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Intentional Denial: California Has Become a ‘De Facto’ State

So it just seems that there has to be a point to all of this, doesn’t there?

By Thomas Buckley, May 30, 2024 3:05 pm

The high cost of housing, the lawless streets, the cities being a wasteland of the wasted, schools that teach kids how not to think but to just obey and repeat, the utility infrastructure teetering on the edge of collapse while its gets more expensive every day, the speech codes, the regulation, the disdain for everything that was perfectly normal just a few years ago.

Why is California doing these things to herself?

By the way – it’s not by accident.

Political power can result from a number of different strategies, including gaining power by addition or gaining power by subtraction.

In the past, California electeds and community leaders and such gained power by addition – better schools, more roads, more water, more houses, more international cultural influence.

The powers that were added to the state, in part because it’s the right thing to do but also because they knew it would help them personally.

Now, the interlocking cabals that control the state are gaining – and solidifying –  power through subtraction.  Look at almost everything happening in the state now and you will see less – less work, less housing, less infrastructure, less education, less of a sense of hope that tomorrow will be just fine. And it was that hope that propelled the state forward.

Of course, there are now more of lots of things but even those additions are just a different form of subtraction.

More crime? Less a sense of safety.

More regulations?  Less a sense of independence.

More government programs?  Less a sense of self-respect.

The powers that are have managed to make sure the state is lessened even when they are adding programs and projects and policies and plans.

The public did not vote for less; except when voting for less government that does not happen all that often, or ever, really.

Voting – at least at the state level – in California is a performative absurdity. The state house districts are carved so as to be unwinnable except by the anointed, one party controls every political lever, one bureaucracy, one union, one “foundation” and have a free run for anything they wish to do.

Technically, there is more than one union, one “stakeholder” group, one bureaucracy, etc. But in fact there really isn’t more than one – the subterrane labyrinth of connections ensures that while there may be the occasional internecine squabble, the big picture, the long march remains secure.

Theoretically, California is a free American state, but in practice it is not. The de jure trappings are only used to hide the de facto control and command structure.

Legally, de facto describes practices that actually exist in reality, whereas de jure describes practices that are legally recognized, regardless of if they are followed.

California has become a de facto state, keeping its de jure costume on only for the sake of legal convenience.

And the nation is not far behind.

So back to the original question – what’s the point?

When a society is governed by subtraction – put another way, intentional contraction – it leads to an impossible to shed core fear in the public that it will continue to contract forever.

This contraction leads to people becoming more insular, more siloed, more afraid, less willing to take risks, less willing to jeopardize what little they have left.  

This also creates a rhythm of dependency, the tick tock of timed food pellets.  

This also creates a constant state of fear and anxiety. 

And that is the point.

While some in power may actually believe they are doing good by destroying the economic, political, and societal mores of Amerca, not everyone involved in this great diminishing power spiral is a “true believer.”

They just know a good thing when they see it.

As in the pandemic response.  Mass fear was induced and then taken advantage of by a whole host of bad actors.  Was the pandemic created to induce the fear or was it simply taken advantage of to instill the fear?  

Either way, it sped up the long march through the institutions-  the taking over of society by those with ill intent for that very society – immensely.

This impact on society at a nearly sub-conscious level is hard to pinpoint, hard to define, and extremely hard to fight, let alone stop, let alone reverse.

A fearful society is not only a chaotic society – the sense of deep disquiet is an important factor in keeping people in place – but is also easier to govern than a dynamic, growing society.

And a fearful society society is a powerless society and the subtractors know that.

Society is not being reset – it is being contracted and that could be even worse.

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3 thoughts on “Intentional Denial: California Has Become a ‘De Facto’ State

  1. The interlocking cabals that control the state (criminal Democrat mafia, CCP, globalists, cartels, etc.) may be getting away with their subtractions and lawlessness for a while longer, but it’s coming to an end as the great awakening among the populace accelerates?

  2. Californians are being systematically starved in a slow motion process designed to take their assets, their livelihoods, and eventually their lives. The only solution is escape while possible.

  3. When are we going to get an initiative on the ballot to make our legislature a part-time body? Less time to do damage to the state.

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