House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA). (Photo: Kevin Sanders for California Globe)
Nancy Pelosi ‘Celebrates’ Women’s History Month But Gives Female Athletes the Cold Shoulder
Pelosi never addressed how the Equality Act would serve to obliterate women’s sports
By Katy Grimes, March 1, 2024 10:39 am
Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is celebrating Women’s History Month, but has given female athletes the cold shoulder trans-athletes infiltrate women’s sports.
Pelosi Tweeted:
“Women’s History Month celebrates the leadership, courage and contributions of generations of our nation’s daughters. To honor this legacy, we must make transformative change to build a future of full gender equality – because when women succeed, America succeeds!”
Women’s History Month celebrates the leadership, courage and contributions of generations of our nation’s daughters.
To honor this legacy, we must make transformative change to build a future of full gender equality – because when women succeed, America succeeds! pic.twitter.com/Kg5xBdwGxB
— Nancy Pelosi (@SpeakerPelosi) March 1, 2024
And like a predictable, insecure mean girl, Pelosi couldn’t celebrate women’s history without getting political – she resorted to attacking Republicans, claiming they are attacking contraception.
“This year, we sadly see Republicans escalating their assault on women’s health freedom, including by attacking IVF, contraception & post-miscarriage care. As Democrats keep fighting against extremism and for freedom, women are not only at the table but leading the conversation.
Pelosi really only celebrates women who support abortion, and fake women – trans women.
Pelosi was behind H.R. 5, “The Equality Act” in 2019, which would have amended the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and created a civil right for male athletes to self-identify as trans-females, and compete against female athletes – as if trans-women are real women just because they wear dresses and makeup, and claim to identify as women.
In a floor speech in 2021 supporting the Equality Act, then-Speaker Pelosi equivocated civil rights and trans-athletes:
“We are proud to bring this important legislation to the House Floor under the leadership of the most diverse House Democratic Majority, nearly 70 percent women, people of color and LGBTQ, with 224 co-sponsors on this legislation. Mr. Speaker, many of us were gathered together nearly five years ago to first introduce the Equality Act. That day in the LBJ Room on the Senate side, named after the President who fought for and signed the Civil Rights Act, we stood with an icon of the civil rights struggle, our colleague, John Lewis, the Conscience of the Congress.”
Speaker Pelosi claimed the Equality Act would have ended “anti-LGBTQ discrimination on employment, education, housing, credit, jury service and public accommodations.” But she never addressed how the Equality Act would serve to obliterate women’s sports.
Title IX is the federal law enacted in 1972 to combat discrimination based on gender. What it is best known for was opening up sports to women and girls. But Pelosi and other Democrats in Congress have worked hard to undermine and erode Title IX by allowing men pretending to be women to compete as women.
Women’s empowerment is important – in sports, education and work. But women and men in sports must uphold Title IX and cannot ignore the basic truth of gender – that biological males and biological females are not interchangeable. Wardrobe choices may enhance gender, but a dress on a man does not change his gender.
“When you can’t acknowledge what a woman is, there’s a huge problem,” Riley Gaines, the former University of Kentucky swimmer who spoke out against biological male athletes competing as “women” in women’s sports said. “This is deeper than just sports. This is a systematic erasure of what a woman is.”
We’ve been force fed outrageous stories of transgender acceptance, transgender “affirming care,” how trans athletes must be allowed to participate as their chosen gender, Target’s “tuck-friendly” bathing suits for infants and toddlers, and Dylan Mulvaney as the sports bra model for Nike.
Even California’s California Commission on the Status of Women and Girls has sacrificed women and girls at the alter of the very minority trans community.
Somewhere along her career path Nancy Pelosi was a role model for young women. But she sacrificed the importance of that role modeling for politics – really stupid politics.
Women’s organizations and women’s sports are being taken over by the most radical leftists. Why? Because women were already liberated, already broke the glass ceiling, and do in fact, receive equal pay for equal jobs when our time off is taken into consideration in pay calculation. What was left to fight for and about other than hack partisan politics? And men who wear dresses?
Happy Women’s History Month Nancy Pelosi.
Nancy Pelosi is full of it as usual — and should be ashamed of herself —- but she won’t be. After all, she never HAS been, has she. She’s been a top competitor in her own attempt to win the contest of Most Craven and Shameless U.S. Politicians and has consistently come away with the top prizes. How much damage has she done to our country in her way-too-long career? It would be impossible to calculate exactly but there is no question it has been devastating. And now she adds damage to women on every level on an issue that is as obvious and common sense as it could possibly be while pretending to do otherwise with her “celebration” of Women’s History Month. As you know….
Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi babbling about “transformative change to build a future of full gender equality” during Women’s History Month is a direct attack on female athletes who are being erased by trans-athletes who have infiltrated women’s sports? Promoting trans insanity is what the criminal Democrat mafia does as part of their satanic agenda?
Pelosi is like a corrupt mafia mob boss? She learned everything she knows from her father Thomas D’Alesandro, Jr., who was a constant companion of Benjamin “Benny Tratta” Magliano and the mob. Her father was a congressman from Maryland and then mayor of Baltimore whose political machine was tainted by constant scandal. Pelosi learned about patronage, ruthlessness, and the credo of the party boss: never admit to anything, never apologize, and attack when challenged.
I suggest next time, that women be more careful about who on the ballot they finally vote for because if this sort of thing becomes a tradition, then it only gets worse.
Hi Katy,
I take issue with your description of this loathsome creature. [“And like a predictable, insecure mean girl, Pelosi”…] She is definitely not a “girl”, a MEAN creature perhaps. She can’t even pull off a graceful mature woman at this point! Besides, is Nancy even a woman? Can she define woman? What is a woman according to Nan the reluctant Gran?
Yay for Women’s History month, I guess. A whole month of being pandered to (sigh).
Pelosi would serve us well, for a change, if she waved her hand of dismissal all day long at people who don’t pay taxes, at the U.S. border.