Graffiti left for Mayor Darrell Steinberg by rioters in Sacramento. (Photo: Facebook)
Sacramento Police Department Told To Stand Down Three Nights of Riots/Protests?
Sac County Sheriff intervenes to protect District Attorney’s office
By Katy Grimes, August 29, 2020 11:49 pm
Saturday night the Sacramento Sheriff’s Department stepped in and protected the Sacramento County District Attorney’s offices from rioters and vandals after Sacramento Police Department was apparently given a stand down order. The Sheriff’s offices and District Attorney’s office were vandalized Thursday night by Antifa, and the DA’s office set on fire.
Sacramento Police Department covered City Hall.
These are not peaceful protests as politicians and many in the media claim.
— @mayor_Steinberg (@Mayor_Steinberg) August 29, 2020
Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg posted a Tweet Saturday discussing how “challenging” it is for the city. He then pivoted to focus attention on cities in other states where riots are also taking place.
Many in the city say the Mayor needs to look inward and focus on his sole responsibility, which is the safety and well-being of the citizens of Sacramento. Attempting to deflect attention to other cities is irrelevant – especially to the citizens and taxpayers of Sacramento, whose businesses and jobs are being threatened by the rioters over and over again.
The property damage in Sacramento is significant, and largely because law enforcement was prevented from doing what they are trained to do and stopping the violence and vandalism.

Lingering questions
After the Mayor publicly stated he would not tolerate violence and destruction, and arrests would be made on the spot, why did SacPD officers stand down on property crimes?
Why did SacPD officers not intervene, or make any arrests, during the destruction and attempted arson of the DA’s office?
The only conclusion, after witnessing this in Portland and Seattle—also with Democrat Mayors in which rioters were allowed to destroy with impunity—is that orders came from Mayor Steinberg.
Seattle’s Chief of Police even resigned recently over the lack of support from her Mayor.
SacPD posted on Twitter earlier in the evening a warning: “A group of approximately 60-75 people wearing helmets, body armor and shields have begun marching from Chavez Park. Rolling road closures are in effect. Heavy police presence downtown. Plan accordingly and use alternate routes.”

Sacramento County Sheriff Scott Jones on Friday requested the National Guard be deployed to downtown Sacramento after Thursday’s protesters vandalized more businesses, broke windows at the downtown offices of the sheriff, district attorney and other government agencies the night before.
(This article was corrected to note that SacPD was protecting City Hall)
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What crappy reporting. First subjective statements like “The property damage in Sacramento is significant…”. which does not agree with other more reputable sources and my own observations. Then complete typos/mistakes like “Seattle’s Mayor even resigned recently in over the lack of support from her Mayor.” How long have you been a reporter or even a writer?
This is a silly criticism. All you are doing is revealing that you have a stake in the continuing destruction of downtown Sacramento. Would you mind very much disclosing what that stake is?
Try entering “ Antifa (dot) com “ and see who they support…
Read it again. The police chief resigned. (She’s a “woman of color” by the way.)
“Subjective” statements? How about this ? “Mostly peaceful demonstration” from CNN when the town is ruins from these thugs. Lefty media loves these “mostly peaceful ” demonstrations.
It wasn’t Seattle’s mayor, but the police chief, that resigned over the lack of support from the mayor. The mostly peaceful but extremely violent rioters made her cops look like pointless hood ornaments.
Reputable sources like what? The LA Times, Village Voice, Mother Jones etc.? The primary purpose of the leftist media is too keep their useful idiot readers ignorant of what is actually going on.
What sources do you refer to clown boy?
Thank you for pointing out that grammatical error. Our efforts to report breaking news stories quickly reflects our site’s desire to be as useful as possible to our readers. Unfortunately, that does sometimes allow an error to slip into the copy. We are grateful to concerned readers such as yourself who bring them to our attention and it’s our policy to fix them immediately. Thank you also for asking about this writer’s experience. Ms. Grimes, the editor in chief of California Globe, has been a reporter for decades, serving as an investigative journalist, political columnist and news reporter for The Sacramento Union and the Pacific Research Institute’s CalWatchdog Journalism Center. She is the co-author of a book and a frequent guest on radio and television. Her statement about the property damage being “significant” may indeed be subjective, but it’s backed by first-hand reporting and photographic evidence, which meets this site’s journalism standards. Thank you for weighing in, Patrick Wright. We appreciate your comments.
