Gov. Newsom Claims on MSNBC Donald Trump Will Sign National Abortion Ban if Elected President
At least California appears to have one thriving industry
By Katy Grimes, April 22, 2024 7:28 am
In what should be an embarrassing MSNBC interview Sunday with former Biden Administration spokeswoman Jen Psaki, California Governor Gavin Newsom, who isn’t running for president, claimed that if “Donald Trump becomes president of the United States he will sign a national abortion ban. Period. Full Stop.”
The Sunday morning interview opened with Psaki batting her eyelashes, and breathlessly thanking Newsom for taking time to talk with her – as if he’s an international man of mystery.
Then she commented on a new Democrat ad to be aired in Alabama and Arizona showing two women driving near the state border, nervous about the cop behind them.
He pulls them over, and the narrator says, “Trump Republicans criminalized women who travel for reproductive care.”
The cop says, “I’m gonna need you to step out of the vehicle and take a pregnancy test.”
“Stop them by taking action at RighttoTravel.org,” the narrator says.
“‘This isn’t really going to happen.’ What do you say to that?” Psaki asks.
“Look at what Idaho already did,” Newsom says. “And Arizona with the 1864 law.”
“We’re not just criminalizing womens’ access to reproductive care in other states, we’re criminalizing their travel.”
Psaki said Republicans in Arizona for a second time blocked an attempt to repeal the 1864 abortion ban. “This time there was video of Republicans cheering on the floor of the Legislature.”
“What was going through your mind when you watched that?” Psaki asked Newsom.
“It sickens you,” Newsom says. “I’ve got two young daughters who won’t have the same rights their mom and dad had. 160,000 women had to leave their state last year to experience reproductive care.”
“Now you have Attorney Generals like Alabama’s and Arizona’s that want to incarcerate up to five years to life, those women that aided and abetted – supported them,” Newsom continued.
“The fact that we now have a been going back to 1864, and they are celebrating. I thought the Republican Party wanted to put a wrecking ball to the 21st century, now they want to create the 19th century. It is chilling and goes well beyond the issue of women’s reproductive care.”
“This consequential moment that’s absorbed most of our focus, and not some of the other tangental things at the precious and important moment in history…”
NEW: We are introducing emergency legislation this week that will allow doctors from Arizona to come to California and provide reproductive care. pic.twitter.com/e32h2CuGOk
— Gavin Newsom (@GavinNewsom) April 21, 2024
Psaki said, “Which is really important. When we sat down in Alabama about a year ago you kind of warned of this. That they could be going after LGBTQ rights, contraception could be next. What is next? What should people be bracing themselves for if these politics continue to run as they are?”
Newsom said, “They have been on a cultural purge, a banning binge, censoring historical facts and rewriting history. It has happened out in the open, not just talking about rights regressions in state but the nationalization of rights being regressed. Everybody watching knows that if Donald Trump becomes president of the United States he will sign a national abortion ban. He is the one that is responsible for the conditions that persist today, those continue to persist as it relates to the rights that are being vandalized by the United States Supreme Court.”
There was no discussion between Jen Psaki and Gavin Newsom about California’s escalating crime, the border invasion, crippling inflation, highest-in-the-nation gas and energy costs. Just abortion.
Newsom says California is absorbing an additional 17% of women seeking abortions from other states because California is now an abortion sanctuary state. “Important to remind people Jen, is about 1/3 of Planned Parenthood patients in America are here in California” Newsom says excitedly. (California is also home to 1/3 of the entire country’s welfare recipients and 1/2 of the country’s homeless.)
As ghoulish as that is, at least California has one thriving industry.
“There was no discussion between Jen Psaki and Gavin Newsom about California’s escalating crime, the border invasion, crippling inflation, highest-in-the-nation gas and energy costs. Just abortion.”
Psaki is a former CNN Democrat attack dog who joined the Biden-Harris transition team and became Biden’s press secretary. And, as usual, Newsom will always be Newscum; spewing out his hateful fear mongering and TDS rhetoric. Abortion is the ONLY issue that Biden-Harris and Democrats can run on. Imo, Republican candidates need to get off of the Mike Pence abortion total-ban bandwagon and take the more rational approach suggested by Mr. Trump. Abortion is a MORAL issue for the INDIVIDUAL; a POLITICAL issue for the STATES – the separation of church and state. Government should not be legislating the morality of individuals. There will be no NATIONAL abortion ban by the Trump administration; following the SCOTUS ruling which reversed Roe v. Wade and sent the decision on abortion back to the STATES – where it belongs. It is time to focus on important issues that require solutions as Ms. Grimes suggests – illegal migration, the economy and energy policy.
