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Assemblywoman Kate Sanchez (R-Rancho Santa Margarita). (Photo: ad71.asmrc.org)

Teen Opinion: Make Girls and Women’s Sports Great Again

Women have lost almost 900 medals and countless scholarships to trans women/biological men

By Jordan Brace, March 22, 2025 8:54 am

There is a very important subject in the news lately that is particularly important to me because I am a female athlete. The subject is keeping biological men out of women’s sports. I compete in girls track and cross country and I love my sports. Allowing biological men in women’s sports is not only dangerous, it can affect girls and women’s confidence in their athletic abilities. I cannot imagine having to compete against a biological male and I would personally refuse to do so.

As girls, as young women we know it is so important to not only have fair competition but safe competition in any sport we choose. Allowing biological men to compete in women’s sports makes that difficult and in most cases impossible. Men are simply built stronger, faster and it is almost a physiological impossibility for a female to compete against biological males in sports without risking their safety let alone have a chance at winning. I never thought this would be a subject up for discussion but unfortunately it is.

We are seeing with our own eyes how female athletes are being injured, some permanently, from allowing biological male athletes to compete in girls and women’ sports. How many women have to be injured or worse, will it take the death of a female athlete to stop this?

Women had to fight for their place in sports. The first recorded women’s athletic competition was in the 6th Century BCE, and women first started competing in the summer Olympics in Paris in 1900. Out of 997 athletes only 22 women were allowed to compete but it was a monumental time for women in sports. So basically since approximately 2,825 years ago, women’s sports were just that, sports limited to biological women. Enter the 1936 Olympics where a man who claimed to be what is now called trans named Dora Ratjen from Germany competed as a woman in the high jump. He medaled in the competition and set a world record. Germany the determined this biological male should never have competed in women’s sports, returned the medals and Dora Ratjen’s name was stricken from the record book. I personally agree with that decision and feel it should apply today.

There have actually been instances throughout the years of biological men competing in women’s sports but nothing like we have experienced since the Biden Administration and the woke “trans” agenda. It seems a biological male unsuccessful in men’s sports can claim to be a trans female and they are then allowed to compete and usually win in girls and women’s sports.

One well known case is that of a biological male athlete named William Thomas who competed in the NCAA as a male in men’s swimming and diving from 2017-2019 where he was ranked 554th in the country. William Thomas then competed again in the 2020 NCAA championships as a trans female changing his name to Lia Thomas. He competed against Riley Gaines and basically Thomas went from ranking 554th in the country as a male athlete to one of the top female athletes in the country destroying the dream Riley Gaines trained for and dreamt about.

Lia or William Thomas, a biological man claiming to be a trans woman should never have been allowed to compete in women’s sports, no biological male should. It was an unfair competition and took away opportunities from Riley Gaines and countless other female athletes.In addition there have been an increasing amount of injuries to female athletes competing against biological males in women’s sports. One such injury was that of Payton McNabb. In 2022 Ms. McNabb was a North Carolina High School volleyball athlete forced to compete against a biological male. She was severely injured when the transgender athlete spiked the ball in her face causing a permanent brain injury, impaired vision, partial paralysis, chronic headaches, anxiety and depression ending any athletic career she may have hoped for.

I repeat, how many injuries will it take or will it take the death of a female athlete for people to wake up?

According to a report released by the United Nations in 2024, women have lost almost 900 medals and countless scholarships to trans women/biological men. So not only do women risk and suffer from injuries but they lose out on opportunities that they may not have had otherwise.

U.S. Representative Greg Steube (R-Fla.) introduced H.R.28, The Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act of 2025. The bill’s Republican backers needed at least 7 Democrats to support a procedural vote on this legislation for it to pass but every Democrat voted against it. The bill passed in the house with a close 51-45 vote but the proposal failed to reach the three fifths super majority dying on the floor of Congress.

Democrats claim they protect the rights of women and yet they can’t identify what a woman is.

They put trans athletes, biological males rights above ours, risking our ability to have not only fair competition but safe competition as well. In his 1st address to Congress after winning the 2024 election, President Trump issued an executive order protecting women by banning Biological males in women’s sports but unfortunately the individual states do not have to comply.