Mayor Steinberg, please use the resources that President Trump has made available to us!
and, those people, these are NOT protestors or demonstrators! they ar anarchists. let’s use the proper word. whatever happened to the good ole sit-in? i’m sure the anarchists d are too young to know what that is.
Thanks again Katy for telling us what is going on. Sheriff Jones requested the National Guard on Friday but I heard yesterday that the request was denied. It appears he is the only one in Sacramento with authority that has a spine. It would be interesting to know who denied the request for the National Guard. Sacramento is on it’s way to becoming Portland because Slimeberg and Grusom won’t do a thing about the “mostly peaceful riots”. Whatever the reason nothing it is being done about the problem and it is the duty of our leaders to protect it’s citizens and they are not doing that. In other areas of the country some people are shooting back because they are not being protected. This needs to stop because not addressing it just escalates it. Perhaps you could interview Sheriff Jones?
The “f— the mayor” graffiti pictured above is interesting to me. Why the contempt? Hasn’t Sacramento’s hard-left mayor Steinberg fully supported the BLM and Antifa protestors’ demands, stood with them, “loved” them, hugged and kissed them in photo ops, taken a knee in solidarity, surrendered to all of their constantly escalating demands —— only to be met with further, increasingly absurd, more lawless demands?
Sure, the graffiti could merely be spillover from the jacked-up energy of an irrational mob and thus mean nothing. But maybe it signifies that, on some level, even the anarchist destroyers, paid or not, think what they are doing is wrong and they want to be stopped. When they are not stopped, they go lower, turn more destructive, and still no one in authority even tries to stop them.
Like a 3-year-old whose endless screams and tantrums rule an entire household and do not produce the desired brick-wall result from weak parents, most of these violent protestors are immature, troubled, lost, and incompetent and don’t have the slightest clue what to do with their ill-gotten power except to become louder and more destructive to get attention.
Maybe some of our weak leaders should view a few episodes of the old reality show “Supernanny.” Seriously. I think it’s a good metaphor for much of what is happening now in our cities, and maybe these politicians can learn that their weakness is not producing the result they SAY they want. Of course we also know that our so-called “leaders” may not want to stop the destruction. It seems they think it benefits them in a way that apparently only they can understand.
Quite the plethora of types among the “peaceful protesters”
Llarpers who think they’re in a video-game, soy-boys playing tough-guy, thugs, paid agents provocateur, bored teenagers, rich kids rebelling against “the system,” “Snowflakes” convinced they’re victimized, wannabe looters, students indoctrinated into Marxism in Academia, Lazy people unwilling to work damanding free everything, and angry souls hoping for an opportunity to hurt someone.
In a nutshell.. As*holes not living in reality who really need to get a life and grow the f**k up.
“Hasn’t Sacramento’s hard-left mayor Steinberg fully supported the BLM and Antifa protestors’ demands, stood with them, “loved” them, hugged and kissed them in photo ops, taken a knee in solidarity, surrendered to all of their constantly escalating demands —— only to be met with further, increasingly absurd, more lawless demands?”
It’s all very easy to understand – leftists will never be be satisfied. And then, sooner or later, they’ll come for YOU.
Thank you Katy for exposing this. I can confirm that the SacPD was instructed to stand down. I asked 2 cops that were approx 10 blocks from the rioters, how come no one is near the rioters? They would answer. Then I asked if they were told to stand down. YES! These riots will continue until our lame police chief grows hair on his balls. That includes Steinberg and Newsom.
Thank you Katy for exposing this. I can confirm that the SacPD was instructed to stand down. I asked 2 cops that were approx 10 blocks from the rioters, how come no one is near the rioters? They wouldn’t answer. Then I asked if they were told to stand down. YES! These riots will continue until our lame police chief grows hair on his balls. That includes Steinberg and Newsom.
Amazing how this story is buried by the press. I live near San Jose – haven’t heard much of this in the lame press.
