Home>Articles>Jessica Morse’s New Ad Attacks Rep. Kevin Kiley With Lies

Rep. Kevin Kiley (R-CA). (Photo: House Committee on Education & the Workforce)

Jessica Morse’s New Ad Attacks Rep. Kevin Kiley With Lies

Politicians resort to lying when they can’t sell voters on their policy positions, or they have none

By Katy Grimes, September 18, 2024 7:49 am

Congressional candidate and repeat fibber Jessica Morse posted a new TV ad Tuesday, claiming Republican California Congressman Kevin Kiley (CA-03) wants to ban all abortions nationwide, even for victims of rape and incest.

This is not true, and the truth still matters.

In the ad a woman shares about being a survivor of the Northern California Camp fire and a sexual assault. “I lost my home after being sexually assaulted. I almost lost my life. Then after all that I found out I was pregnant. If I hadn’t been able to get an abortion, I don’t know where I’d be.”

These are horrible events in anyone’s life.

However, she then states, “Kevin Kiley wants to be an abortion nationwide. With no exceptions for rape or incest, no exceptions for survivors. Like me, it’s disgusting and cruel. Kevin Kiley should not be in Congress.”

“I’m Jessica Morse. And I approve this message,” should have more meaning, but it doesn’t. This ad is a textbook example of how if a lie is told enough times, people will assume it is true. And that’s the game in politics.

Jessica Morse is no stranger to lies. “At the 2024 Nevada County Fair, Jessica Morse claimed to have served in the military, then changed her story after being questioned by a military family,” Susan Walsh reported for the Globe in August. Morse claimed she “got sent to Baghdad” and was “getting shot at.”

When she ran for Congress in 2018, Morse listed a false ballot designation. According to Ben Christopher of CalMatters, “a judge stripped Democratic candidate Jessica Morse of her chosen designation, ‘National Security Strategist,’ after Regina Bateson, another Democrat in the race, sued.”

The Sacramento Bee reported on Morse’s embellished career details:

“Jessica Morse, a Democratic challenger of Tom McClintock, likes to detail an illustrious foreign policy career on the campaign trail. But is it true? Managed half of America’s foreign aid budget. Rewrote the U.S.-India defense strategy. Adviser to a four-star admiral. These are some of the highlights of Jessica Morse’s career that the 35-year-old Democrat likes to emphasize on the campaign trail.”

“In fact, Morse served as one member of a small team, the India Strategic Focus Group, headed by an army colonel,” for about 6 months.

Now Jessica Morse is claiming that Kevin Kiley wants to ban abortion nationwide, “with no exceptions for rape or incest.”

Morse bases this claim on a 2021 budget proposal from the Republican Study Committee – before Kiley was elected to the House. While Kiley is a member of the RSC his campaign told the Globe he had absolutely nothing to do with this proposal and was unaware of its existence. And, he obviously never voted for it, nor did he introduce or co-sponsor any legislation to implement this budget.

A recent issue from the Republican Study Committee (RSC) Steering Committee was in June 2024 when the committee adopted a position in support of Representative Beth Van Duyne’s amendment to “prohibit taxpayer funding from carrying out Biden’s unlawful DoD abortion policy issued on October 20, 2022, which requires taxpayer funding to cover expenses related to abortion, such as travel or leave, in clear violation of historic bi-partisan norms and current law.”

Morris offers no proof that Kiley supported the proposal because it doesn’t exist, and she knows that members of the RSC are in no way bound by its proposals.

Kiley has consistently said that he supports the exceptions for rape, incest and mother’s life in danger and has never voted otherwise. 

This attack is simply recycled from Kiley’s last race when his then opponent, Kermet Jones made similar claims that even the Sacramento Bee fact-checked and found to be false.

Kiley specifically refuted the false claims when he debated Jones in 2022 (at 5:00 min).

Lastly, Kiley reiterated his position in his responses to the Sacramento Bee’s candidate questionnaire this year.

Politicians like Jessica Morse resort to lying when they can’t sell voters on their actual experience, or their policy positions, or when they have no policy positions. Abortion is the one policy the left has, and their positions have gotten more and more radical and dangerous – dangerous for the mother and deadly for the infant.

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2 thoughts on “Jessica Morse’s New Ad Attacks Rep. Kevin Kiley With Lies

  1. “Politicians like Jessica Morse resort to lying when they can’t sell voters on their actual experience, or their policy positions, or when they have no policy positions. Abortion is the one policy the left has, and their positions have gotten more and more radical and dangerous – dangerous for the mother and deadly for the infant.”

    Yes indeed, Ms. Grimes. Morse is a carbon copy of lying Kackala Harris; and it appears, just as incompetent.


    1. This Jessica Morse person, a “Deputy Secretary” in the Newsom administration, appears to have Newsom et al’s fingerprints all over her candidacy, and it also appears to me they are vengeful fingerprints, given that Kevin Kiley ran against Newsom for Governor, wrote a book critical of Newsom, and has been otherwise outspokenly honest about him. These actions and statements by Kiley about Newsom have obviously resonated with Californians over recent troubled years in this state.

      Kiley’s opponent Jessica Morse is another usual suspect, not one bit impressive, funded and pushed out on stage to challenge Kiley, who was not only a Republican good-guy star asset in the California assembly when he was there, but who has now also been working very hard with much success to represent Californians in the U.S. Congress in a way they would like to be represented; that is, to address the very items of most concern to them. You know, real problems, not banning plastic bags and banishing paper receipts; and all the silly stuff we’re used to here in California.

      If you are a person who shows your support for key politicians by donating to their campaigns, please consider donating to Congressman Kevin Kiley (link provided by Raymond, above), this month especially, to help him combat the constant, outrageous lies of his very ethically-challenged opponent Morse and her hidden entourage of funders who inexplicably boost her with the money that makes the lying ads possible.

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