California Legislature 1963
California Legislature Introduces 2,576 New Bills for 2019
Last week lawmakers introduce another 1,556 bills
By Katy Grimes, February 25, 2019 3:05 pm
Over the last week, another 1,556 bills were introduced in the California Legislature — 1,108 Assembly bills and 448 Senate bills — for a total of 2,576 bill introductions through last Friday’s deadline, according to Chris Micheli, a partner in Aprea & Micheli, a government relations firm. Micheli a frequent contributor to California Globe as well).
On Friday, the last day to introduce bills, there were 742 bills introduced — 505Assembly bills and 237 Senate bills, Micheli reported.
As a result, the total number of bill introductions for 2019 is: 2,576: 1,799 Assembly Bills and 777 Senate Bills (and not including constitutional amendments and resolutions).
Legislative committees can still introduce bills past the deadline using rule waivers, etc…
By way of comparison, the following are the bill introduction totals from the past six years:

Total 2018 bill introductions as of the deadline: 2,177
Total 2017 bill introductions as of the deadline: 2,495
Total 2016 bill introductions as of the deadline: 1,993
Total 2015 bill introductions as of the deadline: 2,297
Total 2014 bill introductions as of the deadline: 1,930
Total 2013 bill introductions as of the deadline: 2,256
As you can see, the first year of the 2-year session usually has a higher number of bill introductions, reported Micheli.
What are these new bills, and why do we need 2,576?
Here is just a sample of the categories and new bills:
ammunition, prohibited persons in possession of, SB 55
handguns: storage, SB 172
possession, illegal, AB 164; SB 55
sales, transfers, etc.—background checks, AJR 4
taxes, excise, AB 18
30-day prohibitions, SB 61
storage, AB 276; SB 172
violence, gun—mental health, AB 12
restraining orders, gun violence, AB 61, 164
endangered species: accidental takes, SB 62
hemp, industrial, SB 153
lands, agricultural: conservation, preservation, etc.: generally, SB 99
federal requirements and standards, SB 1
greenhouse gas emissions—carbon taxes: feasibility study, SB 43
e85 fuel, AB 254
market-based compliance mechanisms: offset protocols, AB 293
scoping plans, SB 43
stationary sources: reporting requirements, AB 315
transportation plan, California: strategies re reduction, etc., AB 285
motor vehicles—air quality improvement: funding, AB 126
alternative fuel vehicles, AB 40, 254
inspection programs, smog check stations, etc.: exemptions, AB 210
accommodations, employee lactation, SB 142
schools: social bullying, AB 34
microchips, SB 64
campaign funds re child care expenses, AB 220, 225
day care centers, facilities, etc.: construction and equipping of educational facilities
bonds, AB 124
development programs, services, etc.—early care and education programs, AB 123, 194
general childcare and development programs, AB 194
grant programs, AB 167
payment programs, alternative, AB 194
reimbursement rates, AB 125; SB 174
subsidized child development programs: Los Angeles county, AB 324
preschool programs, state, AB 123
action plans, local government climate: benefits re flexible fuel vehicles and e85 fuel,
etc., AB 254
innovations and technologies: grants, AB 296
natural infrastructure projects: funding, AB 65
establishment, etc., AB 296
climate change adaptation: natural infrastructure projects, AB 65
conservancy awareness, coastal: specialized license plates, SB 140
oil spills, AB 255
damages, civil: calculations, estimations, etc., based on race, gender, etc., SB 41
race: definition, SB 188
recognitions, remembrances, etc.—Japanese Americans, ACR 12, 13; SCR 10
Parks, Rosa: 106th birthday commemoration, HR 11
first responders, public safety: emergency ambulance employees, AB 26, 27
preparedness and response, emergency—communications: contact information disclosures, SB 46
cultural competence: emergency plan integration, SB 160
preparedness and response, emergency earthquakes, SR 10
fund, local emergency preparedness and hazard mitigation: establishment, AB 291
recreational vehicles: donations and transfers, SB 32
state of emergency: disaster response operations: funding, AB 73
telecommunications services, infrastructure, etc., AB 183