These democrats manipulating the news – deplorable and very Hitler like. The mostly peaceful rioters should go to the gated community that Newsom lives in and give him a big Antifa hug. Masks are optional.
Thank You Katy for shining the light on the situation. Some of us actually care to hear the truth!
Most law abiding citizens watch this go on and ask, “where are the police?” Well, now we have confirmation and a similar strategy by these leftist mayors that they order a stand down!
A guess some on the left side of the political spectrum would like us to think the following is norm for the Sacramento Hipsters out on another beautiful Saturday night:
“SacPD posted on Twitter earlier in the evening a warning: “A group of approximately 60-75 people wearing helmets, body armor and shields have begun marching from Chavez Park. Rolling road closures are in effect. Heavy police presence downtown. Plan accordingly and use alternate routes“
Again, I will state the first and most important role of a government is to protect and safeguard it’s citizenry! Darryl Steinberg has failed time and time again. It is traitorous!
All this mayhem and destruction is not random chaos. It is what is called “Anarcho-Tyranny.” It looks like Anarchy, but in reality it is Tyranny, and we know this because it is supported and encouraged and enabled by the those in power at the highest levels of human government and society. If the people who actually pull the strings behind the scenes wanted this rioting to stop, it would have been stopped yesterday. The only reason it goes on is because powerful people want it to go on. This is Global. This is part of Agenda 2030, all the disorder gives more power to the Globalists.
Stein berg has been all talk and no action since he first ran for office. He’s never seen a tax hike he wouldn’t support. He promises to clean up the streets of bums camping under the freeways and nothing happens. It was too much to expect he’d back up all the tough talk. For about half a second I thought it might be different here but It was just hope. Stein WRG is and always has been an ineffective pol that only cares about the next office he’s running for. Loser.
You are right. We are seeing the emerging thugocracy where the elites use the mobs to accomplish what they cannot do legally or democratically.
The role of the police in a thugocracy is to protect the thugs from those who would defend themselves from the ravening mob.
Supposed to say Steinberg in both cases above. I wasn’t trying to mock his name.
I was told on Friday morning that downtown business owners met with the SPD captain for downtown patrol. The captain told the business owners of the impending demonstration for Thursday night. The captain said police officers would take action against looters and those setting fire to buildings. The owners were told the officers would take no action against vandalism but observe only. Captain said the officers hands were tied.
Apparently a stand down order had been issued.
I was told on Friday that several business owners had met with the downtown patrol captain on Thursday. During the meeting the captain told the owners of the demonstration set for Thursday night. The captain said SPD officers would only take action against looters and those burning buildings. Any acts of vandalism would be observed only with no action taken. The captain said the officers hands had been tied.
Apparently a stand down order had been issued.
I’d like to thank darrell steinberg for helping to reelect Donald Trump.
This is a strategy of tension organized by the national security state. The simple truth is California has the illusion of democracy. In reality, the politicos are a show put on by the intelligence agencies. They build up control files on journalists and anyone in position of power – or they take someone who is compromised and put that person into a position of authority. The protests themselves are being organized by the DHS. The real problem is the intelligence agencies and DHS are occupied by hostile foreign powers and the international banking cartel.
Wyoming here I come… 6 months and counting…
Oh, and yes, I am taking my 60k, give or take, annual california tax donation with me…
Good for you!
(and I mean that sincerely, not sarcastically…. hoping 2021 is my year to also go elsewhere!)
A friend of mine who lives on the East Coast made fun of all Californians by saying that we pay a “weather tax”.
He explained that we pay more for housing, food, gas, medical, insurance, etc and continue to live here because of the good weather. And he’s right! I’m hoping to stop paying “the weather tax” very soon. Can’t wait to leave this state!!
Screw those Klantifa white supremacists, bigoted nazi fascists. They are some of the most racist people I have ever seen, hiding behind anti fascism and chanting BLM. Make no mistake. These people have mental issues, and most aren’t even from here. Hopefully if they are still trying to be out there this weekend that myself and a few of my MMA/UFC buddies will definitely be out there protecting businesses.
If blm tells antifa that there is no active police in sacrament and that the mayor is willing to march with them we could be the next portland.