Gavin Newsom. (Photo: Kevin Sanders for California Globe)
Gov. Newsom Recall Granted 120 More Days to Collect Signatures
That Gavin Newsom will have to defend his position as governor in a recall election has just become serious
By Edward Ring, November 6, 2020 4:29 pm
The Recall Gavin 2020 campaign has been given a 120 day extension to collect 1,495,709 signed petitions, which if validated by the Secretary of State, would force Governor Newsom to defend his seat in a special election. The last time there was a recall election, back in October 2003, California’s voters sent Governor Gray Davis into early retirement.
With this extension, the odds have improved on what was an uphill battle. According to lead proponent Orrin Heatlie, the recall campaign has already collected and verified over 700,000 signed recall petitions. Going forward, they have the momentum of over 5,000 volunteers actively circulating petitions who are now veterans, and they no longer have the distraction of what has been a tumultuous election season.
Even if the Newsom recall campaign does not ultimately succeed in forcing a recall election, they have already made history. No grassroots ballot initiative campaign in California, ever, has gathered this many signed petitions while relying solely on volunteer signature gatherers. And the grassroots army that has been mobilized is getting stronger. Win or lose, this will not be their last hurrah.
When reached for comment, Heatlie said “Given this second wind and new life the campaign has, this will rejuvenate the volunteer effort and gives everybody a chance to refocus and charge ahead.”
Giving everybody a chance has never been easier. The recall campaign’s website provides downloadable petitions that can be printed and circulated, as well as an instructional video that provides anyone who wants to circulate petitions all the information they’ll need to get started. As Heatlie put it, “we need people to stop being keyboard warriors and start to be clipboard warriors.”
Will California’s GOP Now Put Resources Into Supporting the Recall?
As a one-party state that pioneered the now national practice of delivering election results only after weeks of counting mailed in and harvested ballots, it’s too soon to know whether on November 3, California’s GOP lost more ground or held the line. With control of only around 25 percent of the seats in the State Legislature, only 7 out of 53 congressional districts, and not a single Republican holding higher state office, they don’t have a lot to lose. Nonetheless, the argument that California’s Republican establishment had to focus on the election was indisputable.
That argument is now gone. It is no longer enough that the California State GOP has formally endorsed the Recall Gavin campaign – they need to either support it with money and infrastructure, from their Sacramento headquarters down to every county GOP organization, or they need to stop sending out millions of emails attacking “King Newsom.”
California’s GOP has an opportunity to strike back hard at California’s big tech oligarchy and public sector unions, who have partnered with corrupt Democratic political machines in almost every major American city, and are on the brink of turning America into California. If they are bold enough to seize the moment, they can support this raid into the heart of darkness, and if they do, they will let the nation know that no Democratic politician is safe in their seat, anywhere.
The media in California to-date, and true to form, has virtually ignored the recall campaign despite the impressive progress it has already made, despite events in every city and town, despite a grassroots army that defies precedent. The media also has a choice to make. They can continue their shameful, biased coverage of current events and politics, conforming to predictable pieties and conventions, challenging nothing, or they can start to pay attention, and give the Recall Gavin 2020 movement the attention it deserves.
One wild card that may be decisive is California’s evangelical community, numbering in the millions. Slowly roused to political anger, these Californians have been enraged by Newsom’s policies, as he has pandered to the leftist fringe on social issues, and in these days of COVID-19 has displayed vindictive hypocrisy by condoning all manner of “peaceful protests,” yet closing churches and prosecuting the congregants.
Reached for comment and speaking on background, one influential evangelical explained that “As individuals we need to take responsibility for the future of this state. Look at the close elections we’re dealing with around the country. People need to understand the significance of each individual signature. This is another opportunity for advocates for faith and freedom to get involved.”
Longtime conservative commentator and political activist Stephen Frank, when told about the 120 day extension, said, “This allows the people of California to be heard against the totalitarian dictates of one-man government in the one party state. This allows the volunteers to be single minded instead of being distracted by an election. They can now work full time on correcting the mistake made in November 2018.”
With the deadline to turn in recall petitions now extended to March 17, 2021, the possibility that Gavin Newsom will have to defend his position as governor in a recall election has just become serious. With only incremental help in the form of money and infrastructure, a grassroots army, already battle tested and on the march, can strike a political body blow onto Gavin Newsom, who represents and epitomizes the progressive fraud that has hoodwinked half the nation.
