Aerial view of downtown San Francisco at sunset, San Francisco, CA. (Photo: Saraporn/Shutterstock)
Smart Cities or Gateway to Hell?
‘The research agenda focuses on the authoritarian socio-technical imaginaries and their role in shaping smart city policies’
By Adina Flores, June 26, 2023 2:30 am
As inflation soars across the State of California, most cannot afford the cost of a home mortgage. Californians continue to seek rental properties as the expansion of low-income housing has aggrandized across the state. Mr. Roger Valdez, Director of the Center for Housing Economics, published a 2020 article in Forbes titled Prediction For 2030: A Government Take Over Of Rental Housing. As cited by Mr. Valdez, “by 2030 we could see a housing economy in which federal, state, and local government set such limits on rental housing – its financing, development, and management – that, in effect, government will own and operate most rental housing in the United States.” How does this tie to the United Nations (U.N.) Sustainable Development Goal 11, “Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable”? Is government housing in the best interest of the general public, or a method of establishing a surveillance state?
Vallejo, California is a melting pot as one of the most diverse communities in the nation. According to the 2020-2021 Census, Hispanics comprise 28% of the local population; 23% are White; 19% are Black; 23% are Asian; and 10% are of mixed or other heritage. While the community presents a wide variety of cultures, discrimination and misconduct are prevalent within the rental sector. Bridge Property Management, a well known housing company for low- and moderate-income individuals and families, includes properties such as The Meritage within Vallejo city limits. Tenants report raccoon infested walls, illegally towed vehicles and removal of storage contents without consent. Meritage residents Melissa Washington and Italia Roberts fear for the future condition of rental units.
Ms. Washington and Ms. Roberts told me, “The Meritage Apartments has been the place we call home since 2015, but since December 2021, when Bridge Property Management (BPM) bought the property, it has become the place that keeps our blood pressure high. As a tenant under BPM, you can expect disorganization, predatory constructive eviction tactics, material changes to your lease agreement without signing a lease addendum, and illegal possession of your storage unit without any responsibility for your personal property. So, don’t move to a Bridge Property Management complex unless you are prepared for a fight, or you are okay with having your tenant and civil rights violated.”
According to a case study conducted by Bridge Investment Group, “Bridge has lowered its management fee by 25 basis points a year and works with a not-for-profit partner, Project Access.” As cited on their website, the charitable organization’s mission is “to be the leading provider of vital on-site health, education, and employment services to families, children, and seniors living in affordable and workforce housing communities.” Project Access “trusted partners” include not only Bridge Investment Group, but Bridge Housing, Oakland Housing Authority, Eden Housing, and several others. From the listing of programs offered, social and emotional learning for youth and mental health workshops are included within the suite of services amongst many others.
The question at hand is if this partnership serves the genuine interest of the community or is an arm of indoctrination perpetuated by left leaning donors.
Eden Housing, a partner to Project Access, was previously featured in The Press Democrat (PD) regarding their unconstitutional COVID-19 vaccination mandate for staff. Mr. Shelby Dodson was featured on the cover of the publication as he was denied an employment offer with the organization for refusing to be inoculated. This stipulation was not pre-disclosed within his initial offer letter agreement, nor the employee handbook. As cited from The PD, “Dodson’s reluctance to get vaccinated comes from many angles. He’s 38, 6-foot-5 and 240 pounds, and, as he put it, ‘super athletic and very healthy.’ A 14-year military veteran who contracted COVID-19 at least once over the past 18 months, Dodson feels protected. Reports of negative responses to vaccine shots trouble him, and he believes vaccine mandates are created for political cover, not safety. Also underlying Dodson’s unease is an abiding suspicion of the U.S. government and how it has treated Black Americans in the past. He is biracial. ‘I’ll be very blunt,’ Dodson said. Our country has built most of its medical field on the backs of people who are African American. They spent a lot of time developing and processing things, and testing them on people of color.”