In my home state of California even far left Governor Gavin Newsom agreed on his podcast that biological males do not belong in women’s sports. California Assemblywoman Kate Sanchez (R-Rancho Santa Margarita), recently introduced legislation, Assembly Bill 89 to prevent biological males from competing in women’s sports and to force the California Interscholastic Foundation or CIF to change their woke policies where they currently not only allow biological men in girls and women’s sports, they seek to support it. I along with many other women like Mom’s for Liberty Yolo Chapter Leader Beth Bourne spoke at the public CIF hearing and we hope and pray the outcome will be to support girls and women’s rights to fair and safe competition.

Representatives Kevin Kiley (R-CA), and Tim Walberg (R-MI), just sent a letter to the California Interscholastic Federation Demanding the California Interscholastic Federation Stop Defying Federal Law, the Globe reported this week.

I am shocked and saddened as to what has become of women’s sports. Women fought for years to be considered serious competitors in sports and that has been jeopardized and abused by allowing this to continue. As a female athlete I ask other female athletes to refuse to compete against biological males in our sports and to support women not just across the country but across the globe to do the same. I ask athletes, parents, siblings, extended family and friends of female athletes to speak out in support of all female athletes and any legislation introduced in your state that does the same.

Please support California bill AB 89 and please keep fighting against the woke mentality taking away the rights and opportunities of girls and women everywhere to compete in a fair and safe environment. This is something that shouldn’t even be in question but sadly it is. Let us hope that each state will introduce and pass legislation like AB 89 and refuse to allow biological men to compete in women’s sports. Let’s protect each other, support each other, protect our rights and let’s make Women’s sports safe again, fair again and let’s make girls and women’s sports great again.

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5 thoughts on “Teen Opinion: Make Girls and Women’s Sports Great Again

  1. Fine column and thank you for it, Jordan Brace.
    Includes valuable information on this topic I hadn’t thus far seen elsewhere.

  2. Let’s start with the “900 number.” This statistic originates in a UN report by Reem Alsalem. Looking at the UN report,  page 5, footnote 29, the source of the report’s statistic is the Women’s Liberation Front AKA W.o L.F.a well-known TERF (Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist) organization. When contacted, they claim that the number in the UN report comes from this website: http://www.shewon.org. Shewon.org lists “thefts” of “medals” by trans women. These thefts include entries for “Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest,” “Champions of Women’s Business,” Beauty pageants, darts, chess, esports, poker, and “Irish Dancing.” READERS CONTRIBUTED ALL DATA.
    On shewon.org, “Medals” is re-conceived as any desirable honor from the dawn of time–there are no temporal or geographical parameters in this “study.“ Obviously this is junk data and the number is meaningless. For more accurate numbers, see NCAA President Charlie Baker during Congressional hearings on 12.17.24 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mPvLxjQ5C1o), “…less than 10 out of 510,000…”

    The latest and best science does not support the idea that trans women have an unfair advantage. If you have not seen it, pls. consider this study from The British Journal of Sports Medicine published in 2024. https://bjsm.bmj.com/content/58/11/586 . It shows that by most metrics trans women have no advantage and by some metrics–jumping height relative to body weight, VO2 transfer–they have significant disadvantages. The way forward is reasonable HRT requirements, not blanket bans. Payton McNabb hurt herself by inexplicably attempting to block a spike with her face. Both her, Riley Gains and all the members of the Sore Losers’ Movement needed to work harder to win, not vilify their opponents.

    But if your trans-exclusivity is based not on its current popularity, nor on the science, but on biological essentialism then you should know that this is a recent and radical taxonomic innovation. Historically, chromosomal patterns were never the defining criterion of womanhood, nor should it be. Don’t take my word for it, look in any dictionary, even those published after the discovery of the sex chromosome in 1905. You will likely not find chromosomes in the definition of woman. Science is a description of the human species, not a prescription for “making America great.” The XX-XY club is the radical “gender ideology” in this debate.
    Panic does not last.

    Some day trans panic, like the Satanic Panic of the 1980s and the Red Scare of the 1950s will end. When it does, those who promoted it, like yourself, will answer for what they did and for every word they said. I hope I’m alive to see it.

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