Lady Justice
The Los Angeles District Attorneys Association Warns Public About Soros-Backed Candidates
Soros’ goal is to radically transform the criminal justice system
By Michelle Mears, November 25, 2019 6:36 am
Legal experts are warning the public about dark money being used to buy the District Attorney’s office in Los Angeles. George Soros, the left-winged billionaire, has been working from the shadows buying up DA seats across the nation, and his eye is now on LA. However, the President of the Association of Los Angeles Deputy District Attorneys, Michele Hanisee, is fighting back by raising public awareness to inform voters. The goal of Soros and his special interest groups is to radically transform the criminal justice system.

Soros-backed San Francisco District Attorney George Gascón, is considered one of the most progressive law enforcement officials in the nation. Gascon announced on Oct. 27 that he would step down and move to his hometown of Los Angeles, to run for District Attorney.
“San Francisco’s District Attorney has every right to quit his office and run for another one, and I welcome him into the race,” said incumbent Jackie Lacey in a statement to The LA Times. “I would put our office’s record up against any D.A.’s office in the country.”
Lacey is the first African American and woman elected as the District Attorney for Los Angeles. Lacey has been in office since 2012.
Hanisee wrote that those backed by Soros aren’t interested in having an open debate about the criminal justice system; they yearn to circumvent the entire process and elect candidates that will refuse to enforce laws already in place.
“It’s a odd approach for the man who funds the so called ‘Open Society Foundations,’ an organization who stated mission is to “build vibrant and inclusive democracies whose governments are accountable to their citizens,” wrote Hanisee. Soros, a financier, author, philanthropist, and activist in the 1980s, was part of the the Open Society Foundation that helped former Eastern Blocs of Berlin transition from Communism to liberal democracy. However, his involvement in political activism and other philanthropic efforts around the world since then has also been disruptive leading to the OSF to be banned from operating in certain countries.
At a press conference in Macedonia in 2017, co-founder of the Stop Operation Soros (SOS) movement Nikola Srbov called for an end to Soros’ hijacking of civil society: “The Open Society Foundation, operating under the Soros umbrella, used its funding and personnel to support violent processes in Macedonia. It has monopolized the civil society sector, pushing outside any organization which disagrees with the Soros ideology. Any pretense of pluralism in the civil society sector was bulldozed over and total single-mindedness has been imposed.”

Russia, Hungary, Brazil, China, England, Greece, Kazakhstan, and Yugoslavia are among the other countries who have exiled Soros and his foundations.
Soros who also operates the California Justice and Public Safety PAC has a now-familiar playbook that is working for him in elections across the United States. Races for the DA‘s Office are flooded with the same type of funding seen in national political campaigns. The average DA candidate can not compete with Soros‘s cash reserve.
The candidates who Soros backs are like-minded – soft on crime, especially drug related offenses and want to “reform” policing methods.
“Dark money candidates typically have no prosecution background and little understanding of the higher ethical standards to which prosecutors are bound,” wrote Hanisee. “Worse they bring a highly political charged viewpoint to an office that is supposed to be apolitical.”
San Diego County in 2018 fought to keep Soros backed candidate Genevieve Jones-Wright from winning against SD DA Summer Stephan who was a prosecutor for 28 years, a child of immigrants and led an effort against human trafficking and sexual exploitation of minors.
Stephans won the race despite Soros dumping hundred of thousands into Jones-Wrights campaign.
“In Los Angeles County, we can expect big money to be spent on the District Attorney’s race. George Gascon will attract Soros PAC money by promising not to enforce the laws that voters enacted. Gascon, however, will need to answer for his track record. San Francisco’s property crime rate was twice as high as Los Angeles’ during his tenure.,” wrote Hanisee. “Gascon’s policies have earned San Francisco the distinction of having the highest property crime rate of America’s 20 largest cities. Gascon’s approach to theft crimes is a driving force behind the high crime rate.”
The other candidate running against Jackie Lacy for District Attorney of Los Angeles are LA County Deputy DA, Richard Ceballos who is promoting himself as the first Latino, LGBTQ person to run.
The fourth candidate, Rachel Rossi, worked in the Federal Public Defender’s Office in Los Angeles, the Los Angeles County Public Defender’s Office and the county’s Alternate Public Defender office.
Joseph Iniguez, a prosecutor, former defense attorney and high school teacher dropped out to endorse Gascon.
Iniguez said in a statement, “There is simply too much riding on this race, and for that reason, I am stepping aside.”
The four candidates will face off in a March 2020 primary. Unless one of the candidates receives more than 50% of the votes, the top two vote-getters in March will face off in November.
The full letter from the ADDA can be read HERE
There is no country called “Macedonia”. It’s officially called NORTH Macedonia.
Ironic that this article complains about Soros, then in the next sentence engages in communist style ethnic engineering just like Soros organizations that backed recognition of the former Yugoslav region of Vardar as “Macedonia”. You very well know Slavs are not “Macedonians” anymore than Hamas are ethnic Israelites.
An embittered old man who has become demented by hate.
This man must be stopped
George Gascon was an Assistant Chief of Police in L.A., a Chief of Police in San Francisco, and a Chief of Police in Mesa, Arizona. He’s hardly an anti-law enforcement candidate, regardless of who might donate money to his campaign.
In San Francisco… how has that city faired ? Enough said.
Thanks for this article, trying to spread the truth.
The LA DA has been an absolute disaster for the County. See the homlessness crisis, overflowing jails leading to stupid laws for early release of hardened criminals, over charging of crimes to prey on poorer people (thereby increasing the overcrowding and making these people permanent welfare recipients when they can’t get a job due to a BS felony conviction for “criminal threats” or some other stupid charge) who can only afford lazy , stupid or overworked public defenders. The system is very broken.
The come-up-pence is here and Lacey’s been part and parcel of the problem for years. Time to take out the trash.
Sorry Mike and BigDog. There’s NO WAY I’ll ever vote for a Soros’-backed candidate. NO WAY. Soros’ money is what helped to get Chesa Boudin elected in San Francisco. He’s absolutely NOT going to implement policies to fix the current problems…he’s stated publicly that he’s going to push even further in the same direction. San Francisco is already a virtual latrine. Hard to believe that residents want it that way, but the voting population keeps pushing things in that direction.
Anytime the George Soros boogeyman is used in an argument, it let’s me know the author has no interest in the facts. It’s clear soros is just a dog whistle.
George Gascon is the co-author of Prop 47 too that should tell you a lot and none of it good.