Kern Co. Immunology Docs Say Only Sick and Elderly Should be Quarantined, Businesses Should Open
‘Now that we have the facts, it’s time to get back to work’
By Katy Grimes, April 26, 2020 3:05 pm
‘The risks of social isolation are too high.’
KIRO News 23 reports that Immunology Doctors Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi said their facilities have tested over 5,200 patients for the coronavirus throughout Kern county, making up for over half of all testing in Kern. According to their data, the death rate of the coronavirus is similar in prevalence to the flu.
“Now that we have the facts,” said Dr. Erickson. “It’s time to get back to work.”
But they also warn that what is going on around the country and in California is not about medicine or science.
“When they use the word ‘safe,’… when you listen to the word ‘safe,’ that’s about controlling you,” Dr. Erickson said. “This is not about science, and it’s not even about COVID.”
Dr. Erickson said every ER doctor he knows says the same, and goes on to tell about ER doctors who describe empty emergency rooms, but they are stopped at the door by men in hazmat suits, taking their temperature.
(UPDATE: Youtube has now removed the video!, but I found another HERE: or at this link below.
Erickson said he believes businesses could reopen and as testing continues, people could starting going back to work. In fact, Erickson suggests that staying at home too long could be even worse for people’s health.
Erickson also exposes the scheme pressuring doctors throughout the state to boost COVID-19 numbers by adding it to the death certificate.
“ER doctors now, you know, the friends that I talk to are saying you know it’s interesting that when I’m writing up my death report I am being pressured to add COVID,” Erickson said. “Why is that? Why are we being pressured to add COVID? To maybe increase the numbers and make it look worse than it actually is?… This is not about science and it’s not even about COVID. When they use the word “safe” the word safe is about controlling you. So when I talk to all of my ER doctors who work in a hospital with no stake in the game, same opinion.”
“We understand microbiology, we understand immunology and we want strong immune systems,” Erickson said. “I don’t want to stay in my home and develop a weak immune system and then come out and get a disease.”
Erickson and Massihi contacted the Kern County Public Health Department and discussed whether the state should reopen.
Kern County Public Health Department responded:
In our ongoing effort to mitigate the impacts of COVID-19 on our residents and healthcare system, we continue to adhere to the guidance issued by Governor Newsom regarding the stay at home order.
Kern County Public Health Services recommends the following protective measures:
Stay at home except for essential needs.
Practice social distancing.
Wash hands with soap and water often.
Avoid touching eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands.
Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue or your elbow.
Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
Stay away from work, school or other people if you become sick.
Wear face covering while in public if you are unable to maintain social distancing.
“We live our lives in the life sciences: biology, biochemistry, microbiology. There’s something else going on here.”
The two videos above are the complete interview with the doctors.
Read more at Gateway Pundit and KIRO News 23.
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It’s very heartening that the video of these two E.R. doctors has gone “viral.” Even the 50-minute one (well worth watching, lots of great info there) has almost 4-1/2 million views so far. Common sense, hands-on information, great stuff about how your immune system is built that at one time, long ago, it seemed everyone knew. No longer, apparently. It’s truly amazing how pointing out the obvious is met now with such hostility and skepticism from some (not all) of these arrogant and snarky local reporters.
The best way b to think shit this misinformation is through not only folding the poor, erroneous math but also reading the statement about it by the The American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) and the American Academy of Emergency Medicine (AAEM).
Hit the link below. They “Jointly and emphatically condemn the recent opinions released by Dr. Daniel Erickson and Dr. Artin Messihi.”
Where can I find the full 50 min video?
Kern County CA E.R. Doctors Discuss COVID Virus:
Kern County CA E.R. Doctors Discuss COVID Virus
YouTube removed the other, duplicate, video too. As you can see above.
Found it on Vimeo. If anyone should visit this article a month later and be frustrated by not being able to see these emergency doctors, the full one-hour video can now be seen here:
Kern County Doctors on Vimeo:
That’s because there is truth to it. WHO is behind much of this in my opinion and I just don’t regard them as trustworthy meaning the World Health Organization. If you do enough digging on them you’ll see they are connected to some shady people and things out there
Jesus Katy, they clearly state they are Emergency Medicine doctors, not immunologists. Did you even try??
