In California, doctors face greater scrutiny while patients face diminished choice. Will it work? (Photo: Halfpoint/Shutterstock)
Medi-Cal and its Deleterious Impact in California Medical Care: The Challenge
During covid pandemic, Newsom had entered the realm of science fiction
By Patrick Wagner, MD, May 2, 2024 7:11 am
In the years following my demise as a private practice surgeon in Sacramento because of Gavin Newsom and his government run healthcare catastrophe, I moved to Nevada City, California, while still doing business in Sacramento. I did so to get sixty miles away from the stench of Newsom’s unfriendly business environment but still capable of successfully owning and maintaining my multi-unit apartment complexes in Sacramento. It was great to “escape” to Nevada City to live peacefully and privately, and yet to work in person.
Nevada City is the tiny county seat of Nevada County, the population of which is 100,000 people, and one of 58 counties that make up California. This accounts for 0.2% of the population of California, or forty million souls.
When the covid-19 pandemic hit, I heard all about Scott Kellermann, MD, the Nevada County Public Health officer, and his untoward behavior concerning many Nevada County citizens. That prompted me to attend a Nevada County Board of Supervisors meeting, where these rightfully troubled people were expressing their disgust with him, to see if I could help.
As an expert judge of physician character, it was clear to me that Dr. Kellermann had very poor bedside manner. It’s common sense. Thus, I gave him an F. He was guilty of failing to obtain informed consent from the citizens who wanted him to explain the rationale, the risk, and the alternatives of all the emergency pandemic measures he instituted. The people were all ears. Kellermann needed to field questions and give accurate answers, and he did not do any of that. For people to be forced to wear masks, socially distance, be vaccinated or lose your job, be vaccinated without the informed consent of a licensed physician, to need to seek out exemptions for vaccinations, to close “non-essential” businesses, churches, schools, and for doctors to disguise their offices and the community hospital as dangerous and high-risk places to go to when you get sick, is carnage.
All those things really happened, and that injury was and remains real, and the proof is extensive and sadly permanent in some. There is no excuse to withhold vital and important information for the public in person, and to tell the truth. There is no excuse for not giving people an option to choose their doctor, choose among various modalities of treatment, choose where they want to be treated. There is no excuse for harming, or worse killing, instead of helping and saving. It is outright against the law….California Code of Regulations (CCR)784.29, also called Informed Consent To Medical Treatment.
To make matters worse, Newsom proudly began a campaign of “contact tracing” on May 22, 2020, shortly after adequate evidence had been obtained at Stanford which demonstrated herd or natural immunity to coronavirus-19. That means the virus is proven endemic, and a mild form of the flu or a cold at most. It also means that it is time to get back to normal, to stop testing, and most importantly take off the masks, hug each other, and get the heck back to work! Any physician in California, public health officer or slave to Newsom’s Medi-Cal (125,000 strong) knows these facts. Why didn’t and why don’t they speak up? Shame on them! And shame on Newsom, who entertained health insurance cronies at French Laundry in quaint Yountville right in the middle of his contact tracing program without a mask.
And this brings up another terrifying point. Newsom had entered the realm of science fiction, also called political or social science, and had completely ousted and buried medical science, all with the sycophantic approval of completely controlled amoral robot doctors, a few of which were evil, ravenous killers. This is strong evidence that when you own doctors, you own the people, medicine (also known as health insurance companies and the public health department), and you own the economy.
The foregoing means you have craftily abandoned herd immunity and replaced it with stuporous herd indoctrination, and California let it happen. The question arises…. “Do you want to be a victim of your circumstances, or do you want to prevail over them, Mr. and Mrs. California?”
At the first meeting I went to, it was evident that the Nevada County Board of Supervisors (BOS) was protecting Kellermann from the concerned Nevada County residents. They were clearly not ready to take on this type of crowd. They hid behind the “Brown Act,” which every government city council or board member I have ever faced off with did to me. There is an interesting and definite pattern here.
This means that these bullies offer you a two- or three-minute opportunity to make your case during public comment time. You will speak with dignity, you may not ask questions, and they don’t have to answer your questions or comments. And most ridiculous, they recommend you talk to the supervisor or councilman or assemblyman or senator in your district to get rid of you. Now that’s not the way the Brown Act is supposed to work. It’s the opposite! And this process is in direct violation of every member of the public’s first amendment right to redress grievances. It is maddening, and that’s just where these cowards don’t want you to be. Furious. Controlled indignation fury. The kind of people fury that gets things done.
So, after a few more meetings, the BOS decided to replace Kellermann with another Public Health Officer by the name of Sherilynn E. Cooke, MD. This board meeting was very controversial, as it occurred on December 14, 2021, shortly after a massive snowstorm. The people wanted it cancelled. The event became known as “Snowmageddon.”
The entire spectacle is online by accessing….Nevada County Board of Supervisors meetings/archives, and then scrolling to December 14, 2002, and clicking on videos. The first three hours and ten minutes is riveting entertainment and shows the passion of both the chairman of the BOS and the Nevada County citizens. And I recommend you watch every second of it. Get your popcorn, sit back, and enjoy! Not only the switch of public health officers was brought up, but we the people (including me, a physician) initiated the first ever recall of an entire board of supervisors in California history.
This is Part V of a series on Medi-Cal, government run healthcare.
Part I is here: Medi-Cal and Its Deleterious Impact in California Medical Care: The Cause
Part II is here: Medi-Cal and Its Deleterious Impact in California Medical Care: The Effect
Part III is here: Medi-Cal and Its Deleterious Impact in California Medical Care: The Cure
Part IV is here: Medi-Cal and Its Deleterious Impact in California Medical Care: The Cure
- The Stifled Doctor and Freedom of Medical Enterprise - March 1, 2025
- The Standard of Care in Medicine - February 13, 2025
- Is Healthcare a Human Right? - February 5, 2025
Appreciate your writing, Dr. Wagner.
I believe our medical institutions are forever changed.
I as a patient have distrust and will always second guess medical advice and seek more information and alternatives.
My doctor is still pushing the unproven shots.
Your doctor is in the back pocket of the medical insurance industrial complex Cali Girl…
Perhaps its time to find another doctor; one who isn’t compromised??? Your health and well-being is at stake here…
I’d search for a qualified DO and go the holistic path, personally…
Sadly, Newsom and the criminal Democrat mafia that controls the state have weaponized the medical system in California and Californians are paying the price for it.