DA George Gascón. (Photo: wikipedia)
Nearly 98% of Los Angeles Prosecutors Vote to Recall Soros-backed District Attorney George Gascón
‘Gascón began a massive social experiment by redirecting prosecutorial resources away from enforcing the law’
By Katy Grimes, February 23, 2022 6:37 am
The 800 member Association of Deputy District Attorneys who work for the County of Los Angeles, just voted overwhelmingly to support the recall of George Gascón, the elected District Attorney of LA County.
According to the ADDA, 97.9% percent of the front-line prosecutors tasked with implementing DA Gascón’s policies voted for his recall. The vote came after Gascón refused an invitation to address the prosecutors of his office to explain and defend his policies and provide his arguments why he should not be recalled.
“This vote is by those who are intimately familiar with how Mr. Gascón’s policies actually play out on a day-to-day basis,” said ADDA President Michele Hanisee. “We believe the vote of our members will resonate with the voters of Los Angeles as they decide whether to recall Gascón from office and restore public safety as the priority of the District Attorney’s office,”
“Mr. Gascón previously participated in a scripted meeting with Public Defenders,” the ADDA reported. “Since taking office, DA Gascón’s has refused to speak directly with deputies to explain his policies.”
In March 2021, Crime victims and law enforcement officials announced they were launching a recall campaign against Gascón, whose 2020 campaign was funded by billionaire oligarch George Soros, with more than $2.5 million. Gascón ran for District Attorney on a promise of turning the court system upside down, and eliminating cash bail.
Their announcement came on the heels of a motion filed in a double murder case seeking to disqualify DA Gascón among other issues, hiring a former public defender to write his Youth Justice policy when she was still a Deputy Public Defender, representing criminal defendants, allegedly benefitting her criminal clients. DA Gascón ordered the double murder case to stay in juvenile court, despite that the perpetrator was 17 years-old and only weeks away from his 18th birthday when he was arrested, which means the most he would get, if convicted, would be about seven years in the murder of the two young women, Fox11 reported.
This hasn’t gone well.
Within weeks of being sworn in as Los Angeles County’s District Attorney, the Globe reported Gascón, issued radical, unlawful “Special Directives,” commanding the deputy district attorneys of the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office to violate California’s constitution and laws:
- With respect to future cases, the Special Directives prohibit DDAs from charging mandatory criminal sentencing enhancements under the Three Strikes Law, which California enacted to protect its citizens from previously-convicted serious and violent felons; and
- With respect to pending cases, the Special Directives require DDAs to withdraw all pre-existing enhancement allegations for six different types of sentencing enhancements. These provisions are plainly illegal. DDAs cannot be commanded to violate the very sentencing enhancements that California law mandates.
“Over a year ago, Gascón began a massive social experiment by redirecting prosecutorial resources away from enforcing the law while simultaneously ignoring large portions of the penal code. The result is an emboldened criminal element that knows the DA will not hold criminals accountable. This experiment needs to end,” said ADDA VP Eric Siddall.
“With 83.3% participation, voter turnout exceeds all previous ADDA elections.”
As California Globe reported, “Gascón is the architect of Proposition 47 which largely decriminalized theft and drug crimes by reducing those crimes and a number of other “non-violent” felonies to misdemeanors; and Prop. 57, which allows early release for “non-violent offenders,” including rape by intoxication of an unconscious person, human trafficking involving a sex act with minors, arson causing great bodily harm, drive-by shooting, assault with a deadly weapon, and hostage taking. These are so-called criminal justice reforms according to Gascón.”
“This ADDA vote occurs after more than 30 cities within the County of Los Angeles have issued votes of no confidence in the District Attorney,” the ADDA said. “In addition, multiple cities have begun the process of seeking to prosecute misdemeanors within their jurisdictions due to the policies of the District Attorney, prosecutions currently handled by ADDA members.”
Now the Emperor truly has no clothes.
When 98 percent of your employees stick their necks out to say they want you gone, knowing there will be hell to pay if against all reason you end up staying, that’s a pretty clear message to voters and to potential petition-signers, isn’t it?
In these terrible times it’s completely absurd but not surprising that what used to be a healthy and necessary-for-justice adversarial relationship —– District Atty prosecutor vs. public defender —- was twisted and turned by wealthy comic book villain George Soros into two Marxists on the same side whose policies and practices have released violent felons into society, ignored and re-victimized victims of crime, created chaos, terror, and uncertainty for residents, and made them prisoners in their own homes (if even that is safe).
But the return to sanity can happen if L.A. County voters do the simple actions that will make it happen.
Please go to the official Recall D.A. George Gascon website to get the recall petition:
And while voters are at it, don’t forget to recall George Soros’s little Marxist toady DA in San Francisco, Chesa Boudin: https://recallchesaboudin.org/
OH YESSS. Please do it, S.F.!
A moral person would resign.
Since there has been a large growth in crime due to the DA’s policies, aside from a recall, can George Gascon be held financially liable for the harm his decisions have caused and can he be banned from serving as a government official in the future?