Jesus – did you even watch the videos in their entirety? They both say they are immunologists and have studied immunology and epidemiology for 30 years. They are the owners of the emergency medical business and also practice emergency medicine.
Katy Grimes, Yeah its almost like they have a conflict of interest here…….. Like maybe how their business is suffering with reduced admissions.
Why did Dr. Erickson say that he had talked to the head of the Kern County Dept of Health and that he agreed with his findings and wanted to re-open businesses ASAP?
Correct. Are they Republicans too? Just curious. The “controlling you” sounds sort of paranoid-conspiracy-theory-oriented…
Obviously not a truthful person?
Their math is completely wrong. This tends to make everything they say incorrect. They literally come to the incorrect conclusions around New York State through poor high school math.
Taking classes in immunology does not make you an immunologist. They are not board certified or practicing immunologist or epidemiologist, they are practicing at an urgent care. They make basic statistic errors, and are drawing from a skewed sample to begin with, a private testing center at the urgent care they own.
but we have a guy running the world health organization.
The best way to think about this misinformation is through not only following the poor, erroneous math but also reading the statement about it by the The American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) and the American Academy of Emergency Medicine (AAEM).
Hit the link below. They “Jointly and emphatically condemn the recent opinions released by Dr. Daniel Erickson and Dr. Artin Messihi.”
They are neither immunologists nor ER doctors. They are urgent care doctors and business owners. Big difference
Thank you Jesus! These doctors specialty is in emergency medicine, NOT immunology. If Katy is going to write an article, and be taken seriously, she should get her facts straight!
Geez, I guess I should have added in my own comment that they were also immunologists, if only for “Jesus’ sake.” Not that the Commenter Calling Himself Jesus would read comments from the likes of me.
I don’t get it when they say that Covid-19 is less lethal or similar to flu when tallying fatalities.
So, USA has between 35000 to 60 000 deaths ANNUALLY. Right now USA have almost 60 000 Covid deaths and it is just getting warmed up ?
No, it’s not, it’s dying down. Infection curves don’t go on forever, they have a normal distribution and over the next month will drop to hardly anything. That’s how it works. It’s the same with influenza almost all the deaths are in a couple of month period and then they are mostly non-existent for the rest of the year. That is what this virus will do to.
The lock down DID seem to make sense with the info we had. Our Leaders were trying to protect us and had very little accurate data to work with. What makes the most sense now? In Heinsberg Germany they’ve done a comprehensive study and estimate a 0.37% fatality. Running the #’s here in the USA on the 3 states (after NY) that have done the most testing per capita; RI is 0.12% fatality rate, LA is 0.18%, and MA is 0.13%. If we were going into Autumn I think we’d have to give much more consideration to extending the lock down but The Dept of Homeland Sec just finished a study at the U.S. Army’s bio-lab at Fort Detrick that shows Covid-19 dies quickly in increased temp, humidity and sunlight. With summer weather arriving, perhaps its time to end the lock downs but continue to isolate and protect the Elderly and At Risk.
The CDC reports there are between 29,000 and 59,000 influenza deaths annually (Oct-Mar.).
There have been 55,000 COVID-19 deaths in over a month.
Who knows what the final figure will be.
I’m in favour of getting things going again; but to claim COVID-19 is little different from the annual influenza?
Well CV-19 is different from the annual seasonal flu in that every news story is about it, there are death counts and infection counts on the radio every 15 minutes, every commercial makes reference to it in maudlin tones, you’re surrounded by people in your neighborhoods who have been purposely scared to death with fake projections and current unreliable numbers, common sense is met with hostility, and, oh yeah, the COUNTRY has been shut down and millions of people are out of a job and have no income.
Good job.
According to CNN, they’ve recently discovered that Covid-19 has been going around the US since at least January, if not Dec.
So many trolls, so little truth.
Well a lot of what’s going on is in line with what the bible says.. Forget who’s right or wrong here… Make sure your right with God!- Jesus Christ.. Open your bible and read what has been told, what’s come to pass and what is yet to come!.. You decide!