Katie Valenzuela. (Photo: Katie4council)
Sacramento City Council Passes Transgender Sanctuary City Resolution
‘Valenzuela was being a little more than shady in her wording’
By Evan Symon, March 27, 2024 12:35 pm
In a unanimous vote on Tuesday night, the Sacramento City Council voted to declare the city a sanctuary city for transgender people.
Authored by Sacramento City Councilwoman Katie Valenzuela, the resolution stated that “This proposal puts forward a draft resolution that would declare the City of Sacramento a sanctuary city for transgender people. The City of Sacramento is already a sanctuary city for immigrants; this proposed resolution would enact the same protections for transgender individuals.”
The rationale for the resolution noted that “California has been a leader in protecting the rights of transgender individuals to access care,
but many states across the nation are moving in the opposite direction. In preparation of future legislation that may criminalize those providing or seeking gender-affirming care and given the Council’s stated values of equity and inclusion, it is important for the City of Sacramento to be proactive in reiterating our commitment to transgender rights and equal protections for transgender people by declaring ourselves a sanctuary city and a place of safety for transgender people. This resolution would also resolve to ensure the rights of transgender individuals in Sacramento are upheld, and that no city resources – including staff time – would be used to detain individuals seeking care, or otherwise to cooperate with jurisdictions seeking to enforce laws criminalizing gender affirming care in other jurisdictions.”
As the Globe reported on previously, California is already a destination state for “transgender” procedures for minors. Valenzuela’s bill added to this, largely a response resolution to the rise of gender-affirming care for minor bans in other states and other state laws that restrict such transition care. Following the unanimous passage of the resolution Tuesday night, Valenzuela tweeted out a victory message, confirming that the bill was written to counter the rise in such laws across the country.
“Tonight, as we recognize Transgender Week of Visibility in the City of Sacramento, I was honored to introduce a resolution to declare Sacramento a Sanctuary City for Transgender People in partnership with DSA Sacramento,” said Valenzuela in a message on X on Tuesday. “This resolution was supported by a myriad of organizations and was unanimously approved by my colleagues. This resolution was written and directly informed by transgender community leaders. It was put forward in recognition of the rise in laws across our country seeking to limit or completely restrict access to gender-affirming care.”
“By affirming our commitment to supporting our LGBTQ+ community and ensuring that no city resources or staff time will be used to help enforce these harmful laws in other jurisdictions, the City has taken a step beyond state law and sent a powerful signal to everyone in our community that we are a safe place for everyone. Tonight’s testimony in support of this resolution was a powerful reminder of the resiliency and passion in our community to protect our transgender neighbors. I have never been prouder to represent this incredible city I call home.”
Tonight, as we recognize Transgender Week of Visibility in the City of Sacramento, I was honored to introduce a resolution to declare Sacramento a Sanctuary City for Transgender People in partnership with DSA Sacramento. This resolution was supported by a myriad of organizations… pic.twitter.com/1yqkayjhGy
— Councilmember Katie Valenzuela (@CMKValenzuela) March 27, 2024
While the bill was passed, many noted on Wednesday that Valenzuela’s statement was a little off.
“Valenzuela was being a little more than shady in her wording,” explained a transgender activist in Sacramento County to the Globe on Wednesday. “I’m happy this passed, but there are many in community who know who really drafted the ordinance. It was the Sacramento Democratic Socialists of America. Literally, in the resolution, it says ‘Drafted by Abby Smet, Case Fritz, Emily Smet, Jennifer Laurent, PJ Andrews, and Sara Connor of the Sacramento Democratic Socialists of America’.
“That’s her people. She’s a member of that group. And it is disappointing to many of us. There’s a lot of transgender people who believe that you should wait until you’re an adult to decide to transition, or get lots of permissions beforehand. There are many who are Republican, like Caitlyn Jenner. Valenzuela, by involving extreme people, you know, it rubs many of us the wrong way. She should have left out anyone with affiliation to the Democratic socialists and work with people on this resolution to make it as unpolitical as possible. By including them so much, even some moderates and Democrats wince a little. Being a sanctuary city is great, but she could have had it done in a way where she wasn’t alienating so many people.”
Other opponents voiced their concerns following the vote as well.
“We cannot be giving children cross-sex hormones. We can’t give them surgeries to change their sex,” said Moms for Liberty member Beth Bourne on Tuesday. “This sanctuary city is saying that we will promote the idea that people can be born in the wrong body.”
Grandstanding communist idiots
“Fairfax (VA) Democrats choose Easter Sunday as transgender visibility day”
Gee, what a coincidence. Wouldn’t have anything to do with their hating the Cross because it BURNS, would it?
Missed before that it’s “transgender visibility WEEK” in Sacramento according to city council commie Valenzeula. Well isn’t that special. Probably just a coincidence (NOT) that the nasty commie activists turned Holy Week into “transgender visibility week.”
Unanimous? Idiots!
None had the spine to stand up and say: “This is not city business” and vote NO.
This is just one big virtue signal….while the once great city of Sacramento continues to slide into the abyss of rampant crime and homelessness. So sad.
There is no such thing as transgender. There is gender dysmorphia however, a medical condition.
The UK has banned any trans medication under the age of 18. This country is waking up to this industries gender abuse of children and the train has left the station. That makes Sacramento look foolish. No one cares if you want to act like you are something you are not but leave the children alone and don’t expect others to bend to your beliefs either.
A resolution declaring Scramento a “Urine & Defacation in Public Sanctuary City” would be more accurate.
Thankfully, Valenzuela has been voted out after a single term in office, by a redistricted electorate. She’ll be up to all sorts of societal damage like this in her final year.