A Newsom recall election in early 2021 can become a referendum on everything the one-party state has done wrong, how it has harmed precisely the people it claims to want to help the most – the low income, aspiring millions who have reliably cast Democratic ballots because they have never been told the truth.
California’s GOP, their donors, and their established operatives statewide, have been given a profound gift. They have a chance to make history. They have a chance to take everything they’ve got to offer, and use it to support millions of disaffected conservatives and defecting Democrats. They have a chance, now, well in advance of the next election cycle, to redefine themselves and realign this state.
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Very glad to see this extension. I believe we can do this.
Thank you Edward Ring for all you have done.
I made my signature on the 1st recall attempt. I have trouble signing again. Please help me add my name on the second recall attempt.
Download the petition, print it out, carefully read the instructions, fill out relevant areas, sign it, and mail it to the address at the bottom of the page. Legal-size paper is not required this time.
Those little lines, are key. You cannot cross into the other signature line or the page is tossed. Keep in mind the people who are clarifying are not on your side.
Where do I sign?
God bless you folks with this effort. The rest of the country is watching and most of us are pulling fir you to recall the governor
Sign me up
Awesome news! Let us all go out and collect mote signatures!
Awesome news! Let us all go out and collect more signatures!
We can do it. He abused his power.
Newsom’s idea of the “popular vote” is hundreds of thousands of fake ballots manufactured by the Democrat fraud machine. When the truth finally comes out we will find that he and his fellow traitors were always in the minority.
Thanks for that, CW. I believe that the traitors are in the minority with all my heart and soul. Even now. Or should I say ESPECIALLY now?
That huge budget shortfall……no funds from Congress……when do the painful cuts kick in?
Sent in 5 additional signatures, now I’m pumped even more, will be collecting more!!!!!
Donations are also welcome, by the way.
Even $5 would be welcome and of course that sort of thing adds up as well as the larger donations. The recall campaign is virtually an all-volunteer effort from what I understand but they may need to use paid signature-gatherers sometimes.
Right on!
Gavin Newsome is a total asshole, go figure he’s related to one of biggest liar In our country Nancy Pelosie.
The Democrates have ruined our great state of California and I just can’t wrap my head around the fact there are so many idiots that can vote for higher taxes in so many area’s
Someday maybe we can put all these stupid Democrates i
Truly I don’t believe that so many people are voting for higher taxes.. I believe there is fraud involved in this whole process..
hi gavin what happened to forest fire air force planes you were going to buy to save our beautiful state did our money get diverted again for the stupid ass bullit train budget waist.
Newsom should go to jail for wasting our hard earned money!! A recall is not enough!! Let’s get rid of him and prosecute him!
I couldn’t agree more. NEWSCUM needs to be impeached. Why are we wasting time with a fifth recall attempt? Have you read his retort trying to defend his actions? AS ALWAYS NOTHING BUT HYPERBOLE AND DEMOCRAT LIES! Democrats are so entrenched in their lies that they wouldn’t know the truth if it spit in their faces! Let me have at it! The whole lot of them: SOBs from the top to the bottom and everywhere in between! I am incensed by their thinking that I’m falling for their b.s. rhetoric and LIES!! Let’s GET HIM OUT (for starters)!!
Unfortunately, only our elected state legislators can impeach Newsom so we know trying to impeach him ourselves won’t get anywhere. I’ve already looked into it & wrote a letter to my Republican representative. I signed the recall petition & pray all the time Newsom is removed & Biden does NOT get onto office. Prayer works & I truly believe both things I’m praying for will come to pass. Hang in there one and all. May God bless everyone.
To the person that asked why we just don’t impeach Newsom: Unfortunately, only our elected state legislators can impeach Newsom so we know trying to impeach him ourselves won’t get anywhere. I’ve already looked into it & wrote a letter to my Republican representative. I signed the recall petition & pray all the time Newsom is removed & Biden does NOT get onto office. Prayer works & I truly believe both things I’m praying for will come to pass. Hang in there one and all. May God bless everyone.
Alpha gam barb?
This should be a slam dunk. Are the people of California that stupid?
yes sadly
Many don’t even know about it I’m sure. Many who would eagerly sign if they knew, by the way. So spread the word as much as you can.
Good! Throw the bum out!!!
My bright yellow Recall Newsom yard sign goes back out later today!!!
What a tool….
Great News !! As one of many who worked hard on the first attempt, I was aware of the request to a fair judge to extend the deadline to collect signatures. As I watched the voter fraud in the General election play out
In the last few days, I realized how evil and corrupt these Democrats are.
