (Durazo) — California Competes tax credit: refunds; not taken up on Assembly Floor
SB 54 (Allen) – solid waste: packaging and products; failed passage on Assembly Floor
SB 292 (Rubio) – Wildfire risk reporting; not taken up on Assembly Floor
SB 479 (Atkins) — State highways: relinquishment: Routes 75 and 282; not taken up on Senate Floor
SB 731 (Bradford) – Peace officers: certification: civil rights; not taken up on Assembly Floor
SB 749 (Durazo) — California Public Records Act: trade secrets; not taken up on Assembly Floor
SB 776 (Skinner) – Peace officers: release of records; passed Assembly; not taken up on Senate Floor
SB 915 (Leyva) — Mobile home parks: emergency relief: coronavirus (COVID-19); not taken up on Senate Floor
SB 977 (Monning) — Health care system consolidation: Attorney General approval and enforcement; not taken up on Assembly Floor
SB 995 (Atkins) — Environmental quality: Jobs and Economic Improvement Through Environmental Leadership Act of 2011: housing projects; not taken up on Senate Floor
SB 1024 (Jones) — Off-highway vehicles; not taken up on Senate Floor
SB 1049 (Glazer) — Cities and counties: ordinances: short-term rentals; not taken up on Senate Floor
SB 1120 (Atkins) – Subdivisions: tentative maps; passed Assembly; not taken up on Senate Floor
SB 1130 (Gonzalez) – Communications: California Advanced Services Fund; not taken up on Assembly Floor
SB 1138 (Wiener) — Housing element: emergency shelters: rezoning of sites; not taken up on Senate Floor
SB 1156 (Archuleta) – Lithium-ion batteries: illegal disposal: fire prevention; not taken up on Senate Floor
SB 1173 (Durazo) — Public employment: labor relations: employee information; not taken up on Senate Floor
SB 1175 (Stern) — Animals: prohibitions on importation and possession of wild animals: live animal markets; not taken up on Senate Floor
SB 1299 (Portantino) — Housing development: incentives: rezoning of idle retail sites; not taken up on Assembly Floor
SB 1348 (Stern) — Fire prevention: vegetation management: public education: grants: defensible space: fire hazard severity zones: forest management; not taken up on Assembly Floor
SB 1399 (Durazo) — Employment: garment manufacturing; not taken up on Assembly Floor
AB 6 (Reyes) – Attorney General: duties; held in Senate Budget & Fiscal Review Committee
AB 66 (Gonzalez) – Police: use of force; not taken up on Senate Floor
AB 196 (Gonzalez) – Workers’ compensation: COVID-19: essential occupations and industries; not taken up on Senate Floor
AB 326 (Muratsuchi) — Electric mobility manufacturers; failed passage on Senate Floor
AB 664 (Cooper) – Workers’ compensation: injury: COVID-19; not taken up on Senate Floor
AB 1080 (Gonzalez) – solid waste: packaging and products; not taken up on Assembly Floor
AB 1659 (Bloom) — Large electrical corporations: wildfire mitigation: securitization; not taken up on Senate Floor
AB 2167 (Daly) – Residential property insurance: high fire risk areas: study; not taken up on Senate Floor
AB 3056 (Gonzalez) – Warehouse distribution centers; failed passage on Senate Floor
AB 3262 (Stone) – Product liability: electronic retail marketplaces; not taken up on Senate Floor
Many of these measures are likely to be reintroduced when the Legislature reconvenes on Monday, December 7 for the commencement of the 2021-22 Legislative Session.
UPDATED: Monday 9/o7/2020, 12:00pm.
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These “legislators” are a joke. Problem is, the joke is on us.