As cited by the Public Policy Institute of California, “in 2019, the Latino homeownership rate stood at 44.1%, or 19.2 points below that of white households. The Black homeownership rate was even more worrisome at 36.8%, or 26.4 points below the rate for white households.”
While communities of color remain reliant upon affordable housing in this Democrat-dominated state, one may be concerned with what the future holds for these individuals as outlined in Agenda 2030. Pursuant to the UN-Habitat, a division of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme, “The People-Centered Smart Cities framework…aligns with the New Urban Agenda Shared Vision #11 of ‘cities for all, referring to the equal use and enjoyment of cities and human settlements, seeking to promote inclusivity and ensuring that all inhabitants, of present and future generations, without discrimination of any kind, are able to inhabit and produce just, safe, healthy, accessible, affordable, resilient and sustainable cities and human settlements.”
“Smart Cities” will be reliant upon data and emergent technology to improve citizens’ lives, but at what cost? The Smart City propaganda appears to be spreading via local governing bodies which help implement the U.N.’s Sustainable Development Goals. As the United States mirrors the efforts of our foreign partners, one may inquire if there is validity to “conspiracies” surrounding an impending global government. According to Azadeh Akbari, Assistant Professor in Public Administration & Digital Transformation, the University of Twente, the Netherlands, Smart Cities resemble an authoritarian society.
Ms. Akbari’s paper titled Authoritarian Smart City: A Research Agenda discusses the political narratives driving these initiatives. As cited from the abstract, “Despite the prevalence of smart city discourse across many disciplines, governance systems, and policy-making bodies, its conceptual foundations are based either on semi-/democratic political constellations or deemed apolitical. This research agenda highlights the embeddedness of any smart city agenda within a more extensive political regime. Furthermore, the research agenda focuses on the authoritarian socio-technical imaginaries and their role in shaping smart city policies, implementation, and governance. The research agenda also highlights the research on authoritarian surveillance and its interconnection with authoritarian smart city conceptualisation. Furthermore, it offers three research areas for authoritarian surveillance: authoritarian practices in democratic contexts, the use of surveillance technologies for maintaining autocratic power, and authoritarian structure and governance of platform corporations. Finally, similar to critical voices in critical data studies and the field of information and communication technology for development, the research agenda aims to demystify the prevalent assumption of the good smart city that fixes all injustices that socio-political endeavors have not achieved. It argues that every technologically enabled tool or platform reflects the political constellations in which it is embedded and affects and produces new socio-technical interlinkages that could never be apolitical.”
The World Economic Forum (WEF) is driving the necessity of a technology based world as referenced via the G20 Global Smart Cities Alliance on Technology Governance, the largest global initiative aiming at ensuring responsible and ethical use of smart city technologies. As the Founder & Executive Chairman of the WEF, Mr. Klaus Schwab holds a tremendous influence across the globe. Per Arup, “we are now in what Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum has termed the ‘fourth industrial revolution’ – a revolutionary merging of the physical and digital realms. In this emerging era, Schwab foresees that combinations of information-powered and networked technologies will transform the way entire industries work.”
As author of The Great Reset, Mr. Schwab’s intentions worry United States citizens as their individual liberties are at risk. While the Great Reset’s motives are portrayed in a positive light, approaching policies portray the appearance that individuals will soon own nothing and have zero privacy. A “Smart City” gives the impression that society will be within arm’s reach, but what are the associated consequences?
“The theory of Communism may be summed up in the single sentence: Abolition of private property.” — Karl Marx
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All these years of incompetent governance, importing poverty, and making erecting a tent a ten year environmental review is having an effect, eh? I’m shocked! Shocked! That the state is tottering over the abyss.
I am glad the globe is shining light on the latest WEF attempt to take away our freedom. BTW – WEF is properly spelled HELL.
This is really a terribly written article. It’s full of unnecessary complications, names of little-known organizations, a real mess of intricacies with little logic or reasoning to hold it together, with whisperings of “conspiracies.” How is anyone to make sense of what’s happening if this kind of writing represents a “discussion” about FMCs (15-minute cities)?
