Kids in a classroom. (Photo: Shutterstock/Syda Productions)
I Grew Up With Soviet Communism; Now as a Trustee I See It Embedded in California’s Ethnic Studies
Liberated Ethnic Studies is a front for Marxist or communist ideologies
By Maya Phillips, September 14, 2024 3:30 am
As a school board member in the Ramona Unified School District in San Diego County, when I read the Santa Ana Liberated Ethnic Studies curriculum for the first time, it brought back childhood memories from growing up in the Soviet Union.
The communist vocabulary that I remember from my time in the USSR included liberation, oppression, oppressor and oppressed, class struggle, solidarity, hegemony, Zionist, imperialism, colonialism, collective, as well as phrases vilifying capitalism and Zionism (a movement for the establishment and maintaining of a Jewish ethnoreligious state), painting capitalists as oppressors and the working class as oppressed, and presenting capitalists, Israel, and the West as enemies.
These words were an integral part of Soviet communist propaganda. These words are also an integral part of the Liberated Ethnic Studies curriculum—I recognized them right away. They were so familiar and so omnipresent throughout the course, to an extent that I have never encountered since living in the Soviet Union in the 1970s and 1980s. Native-born Americans grossly underestimate the gravity of communism and Marxism. However, its parallels with Liberated Ethnic Studies are astounding and personally alarming.
Ethnic Studies was originally designed as another vessel, along with DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) and CRT (Critical Race Theory), to deliver Marxism to schools and incorporate communist ideology in education. And while DEI and CRT are not required in schools, the Ethnic Studies course is mandated by the State of California.
Ethnic Studies can be a Trojan horse for communism if we don’t pay attention, and we have to be very vigilant in order to weed out the harmful elements. We are not teaching in a vacuum. Kids will eventually spread these concepts throughout California and the United States.
There are countless examples of “Liberated” politicized curriculum throughout California alone. Liberated curriculum continues to pigeonhole students into oppressor and victim roles, which is typical for Marxism. In Alameda County, Santa Clara County, and San Mateo County, students learn that their own physical and intrinsic characteristics, such as skin color, gender, mental health, sexuality, and body size make them oppressors or victims, good or bad students.
They are taught that neither actions nor words change this determination, and that there is no opportunity to move between categories, removing all personal agency from students. Students also are taught that capitalism causes racism and upholds white supremacy.
The Santa Ana Unified School District has been sued by the Anti-Defamation League, The Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights, and the American Jewish Committee, for its allegedly anti-Semitic Ethnic Studies courses, which are based on the “Liberated” curriculum.
I remember the dehumanized Soviet system. I remember cruelty, intimidation, disregard for human life, disdain for dignity, normalized contempt and disrespect. People lived in constant fear of the state. Schools taught kids that there is no god, that God doesn’t exist. Nothing was sacred. Morals and values were relative. Since there was no God, there were no morals in the society, and no compassion. Government policies were covertly anti-Semitic, and this affected my Jewish family too.
The average Soviet person was vindictive, manipulative, unforgiving, ruthless, and immoral. There were no marriage vows—just two signatures on a government marriage form. What would be the point? Promises didn’t mean anything anyway. Citizens and the government deceived each other at every turn. Lying, cheating, and stealing were considered smart moves in order to get ahead. Honest people, people of integrity, were considered idiots and losers. Nobody believed or trusted one another. And people thought this was normal because nobody knew any different. The USSR was an evil empire best known for its economic incompetence, atheism, and drabness.
And all of this could be brought to you courtesy of Ethnic Studies if we are not careful. Liberated Ethnic Studies is a front for Marxist or communist ideologies. It uses the same concepts, vocabulary, and philosophy.
Teaching Marxism in schools is prohibited by the Ed Code, and the lawyers who vetted this kind of curriculum for the school districts either agree with Marxism or are not familiar with Marxist concepts. I doubt that they read the Communist Manifesto or grew up in a communist country. I have done both.
I have seen firsthand what communism does to people. I have seen how it corrupts human souls. I have lived it. Never again. And never again is now.
“Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty”—inscription on the entrance to the National Archives.
Originally published at California Insider.
Mrs. Phillips currently serves on the Ramona Unified School District Board of Trustees. She was appointed to a vacant board seat in March 2022 and elected for a full term in November 2022, with her current term running through 2026. She is a strong advocate for academics, local control, and parental rights.
September 14, 2020
Are we waking up yet? Thank you Maya. This process has infiltrated medical education and is wrecking our medical system and our doctors are slaves. We must overhaul our entire educational system in California , as education is the root cause of the behavior and either production or wipeout of every industry in the great state of California. We need to privatize education. The government needs to get out of we the people’s serious business and get back to protecting our national borders, our private property borders, settling disputes in just courtrooms, and balancing the budget! It’s time for Californians to wake up and speak up.
Very sobering….thank you:
Universal Citation:
CA Educ Code § 51530 (2023)
Learn more
51530. No teacher giving instruction in any school, or on any property belonging to any agencies included in the public school system, shall advocate or teach communism with the intent to indoctrinate or to inculcate in the mind of any pupil a preference for communism.
In prohibiting the advocacy or teaching of communism with the intent of indoctrinating or inculcating a preference in the mind of any pupil for such doctrine, the Legislature does not intend to prevent the teaching of the facts about communism. Rather, the Legislature intends to prevent the advocacy of, or inculcation and indoctrination into, communism as is hereinafter defined, for the purpose of undermining patriotism for, and the belief in, the government of the United States and of this state.
For the purposes of this section, communism is a political theory that the presently existing form of government of the United States or of this state should be changed, by force, violence, or other unconstitutional means, to a totalitarian dictatorship which is based on the principles of communism as expounded by Marx, Lenin, and Stalin.
(Enacted by Stats. 1976, Ch. 1010.)
This is yet one more reason for parents to do everything they can to get their kids out of public schools which have become nothing more than Marxist indoctrination centers and find viable alternatives like homeschooling or private schools.
The Anti-Communists have been warning US for 100 years, we do not listen. This link is to page 316 of a book written in 1932, how much of this has not been achieved? https://archive.org/details/towardsovietamer00fostrich/page/316/mode/2up