Home>Articles>Why Does the Left Reject Female Athlete’s Concerns about ‘Trans Women’ Athletes?

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Why Does the Left Reject Female Athlete’s Concerns about ‘Trans Women’ Athletes?

Female athletes are being erased by trans-athletes

By Katy Grimes, October 28, 2024 2:55 am

As of March 2024, more than 600 female athletes in more than 400 competitions have lost nearly 900 medals in 29 different sports,” according to “Violence Against Women and Girls in Sports.”

Men dressing in women’s clothing and playing on women’s sports teams should be nothing more than a silly prank or joke. Instead, in our current bizarre opposite world, “trans women” athletes are joining women’s sports teams and dominating.

It used to be funny when a male actor put on a dress, makeup and high heels and pretended to be a women. Audiences laughed hysterically because it was preposterous.

Comedian Flip Wilson perfected his female character Geraldine Jones, as did comedian Jonathan Winters, dressed in drag as his female character Maude Frickert—a gray-haired lady with a sharp tongue.

Flip Wilson as Geraldine Jones from the television program The Flip Wilson Show. Geraldine is interviewing Dr. David Reuben. (Photo: public domain)

These were hilarious characters.

Today’s college-aged men who don a swim suit and claim to be a female swimmer, or women’s athletic shorts and a high pony tail and claim to be a female volleyball player are not hilarious, and this is not a joke.

The worst part is that university officials across the country, as well as the NCAA are allowing this, as if it has always been standard operating procedure.

“The NCAA has diminished equal opportunities for women in sport by
permitting athletes with retained male advantage, size, strength, power, and speed to compete on women’s sports teams in contact sports, increasing female athletes’ risk of injury in violation of Title IX, says the lawsuit filed against the NCAA by a group of female athletes.

Allowing transgender female athletes to compete deprives other female athletes, cuts some female athletes out of scholarships, and violates the equal protection promised in Title IX. Young female athletes are being treated immorally and dishonestly.

Men claiming to be women are in women’s locker rooms. They are in college dormitories, even sharing dorm rooms with young college women.

It wasn’t that long ago that young men and women were housed in different dorms, or at the very least, housed on different floors.

But a madness has set in to the radical left, promoting transgender persons as a new normal, and qualified to compete in women’s sports. In fact, if a man truly believes he is a woman, he is suffering gender dysphoria, and needs mental health treatment, rather than being coddled by the left.

The San Francisco Chronicle published a hit piece Sunday on Brooke Slusser, a member of the San Jose State women’s volleyball team. You’ll recall that several NCAA volleyball teams have forfeited games against the San Jose State women’s volleyball team because the team has a transgender player on it – that is, a young man pretending to be a female volleyball player.

Boise State, Southern Utah, Utah State and Wyoming have canceled games against San Jose State, without actually stating the reason. Recently, a players from the University of Nevada issued a statement saying they will not take the floor when they are scheduled to host the San Jose State Spartans on Oct. 26. They cited their “right to safety and fair competition,” though their school reaffirmed Thursday that the match is still planned and that state law bars forfeiture “for reasons related to gender identity or expression.”

Finally, one women’s team said it out loud.

“24 states have adopted bans of transgender students from participating in sports consistent with their gender identity,” Sportico reported. “The U.S. Supreme Court could eventually decide how federal laws ought to be read in the context of transgender athletes, who comprise a tiny percentage of NCAA athletes.”

Brooke Slusser recently joined a lawsuit seeking to change NCAA guidelines that allow transgender women to play for women’s sports teams. The lawsuit was filed by 18 women athletes, including Riley Gaines, the former University of Kentucky swimmer who exposed and spoke out against biological male athletes competing as “women” in women’s sports. Gaines v. NCAA, filed in federal court in the Northern District of Georgia in March, alleges that the NCAA rules on transgender women violate their Title IX rights.

In court papers, Slusser said a Spartans player — one of her roommates — is transgender, and she should not be allowed to play, the Chronicle reported.

As I researched Gaines v. NCAA, what comes up but the ACLU defending transgender athletes – and not the female athletes protected by federal law:

The National Women’s Law Center is intervening in defense of transgender athletes in a lawsuit brought against the National Collegiate Athletics Association attempting to force the organization to implement a nationwide and categorical ban on the participation of transgender college athletes. Founded in 1972, NWLC fights for gender justice working across the issues that are central to the lives of women and girls.

You read that right: the ACLU claims it is fighting for “gender justice  central to the lives of women and girls,” while casting aside actual women and girls.