Listen to this charlatan, the fake catholic, he is worried his daughters will not have the opportunity to snuff out his future grandchildren.
What makes me sick is Gavin and his first partner advocating for death at every opportunity and disguising it as “women’s health”
He is one sick puppy!
I see what you mean, One Fed Up Cali Girl. Although, I am not an expert on religion but I guess that he could claim to be a Lapsed Catholic? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lapsed_Catholic
Sure he could! He is beyond lapsed in my humble opinion.
He advocates against Christian beliefs, no matter the sect of Christianity. He does it with such gusto. His deceitful declaration is only meant to play upon emotions and deflect from the economic woes of this country. I find him abhorrent but I think I make that clear regularly 😅
Exactly. The guy with the horns and the hairy legs isn’t about looking you in the eye and telling you the Truth. No, that guy smirks and grins while telling you the MOST OUTRAGEOUS LIES you ever heard, right in your face, and wouldn’t even think or bother to even cross his fingers behind his back like a grade schooler on the playground. Sound familiar? Like the way Gavin acts? You know, the guy who from time to time calls himself a Catholic when it suits him because he knows some people will believe it just because he said so and not call him on it?
He routinely makes a mockery of the Church and everything Holy — he champions all that is unholy, in fact — and afterwards he eats like a horse and sleeps like a baby. Nope, sorry, he is not a Catholic, lapsed or otherwise, or any kind of a Christian, and doesn’t aspire to be one.
Yep, same conclusion. He actually used a bible quote on a billboard to advocate abortion in a southern state. It will be God’s judgement Gavin Newsom will have face when he leaves this world.
Let’s just say I would not want to be Gavin. He could change his ways and repent but that is his will.
I believe Gavin has a hardened heart and it shows on his face and in his actions. It is just a shame he leads people down a broken path. It will be a great day when he leaves the governorship.
“Sleepy Joe Biden Makes Sign of the Cross While Talking about Abortion”
Abortion is a hook that when tugged generates an emotional response on both sides of the political spectrum. In my opinion abortion is also an indicator of the overall health of a civil society. While we need to focus on law & order and economic policies moral policies can’t be ignored either. It does not provide stability to society to be imbalanced and only address economic issues and not morality. Newsom is a thin skinned cheap political suit that as a leader only sows’ chaos and confusion (but that’s the plan in order to bring about a new fairer America). If you look at his record in government none of the policies that he has offered has brought about real improvement. But as you look at the whole slate of the uni-party government leaders they all have the same goals and values. Enrich myself at whatever the cost and betray the nation and its founding principles. I guess that you have to be a narcist in order to live that way.
“…moral policies can’t be ignored either”
@Hal, which moral policies do you think that government should prescribe to individuals? Perhaps you should give us some concrete examples?
@Raymond policies that help for an orderly operation of society and its members. Things like illegal drugs we have seen Newsom decriminalize the use of drugs and we have seen an explosion in homelessness (I’m not advocating for locking up drug users but there has to be a happy medium between rampant usage and locking users up), we have seen the decriminalization of theft and we have witnessed the increase of businesses being robbed and many now are closing down. We have seen a recent reduction in the penalties for things like child sex crimes. We have seen folks that should have remained in jail/prison for committing violent crimes released early and go out and commit more crime. The Declaration of Independence states that we have been endowed by our Creator with unalienable rights that include “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.” The laws that Newsom and his cohorts are putting us under are contrary to these God given rights.
“…policies that help for an orderly operation of society and its members….”
