Senator Dianne Feinstein (Photo: Feinstein.senate.gov)
Sen. Dianne Feinstein Cries ‘Racism’ Over Coronavirus
California Senator also has a long association with Communist China
By Lloyd Billingsley, March 10, 2020 6:21 pm
“We’ve also seen a rise in racism toward Asian Americans because the virus is associated with China. This is unconscionable, and it’s not the American way,” Senator Dianne Feinstein told reporters last week. “People of all ages, races, and ethnicities are susceptible to this disease. Bigotry toward any one group for a virus they have nothing to do with makes no sense.”
The California Senator did not cite specific examples of racism toward Asian Americans over the virus, which is more than “associated” with China. The virus originated in Wuhan, China, and has since spread to 70 countries. