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Practical Guide on Judicial Branch Released

This new practical guide is focused on those statutory provisions governing our judicial branch

By Katy Grimes, September 20, 2024 4:37 pm

Chris Micheli, a frequent contributor to California Globe, just released his second practical guide on one of California’s three branches of government. This one, called “A Practical Guide to California’s Judiciary under the Government Code Kindle Edition,” has just over 40 short chapters. “The governance of our state’s court system is not only contained in our state Constitution, but also there are numerous provisions in the California Government Code. This new practical guide is focused on those statutory provisions governing our judicial branch,” Micheli explained.

This practical guide deals with California’s Judiciary and the provisions found in the Government Code. Among the many topics covered are trial and appellate courts, selection of judges, court staff, facilities, and the organization of the courts in this state. These provisions of state statutes govern how the courts in California generally operate.

It is available to purchase from Amazon HERE.

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