CSU Sacramento sign. (Photo: CSUS public domain)
California State University Makes Getting COVID Vaccine Mandatory On Campuses
‘They are barring people who don’t vaccinate, a large portion of whom are people of color’
By Evan Symon, July 27, 2021 9:33 pm
The California State University statewide system announced on Tuesday they would be joining the growing list of entities and require that those students returning to campus this fall must be vaccinated against COVID-19.
All faculty, staff, and students are covered under the new requirement and must give vaccination certification to their school by September 30th. While a few exemptions will be offered, they will only be based on medical and religious reasons.
Initially, CSU was only planning required vaccinations following FDA approval of the COVID-19 vaccine. However, a recent spike in cases due to the Delta variant almost entirely infecting those who have not been vaccinated.
“The current surge in COVID cases due to the spread of the highly infectious Delta variant is an alarming new factor that we must consider as we look to maintain the health and well-being of students, employees and visitors to our campuses this fall,” said California State University Chancellor Joseph I. Castro in a statement on Tuesday. “Receiving a COVID vaccine continues to be the best way to mitigate the spread of the virus. We urge all members of the CSU community to get vaccinated as soon as possible, and announcing this requirement now allows members of the CSU community to receive multiple doses of a vaccine as we head into the beginning of the fall term.”
“The FDA has not yet given full approval and we’re getting closer to the beginning of the academic term. Just as importantly, the increasing spread of the highly infectious Delta variant really prompted a change in view. We are making sure that at each campus, we will have aggressive efforts to vaccinate our students, faculty and staff. Many of our campuses had clinics on site and others entered into partnerships with other organizations. I anticipate we will continue to enhance those efforts.”
A more general announcement by CSU added that “For students who plan to continue their studies but do not wish to come to campus during the fall, it is expected that most campuses will have a more expansive offering of virtual courses as compared to before the pandemic, though resource limitations do not allow for a campus’ or even a program’s full offerings to be made available virtually.”
CSU joins state, UC, others in requiring vaccine to work, study
CSU now joins a growing list of California institutions that is mandating that employees, a well as others with a long-term association with an institution, such as students, have to vaccinate in order to return. Last month, an order by San Francisco to require vaccinations for all city workers started a snowball effect that added other institutions and organizations in making the vaccine mandatory. Influenced by the delta variant spike, The University of California (UC) system introduced a policy almost identical to CSU’s two weeks ago, with Governor Gavin Newsom announcing on Monday that all California state workers will be required to be vaccinated.
Despite being implemented on Tuesday, the details of the mandate are still being worked on. For example, CSU has no clear disciplinary process for those who refuse to be vaccinated, only a vague warning that says, “Any student or employee who does not provide certification may be denied access to Campus/Programs.”
Faculty labor unions, who would likely block any firings or major disciplinary action for non-vaccinators, are also currently negotiating what would happen to faculty members in different scenarios.
While many student and faculty groups showed approval for the requirement on Tuesday, many noted concern over the vague punishments that could be levied against them.
“This is scary,” Antoine Springer, a parent with two unvaccinated CSU students, said to the Globe Tuesday. “Our entire family does not want to take it because it hasn’t been approved. To us, this was just a rushed vaccine that people are taking on a limb that it is all ok. And now we have no idea if our kids can even attend this year without being thrown out. They want to increase the number of people of color in universities, and here they are barring people who don’t vaccinate – a large portion of whom are people of color. To a lot of us, this feels almost like targeting.”
CSU’s decision was backed by all 23 CSU University presidents on Tuesday. More mandatory vaccination requirements are expected to be announced by more public and private organizations in the coming weeks.
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First, how is this legal? Second, not going to a University actually might be a good thing.
So in order to attend students need to take an unapproved, expirimental vaccine that is not backed up by its manufacturers in any way since they have been fully absolved of all harms. If anything goes wrong however they will get exactly zero support from any federal or private insurance since the treatment is not FDA approved. According to the Uppsala Monitoring Centre, the World Health Organization’s Collaborating Centre for International Drug Monitoring there have been1,554,325 adverse drug reactions (ADRs). Many of these people have died or been left permanently damaged. The vast number of ways a person can be maimed by this “vaccine” is horrifing, please have a look for yourself. According to the QCovid algorithm developed by The University of Oxford a 21 year old mixed race person weighing 80kg and 180cm tall with no comorbidities will suffer a risk of COVID associated death of 0.0002% and the risk of COVID associated hospital admission of 0.0083%. One would need to be severly cognitively challenged to take the vaccine as a young healthy student not to speak of all the possible future effects that may arise anyone, remember the ultrasafe Thalidomide anyone? But then, I have never been to university so what the heck would I know?!
Nuremberg Protocol no longer applies???
This article is incorrect in its statement that “a recent spike in cases due to the Delta variant almost entirely infecting those who have not been vaccinated.” Reports from around the world are coming proving that the vaccine DOES NOT guarantee you won’t get sick from Covid. I have two personal friends right now that are sick, tested positive, and both were vaccinated in March, one with Pfizer, the other Moderna.
Thanks for pointing this out. The disease is spread by those who have it, by both those who are vaccinated and unvaccinated. If everyone tested twice a week, as a lot of us do, the disease would be wiped out in a month. The vaccinated are less likely than the unvaccinated to show symptoms if they contract the disease, as the vaccine keeps symptoms in check, but they can still be contagious. We’ll soon see breakthroughs in places in which everyone is vaccinated, showing that proof of vaccination is neither proof of health, nor proof of non-contagion.
Fascists dont care about Nuremberg Protocol.
If people don’t rise up their power grows – Orwellianism is not fake!
The people who chose not to be vaxxed made the informed decision they could be at risk of covid. Those who did get vaxxed are safe around the un-vaxxed. So, what’s the problem? These mandates are not intended to “protect” anyone. Their purpose is to torture those who exercised personal liberty and refused to conform.
Covid has become political because the Left has found a tool they can use to establish government controls.
When will all this end? When will people rise up and say “ENOUGH!” ?