Senator Shannon Grove announcing SB 1414 on 2/29/2024. (Photo: https://sr12.senate.ca.gov/)
Human Trafficking Felony Bill Introduced In Senate
‘It takes two criminals to commit the crime of child sex trafficking, a buyer and a seller’
By Evan Symon, March 1, 2024 2:30 am
A bill that would strengthen protections for children by making the act of soliciting, agreeing to engage in, or engaging in any act of commercial sex with a minor a felony to help fight human trafficking was formally announced on Thursday.
Senate Bill 1414, authored by Senators Shannon Grove (D-Bakersfield), Anna Caballero (D-Merced), and Susan Rubio (D-Baldwin Park) would specifically change the law to state that any individual who solicits, agrees to engage in, or engages in commercial sex with a minor, regardless of their knowledge or reasonable suspicion of the minor’s age, is to be charged with a felony. This offense will also carry a prison sentence ranging from 2 to 4 years, a fine not exceeding $25,000, and registration as a sex offender.
Senator Grove, who previously has backed human trafficking enforcement bills in the past, including last year’s SB 14 which added human trafficking as a strike under California’s three strikes law, wrote the bill to correct a loophole in California law that currently lists solicitation or attempting to engage or engaging in sex with a minor for money being classified as a misdemeanor offense. Because of the current loophole, many offenders sex trafficking minors avoid stricter penalties. Grove and the other authors have said that SB 1414 will correct that.
“It takes two criminals to commit the crime of child sex trafficking, a buyer and a seller,” said Senator Shannon Grove in a statement on Thursday. “With the passage of SB 14, we went after the sellers and now we are going after the buyers, those who are purchasing sex from children. Anyone who pays to commit brutal crimes against children should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. With the passage of SB 1414, California is sending a very clear message—Not one more child.
“California must send a clear message that the exploitation of children for sex is an abhorrent crime that demands severe consequences. SB 1414 seeks to correct existing shortcomings and ensure that the actions of buyers are treated with the seriousness they deserve.”
Senator Caballero added, “Perpetrators need to know that we are serious about protecting our children from abuse and exploitation. The trafficking of children for sex in our state demands swift and serious consequences. We need SB 1414 to protect the vulnerable children and youth who are exploited, coerced, or sold into the sex trade and fear for their lives. I am thankful to Senator Grove for her leadership in this area and I am honored to be a joint author of SB 1414 with her to put a stop to these heinous crimes against children.”
The bill currently has broad bipartisan support from lawmakers in the Assembly and Senate, similar to how previous human trafficking bills fared early on in past sessions. As of Thursday, SB 1414 has received no opposition, with all indications that it will likely be passed later this year.
“Not one Assemblymember or Senator will vote against this bill,” explained “Dana,” a Capitol staffer, to the Globe. “This is one of those bills that people from both parties can easily support. I mean, even the authors are bipartisan. And as this bill gets into Committees, you are going to see a lot of law enforcement organizations and women’s groups, and so many others come together on this one. At a time where lawmakers are at odds with so much and can be seen as partisan on issues, we still do have many serious issues and bills out there that both sides can agree on. This is a no brainer bill that no one is going to vote against unless they really don’t want to win in November.”
SB 1414 is expected to be heard soon in Senate committees.
It is a no brainer!
Now let’s see if the California Senators have a brain!
It would be sweet if the factions of the UN and the NGO’s could be prosecuted for the trafficking that is happening on our border as I write.
85,000 children have gone missing that came here illegally! The number is most likely higher than that!
The UN and their NGO’s along with the Democrats and RINO’s are currently running the worlds largest human trafficking operation in history.
This bill is good as far as it goes but the penalty should be death.
This is one reason why a police presence at schools is not such a bad idea, either.
Three strikes? Should be one! One and done! The fact that “activists” oppose this, should tell you everything you need to know. Hang them all after even trying!!! Straight to the galley