Temecula High School (Photo: Michelle Mears for California Globe)
Gov. Newsom Steps On Duly Elected Temecula School Board
Newsom wants to provide cultivated, state-approved information to brainwash and indoctrinate your kids
By J. Mitchell Sances, July 18, 2023 9:19 am
Earlier this year, the Temecula Valley Unified School District chose textbooks for use in its schools. The board rejected an elementary school level social studies textbook that made mention of Harvey Milk, the first openly gay politician to be elected in the United States and an alleged sexual predator. Governor Gavin Newsom took to Twitter in a virtue-signaling outrage claiming that the state of California will overstep the school board and make those textbooks available to students.
A school board in Temecula decided to reject a textbook because it mentioned Harvey Milk.
CA is stepping in.We’re going to purchase the book for these students—the same one that hundreds of thousands of kids are already using.
If these extremist school board members won’t do… pic.twitter.com/r2iirL8b5v
— Gavin Newsom (@GavinNewsom) July 13, 2023
The president of the Temecula Valley Unified School Board reportedly referred to Milk as a “pedophile” in reference to their decision not to use the textbook for elementary school children. This statement is likely in the context of the allegation that Harvey Milk was an ephebophile, someone who has a sexual attraction to adolescent minors.
According to a biography, when Milk was 33 years of age, he engaged in an inappropriate relationship with a then 16-year-old boy who has since committed suicide. Furthermore, in 2008, another young man came forward alleging that Milk convinced him as a teenager to leave his home and family and move out to San Francisco to be with him. As with many allegations of impropriety, there is no definitive proof as to their validity, despite several Milk biographers corroborating the claims with some of Milk’s victims. However, this uncovers the hypocrisy of the progressive left and exposes their true agenda when it comes to education—or indoctrination as the case may be.
Calls to rip down statues and discount the great advancements to our society and country due to possible ties to slavery have been deafening. Historical figures have been demonized and their contributions maligned for adhering to cultural and societal norms that were prevalent during their times. Many historians have even discounted the validity of many of these allegations; however, cancel culture still prevails.
Harvey Milk, unlike our founding fathers, served a very short time in his position before his unfortunate assassination, leaving him very little time to accomplish anything of import. He was gay and probably a sexual predator. Those characteristics were seemingly enough to get his name plastered on a high school in New York City, a 2014 postage stamp, a US Navy ship, and a biopic starring Sean Penn. Despite his colorful and troubling past, Harvey Milk cannot be forgotten thanks to the hypocritical progressives in this country, but statues of Robert E. Lee and Thomas Jefferson must be toppled in the name of “progress.”
The strong arm of the Democrats over government run schools has been an issue for decades. During the pandemic parents were able to see what was being pushed on their children; they are now fighting back. But the government is not backing down. They want to push a very specific and manicured narrative. When it comes to history, the injection of Critical Race Theory and the demonization of our country’s founders is a concerted effort to rewrite the past.
In his video posted to Twitter, Newsom says he wants to “make sure that we provide accurate information and the freedom of our kids to learn.” However, what he means to say is he wants to provide cultivated and state-approved information giving the government freedom to brainwash and indoctrinate your kids.
In 2022, most of the Temecula Valley Unified School Board members were replaced. Only one incumbent won re-election. The parents of Temecula Valley had their voices heard in that election. They trusted that these new board members would make the correct decisions when it comes to their children’s education. Governor Newsom is now overstepping his legal bounds and in effect nullifying the election of the board members and the voices of parents by purchasing and pushing those textbooks into the hands of children anyway.
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Here is to hoping the parents are motivated enough to challenge Gav in court.
Looks like Gov Gruesome is getting a head start on a couple of bills (there are probably more) now in the legislature that seek to 1) eliminate parental power in the public schools; and/or 2) remove power from local school boards by making them align with the truly sickening state school curriculum. (You know, CRT, “gender fluidity” instruction from A-Z in K-12, and pornographic books and instruction shoved down students’ throats).
But wait a minute, Newsom! These bills haven’t passed yet so hang on! Although we know you and your buddies want them to slide through the moment legislators return from summer recess. (By the way, beware of that, beginning Aug 14, folks — there are bunch of them on all topics poised to pass, under the radar, they hope.)
Here is one of those bills – AB 1078:
“Defaming Parents and Local School Boards as Christian White Nationalists”
Here is another: AB 1352 – a recent gut-and-amend bill that seeks to go after, apparently in hopes of ultimately removing your newly-elected school board members that you elected to put a stop to this woke nonsense of depravity in the public schools. Search for the article here at the Globe. Posted 6/22/23
“California Lawmakers Gut Good Bill, Replace with Horrible Bill” (Katy Grimes)
And by the way, does the textbook that mentioned Harvey Milk happen to be part of the same set of propaganda textbooks given to first-graders that called then-candidate-for-governor Gavin Newsom (Sept 2018) a “champion for people’s rights”? Like it was a campaign ad? A campaign ad legitimized in a public school textbook and forced down the throats of public school first-graders’ parents?
“It features a picture of Newsom, a gubernatorial candidate and former San Francisco mayor, and calls him a “champion for people’s rights.”
“Gavin said that people could marry who they choose,” the book reads. “Sometimes, Gavin helped marry people. Some marriages were not between a man and a woman. He made sure that people’s rights were respected.”
“Parents Call Pilot Textbook Political Propaganda for Gavin Newsom”
Gavin Newsom is happily announcing his intention to negate election results by unilaterally deciding to do an end run around the decision of an elected school board. That’s because he believes that he is untouchable after the failed recall election and his subsequent re-election. He is an arrogant man with powerful and wealthy backers. Dangerous.
And, as I commented in another article by one of these school board members, conservative voters will battle for local elections to try to have some say in this state. Many of us believe this is the key to beginning the change this state needs. Gavin won’t be here forever, but many of us and our children will be long after he’s left. I only pray that he doesn’t end up in a position to destroy the entire country.
Proving – yet again – that most of what’s wrong with California originates from the bay area.