Nathan Hochman. (Photo: Nathan Hochman for District Attorney)
Two More Judges Endorse Nathan Hochman
‘Unlike the current D.A., Nathan will enforce the law, impartially and fairly’
By Thomas Buckley, May 31, 2024 10:03 am
More than half of the people who ran against George Gascon in the March Los Angeles District Attorney primary have now endorsed his November opponent, Nathan Hochman.
Retired judges Craig Mitchell and David Milton today endorsed Hochman over Gascon.
Both former judges – and candidates – say Hochman’s “experience and integrity” clearly set him apart from current DA Gascon.
With the addition of Mitchell and Milton, Hochman has now received the endorsements of a majority of the March primary candidates, the others being LA Deputy District Attorneys Jon Hatami, Maria Ramirez, and John McKinney, San Bernardino deputy DA Lloyd Masson.
Assuming that Hochman will vote for himself, that gives him 7 of the 12 candidates who ran in the spring. Deputy DA Eric Siddall has yet to make an endorsement, sitting Judge Debra Archuleta is ethically barred from endorsing a candidate, and the more progressive candidates – Daniel Kapelovitz and Jeff Chemerinsky – are ideologically unlikely to endorse Hochman.
As is George Gascon himself – presumably.
Both Milton and Mitchell said Hochman is the clear choice come November.
“Nathan Hochman is by far the best choice to serve as the next District Attorney of Los Angeles County. He has the experience and the integrity for the job, and he will strive to protect the public from dangerous criminals who have thrived under Gascon’s watch,” said retired judge Milton. “Unlike the current D.A., Nathan will enforce the law, impartially and fairly, including bringing appropriate sentencing enhancements and pursuing strong punishments for the worst offenders, such as those committing hate crimes who cowardly victimize people because of their race, ethnicity, and religious beliefs.”
Mitchell, who founded Skid Row Running Club , said Hochman “is the candidate that the people of Los Angeles County need, someone who will put public safety and the interests of crime victims ahead of criminals. I look forward to working with him and using my years of experience in dealing with the issues facing the homeless population, including efforts to address those with serious mental illness and substance abuse disorders.”
“It’s time for a change in the D.A.’s Office and Nathan Hochman is clearly the right man for the job,” added Mitchell.
The endorsements are piling up for Hochman – his first big backer was former District Attorney Steve Cooley and just recently former DA Jackie Lacey, the sitting DA who Gascon overwhelmed with “progressive” money and promises in 2020, also endorsed Hochman, saying she did because “criminals know they have allies” in Gascon’s office.
According to the polling history of the race, Gascon is trailing Hochman, badly, and has a very underwater favorable/unfavorable rating amongst Los Angeles County voters.
The election is November 5.
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Excellent. Thank you so much for giving us these updates especially amidst so much “other news.” Ha