animals, ownership of wild, SB 183
fur products, AB 44
hunting, trapping, etc.— fur trapping, prohibition re, AB 273
licenses, junior hunting, AB 284
citizenship, state, SB 28
federal immigration policy enforcement—asylum seekers, SR 8
law enforcement, local: cooperation with federal authorities, AB 222
public charge determinations, ACR 1
group homes: undocumented minors: legal services, AB 163
medi-cal eligibility, AB 4; SB 29
Vietnamese refugees: repatriation agreement, AJR 1
bias, implicit, AB 242
candidate statements: voter information guides, AB 265
superior court judgeships: funding, SB 16
foster care: gender affirming health care, etc., AB 175
dental care services—hygienists, dental, SB 154
restorative dental services, SB 154
special dental care needs, AB 316
eligibility—immigration status, AB 4; SB 29
interpretation services, SB 165
managed care—translated materials: readability, etc., AB 318
medicaid—support specialists, peer, parent, transition-age, and family, SB 10
mental health—behavioral health treatment, SB 163
support specialists, peer, parent, transition-age, and family, SB 10
providers—support specialists, peer, parent, transition-age, and family, SB 10
reimbursements—dental caries, treatment for: silver diamine fluoride, SB 154
federally qualified health centers, SB 66
modifications, AB 50
peer support specialist services, SB 10
rural health centers or clinics, SB 66
special dental care needs: federal approvals, AB 316
violence prevention counseling services, AB 166
support specialists, peer, parent, transition-age, and family: certification program:
funding, fee schedules, etc., SB 10
waivers and demonstration projects—assisted living waiver program: renewal with amendments, AB 50
agencies, affordable housing and infrastructure, AB 11
generally, SB 15
cannabis, AB 286; SB 34
carbon taxes, replacement by, SB 43
exclusions—alternative energy and advanced transportation financing authority, California:
financial assistance, AB 176
manufacturing projects, advanced, SB 162
recreational vehicles, SB 32
exemptions—diapers, AB 66
sanitary napkins, tampons, etc., AB 31
trucks: interstate and out-of-state commerce, AB 321
handguns and semiautomatic rifles, AB 18
retailers engaged in state business, AB 147
Oxybenzone or Octinoxate: prescription requirements, AB 60
planning: greenhouse gas emissions reduction, AB 285
public transportation—records, business, AB 73
transit systems: fare revenues, AB 226
regional transportation plans: sustainable communities strategies: housing and
emergency shelters, AB 148
construction workers: awareness training, AB 203
bonds—rate reduction bonds, AB 305
water project bonds: payments re principal and interest, ACA 3
central valley project, SB 70
drinking water—funding, AB 217
microplastics, AB 223
pollutants, discharge of: federal requirements, SB 1
rights re safe drinking water, AB 134
quality—microfibers, plastic, AB 129
pollutants, discharge of: federal requirements, SB 1
stream gage networks, SB 19
recycled and reclaimed water—groundwater and raw water augmentation: definitions, AB 292
pipelines, recycled water, AB 231
suppliers and supplies, water: urban water suppliers: water loss performance standards, SB 134
Many of these bill will be featured on the pages of California Globe in coming articles.
If you are a real political geek, here is the California State Assembly Journals 1963 Session to go with the featured photo above. And HERE is the entire archived list, going back to 1849.

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Thank you. This is a nice overview. A group of us would like to be more involved in influencing our representatives in Sacramento but find it hard to find information on the bills coming up for votes. With 2,576 bills this year, the ones that might actually get a vote and to the governor’s desk are had to determine. The California Legislature Bill Index (http://www.legislature.ca.gov/bill_index2.html) doesn’t include the last three years. It would be very useful to have a table or searchable data base of all bills, past and present, with categories of subject matter. Is that somewhere?
could not find any mention of SB 360 on this list.
Why can’t I find information on the utility bail out tax?