@Hal, I can think of two countries where adultery, homosexuality and drug use, for example, are considered to be immoral and illegal by the government. Both are very orderly societies – Communist China and Saudi Arabia. If you are saying that Newsom and his crew are trying in their own way, to make California like these countries, I would agree. That is their goal. The problem with governments deciding what is/is not moral can be seen on cable TV. I once watched a video of a woman being executed in a stadium of cheering spectators, by the Taliban, for the “crime” of adultery. Society, made up of individuals, should determine what is moral wrt issues such as slavery and human trafficking. In a free society, individuals get together, vote and pass laws and sometimes fight wars over moral issues. Only a decadent society would allow it’s government institutions to dictate individual morality. Fortunately, as you point out, we have a Constitution that protects individuals’ freedom in their life, liberty and pursuit of happiness; which is why many want to come (legally and illegally) to the USA. So, Newsom will fail, imo.
What a performance from our Gavin! — who, very unfortunately for us, didn’t choose a career on the stage as he should have. Drama Queen doesn’t quite cover this latest embarrassing turn, but maybe as an actor his habitual over-the-top nonsense would have netted him an Emmy nomination for a minor role in a second-rate cable soap opera in our current corrupted culture.
Katy Grimes treats this lie-laced but somehow comic Newsom outing with mockery as she should (loved Jen Psaki reverently treating him as “an international man of mystery”- Ha!). And foolish voters who are brain-dead enough to buy into this out-of-bounds crap from both Jen and Gavin (and the fearmongering video-maker) deserve our pity.
Newsom has crossed the line. Again. This is nothing new, of course —- he JUST can’t help himself, can he? His absolute desperation to be a candidate for Prez is clearly behind this. Apparently he can’t see straight, as usual, but it is obvious and easily seen by all of us. Desperation is never attractive and it never will be, and most people are turned off by blatant lies and mischaracterizations, even now.
But oh, I forgot! He’s NOT running for President, is he? We know this because he told us. (*eye roll*)
What a horse’s ass he is.
Newsom has crossed the line. Again. This is nothing new, of course —- he JUST can’t help himself, can he? His absolute desperation to be a candidate for Prez is clearly behind this. Apparently he can’t see straight, as usual, but it is obvious and easily seen by all of us. Desperation is never attractive and it never will be, and most people are turned off by blatant lies and mischaracterizations, even now.
But oh, I forgot! He’s NOT running for President, is he? We know this because he told us. (*eye roll*)
What a horse’s ass he is.
well days
ost people are turned off by blatant lies and mischaracterizations, even now.
But oh, I forgot! He’s NOT running for President, is he? We know this because he told us. (*eye roll*)
What a horse’s ass he is.
So America will vote for Biden because he is pro-abortion?? If true our country won’t long for itself.
So says the failed Governor of California…
By the way, I was looking at the high school dropout rate, and California has the highest dropout rate in the nation. Nearly one in five students drop out of high school in California now. You’re doing a wonderful job, Gavin. Maybe you can go on TV, and brag that California is #1 yet again.
What does the future of a state look like when one in five students doesn’t even graduate from high school?
Katy Grimes is right, abortion is one of the few thriving industries in California? How creepy was it when Newsom said “I’ve got two young daughters who won’t have the same rights their mom and dad had” when referring to aborting babies? One can only imagine the horrors that his poor kids have experienced with two demonic parents like Newsom and his Weinstein trollop wife?
“How creepy was it?…..”
It was as creepy as it gets. But that’s our ultra-creepy and sadistic Gov for you.
as you know
What a tool. Just saying things that aren’t true for political gain. Each state can determine its own abortion policy- same as transgender policy Newsom.
The fact is that the science has changed since the ruling in Roe v Wade. We can now hear the heartbeat after six weeks. Denying that means the speaker doesn’t believe in “science.” It’s that simple.
Another truth bomb from Rod.
There goes Nancy Pelosi again, channeling election year TDS hysteria through her willing acolytes.
Covid channeled through Fauci. Infanticide now through Newsom.
Pay this man no mind. Get back to filling your state budget holes, Gavin.
Leave national politics to the big kids.
Uh….. Gavin. If you were aborted before you were born, you never got any rights in the first place.
Democrats have screwed up the Border, the Economy, our Foreign Policy, our Energy Sector, our Federal Budget/Deficit, and Crime in the Streets. Abortion is the only issue that remains that they can run on. Too many Republicans are like Muslims when it comes to abortion, unyielding and unbending. This lack of compassion in the Christians may sink the ship if the Pope can support gay marriage and transexuals, I bet that the Catholic church is only a few years away from supporting a well-reasoned approach to abortion.