Now Myself and many others in Solano County, including Michele Guerra of
Vacaville and Cheryl Johannsen of Dixon are a huge part of the grassroots
movement of volunteers, can be emboldened as motivated to work harder
tonget rid of Nancy Palosie’s nephew. This article was excellent and emphasized the need for the Christian Community to get behind this Recall!!
Amen! He is so arrogant…it will be such a banner day when he is told to step down!! And, perhaps this will effect successfuly
hinder his ability to run for president…because you have to know, that is his (and evil Pelosi’s) end game!
Is there any sign up in the East Bay please let us know I have a few seniors that would like to help.
You can find all the permanent signup locations here: https://recallgavin2020.com/location-locator/
Why not advertise Recall Newsome on a billboard in the middle of downtown Sacramento w/ bright color for background?
That’s where the donations come into play. So many of us have lost our jobs in the lockdown.
A huge billboard in all major cities would be awesome but, unfortunately, very expensive
Yes please DO!
Thank god! Let’s get Governor Greasy out of office!
Remove. This guy i don’t care what party he is he is not right for Cali thats 100% true fact California need a real well educated person to be. Love the state to much to see it taken down by this guy
Just do it! We have to fight for us, for our children, for the democracy and for the future of California. The DEMONRATS have turned America up side down. Can’t be silent anymore!
How do you sign
Go to https://recallgavin2020.com/ then at top says county information. Choose your county for places to sign.
It is about time to take California back.
It’s LONG PAST TIME to take California back….
May be the reason for the new lockdown.
Gary Newsome should get lost .
Amen! He is so arrogant…it will be such a banner day when he is told to step down!! And, perhaps this will effect successfuly
hinder his ability to run for president…because you have to know, that is his (and evil Pelosi’s) end game!
Already printed one, signed it and got signatures and mailed it in.
I’m from OK but I absolutely support your efforts! PLEASE, you need to go to the big churches to get signatures if you haven’t already!
Grace Community Church(Pastor John Macarthur)
13248 Roscoe Blvd.
Sun Valley, CA 91352
Shadow Mountain Community Church 2100 Greenfield Dr. El Cajon, CA 92019(Pastor Dr Jeremiah)
Calvary Chapel Chino Hills(Pastor Jack Hibbs)
4201 Eucalyptus Avenue
Chino, CA 91710
These are some LARGE conservative churches that stand up for our rights and they have thousands in attendance each week!! Just thought I’d throw out some suggestions. I wish we could help in some other way!
I’m from OK but I absolutely support your efforts! PLEASE, you need to go to the big churches to get signatures if you haven’t already!
Grace Community Church(Pastor John Macarthur)
13248 Roscoe Blvd.
Sun Valley, CA 91352
Shadow Mountain Community Church 2100 Greenfield Dr. El Cajon, CA 92019(Pastor Dr Jeremiah)
Calvary Chapel Chino Hills(Pastor Jack Hibbs)
4201 Eucalyptus Avenue
Chino, CA 91710
These are some LARGE conservative churches that stand up for our rights and they have thousands in attendance each week!! Just thought I’d throw out some suggestions. I wish we could help in some other way!
Trump for Governor 2021
Trump for President 2024
Why can’t anyone from anywhere sign the petition? Democrat leaders say no one has to show I.D’s to vote! Democrats are ok if a illegal votes. Is it legit if just anyone signs the petition?
What is the current signature count, how many more are needed , can someone post this info. We must push harder ti rid this state of this puts
We need to recall Gavin Newsom I’ve been living here all my life I’m 60 years old he has been the worst governor I’ve ever seen in my lifetime and I’m tired of paying taxes to an idiot it does know how to manage money I want his ass out of office now he is a worthless piece of shit that can’t even do a fucking job he already screwed San Francisco up now he’s screwing up Sacramento And when you boot him out the door you need to make sure he has not stolen any tax payer money he’s good at doing that
Looks like the next recall for our Governor I see. I’m going to sign a fake name and address or maybe the wrong city under my name or I won’t sign as shown on my ballet. So, the whole page will be tossed. Can’t wait to do it on every ballet I see
First let me say, any Democrat in CA. Who lost their business, I have no sympathy for you. Just like the democRAT I met at the gas station bitching about the price of gas? Oxy- moron, you brought this on yourself. Never vote for Democrat, they raise your taxes dumb ass. Second, if you don’t get rid of this governor, he will make it mandatory for every Californian to get the vaccine, that’s illegal. Don’t bother responding if your one of those morons who think gov. Can fix anything, you deserve the vaccine shot.