Look. The straight facts of the matter are that FMCs are an Agenda. It is not “spreading” by way of any kind of organic agreement or understanding. It’s being done by plan, and it’s already paid for by the billionaires behind the scenes, especially the Word Economic Forum. Government and corporations are going to buy up available real estate at really low prices as people are forced to move from their homes or sell them, and then these entities are going to rent them back to people who need housing. That’s their strategy.
And that’s why there are so many tornadoes, floods, fires, and hurricanes occurring in California and across the U.S. – to destroy homes and prepare the ground for an FMC. The surveillance system we already live in will be intensified. We are already losing our rlghts (though some now have more “rights”) and censorship is growing — without any FMCs. But most people don’t know, unless they follow someone like Elana Freeland who wrote the book “Geoengineered Transhumanism,” that our living environment, the weather in particular, from the ground to the ionosphere, has been weaponized with chemicals, nanotechnology, and electromagnetic frequencies such that in an FMC everybody will be controlled and monitored like synthetic robots. That is the plan and the Agenda for 2030/2050. The country is now being devastated by weaponized weather events that the media keep calling “climate change” or acts of God so that corporations like Blackrock can buy up the property, rebuild it, and rent it out. The goal is a synthetic humanity that the Powers That Shouldn’t Be won’t have to work too hard to control and manage. The people must susceptible to the belief that an FMC is somehow an answer to the problems we’re now facing (caused by the same Powers That Shouldn’t Be) are those who are poor or who are easily seduced by the idea of convenience and comfort. Again, this isn’t a natural or organic movement to solve today’s problems. It’s a planned agenda designed to turn men and women into transhuman robots. The technology is already here. But, yes, in conclusion, Smart Cities are the gateway to Hell.
This could have been written by me! Thanks!
I and the Voters never agreed that a Political Party in the USA, have total control of American Citizens lives, under any pretense. THEY assumed powers that were never given or designated, despite their protestations of civil and governmental importance. I will NEVER lockdown and anyone foolish enough to contain the Taxpayers in their homes deserve with whatever happens to them. No REGERTS!
As brought to my attention, “Luma Leonard” stated in response to my article:
“ Hi Eden Housing,
You surely know Adina Flores, who has been stalking and harassing your organization ever since her fiancé Shelby Dodson was denied employment for not getting vaccinated. She’s now writing for a right-wing blog, apparently to get revenge against anyone she feels wronged her and Shelby. On multiple public officials’ social media, as a way to harass them, I’ve seen her threaten to write about them — something I’ve never seen actual journalists do.
Smart Cities or Gateway to Hell? | California Globe
Yes, she actually wrote about her fiancé and Eden Housing! LOL! This coming from someone who has publicly made countless false accusations of conflict of interest for any obscure connection her stalking digs up.
Best of luck!
I found these statements interesting as my fiancé, Shelby Dodson (Pryor ) and myself were awarded the opportunity to sue Eden Housing via the DFEH, as to date they remain in violation of Title 21. I have over a dozen active cases open with the FPPC & California Cannabis Control Bureau. A few additional cases have already closed and resulted in warnings of future enforcement action should the violations continue to ensue. I encourage Leo to connect with me on Instagram at civil_rights707 to address any concerns to which he /she/they/them are misinformed.
Adina, you write very in depth articles that expose people who feel that they should be ‘untouchable’.
As you move up in recognition , they will try to say all sorts of things to try to stop you…..DO NOT STOP.
I found this and thought of your hard hitting articles, I think you could easily win this competition –
‘The fifth annual National Freedom of Information Coalition FOI research competition welcomes one-page proposals for papers that shed light on freedom of information.’
Here is the link-
Keep up the great work !
Mary, thank you kindly for thinking of me. I very much appreciate the genuine encouragement. God bless you. ✝️
Bless you for taking out the garbage with thorough reporting and straight forward writing.
I know you are on your way up , questioning authority and ‘stirring the pot’ as you go.
I look forward to the ‘damage’ that you, Katy and others at the Globe will do to the
Untouchable Corruptibles in CA office.