The article by the SF Chronicle is written by Marisa Ingemi, a sports writer who does not appear to have played sports. Since her angle on this topic was clearly not supportive of Brooke Slusser’s, protecting women’s sports from “trans athletes,” I questioned her experience and street creds. Nowhere in her LinkedIn profile (She/Her) is any mention of being an athlete or participating in women’s sports. But she has received awards for her sports reporting:

  • , Issued by National Gay and Lesbian Journalism Association, Associated with San Francisco Chronicle;

It does not take an athlete to effectively and accurately report on sports and sporting events any more than it takes a five star chef to be a good food writer.

However, an activist, and especially a trans activist or LGBT activist, would likely have a bias different from actual sports coverage.

Sports reporter Ingemi continues:

“On her social media accounts, Brooke Slusser has posted messages of support to the schools that have forfeited matches against SJSU. On Tuesday, she posted to Instagram a video of Fox personality and former Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard — who proposed legislation banning trans girls and women from school sports in 2020 — visiting the University of Nevada’s practice.”

Ms. Ingemi’s own social media should endure such scrutiny. At least Ms. Slusser’s name is on a lawsuit.

Ingemi failed to name the SJSU volleyball “trans woman” player, but Outkick has this:

According to a report from Reduxx, a biological male volleyball player at San Jose State hid his true gender to play on the women’s team.

According to Reduxx reporter Anna Slatz, “Blaire Fleming, born Brayden, is currently playing women’s Division I volleyball for San Jose State University.” Fleming competes on the university’s indoor volleyball team in the fall, as well as its beach volleyball team in the spring.

The NCAA permits transgender athletes on a sport-by-sport basis in alignment with the Olympics – and in gross violation of Title IX.

Title IX states:

“No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”

Title IX is the federal law enacted in 1972 to combat discrimination based on gender. What it is best known for was opening up sports to women and girls. But the Biden Administration and Democrats in Congress have worked hard to undermine and erode Title IX by allowing men pretending to be women to compete as women.

The lawsuit states:

Plaintiffs, all current or former, collegiate, female, student-athletes,
bring this case to secure for future generations of women the promise of Title IX that is being denied them and other college women by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (the “NCAA” or the “Association”) working in concert with its member colleges and universities including those that are part of the University
System of Georgia.

Over the last decade-and-a-half the exploitive conduct of the NCAA
and the enormous profits that the NCAA and its member institutions derive from the monopolization of men’s college sports has come under increasing public scrutiny and legal challenge, leading to the U.S. Supreme Court’s unanimous decision in Nat’l Collegiate Athletic Ass’n v. Alston, 594 U.S. 69 (2021) on June 21, 2021, and Justice Kavanaugh’s pointed admonition in concurrence that “[t]he
NCAA is not above the law.”

During the same fifteen-year-period, the NCAA has simultaneously
imposed a radical anti-woman agenda on college sports, reinterpreting Title IX to define women as a testosterone level, permitting men to compete on women’s teams, and destroying female safe spaces in women’s locker rooms by authorizing naked men possessing full male genitalia to disrobe in front of non-consenting
college women and creating situations in which unwilling female college athletes unwittingly or reluctantly expose their naked or partially clad bodies to males, subjecting women to a loss of their constitutional right to bodily privacy.

As it pertains to The NCAA’s interpretation of Title IX as requiring a pathway for males who identify as transgender to be included on female teams, the lawsuit emphatically states:

This agency guidance and rulemaking, however, is not faithful to the
ordinary meaning of Title IX’s language, nor is it a reasonable interpretation of it, nor is it consistent with DOE regulations issued in far closer chronological proximity to the passage of Title IX.

Expect this lawsuit to go to the U.S. Supreme Court for the above reason, but also because the Biden Administration made illegal changes to Title IX, which now include a definition of sex discrimination that includes gender identity.

Women’s empowerment is important – in sports, education and work. But women and men in sports must uphold Title IX and cannot ignore the basic truth of gender – that biological males and biological females are not interchangeable. Wardrobe choices may enhance gender, but a man in a dress is still a biological man. And a man in a women’s swimsuit is still a biological man.

The lawsuit says quite clearly that NCAA policy is driven by ideology and
not science.

“When you can’t acknowledge what a woman is, there’s a huge problem,” said Riley Gaines.  “This is deeper than just sports. This is a systematic erasure of what a woman is.”

Marisa Ingemi should read the lawsuit before she covers San Jose State’s volleyball team again.

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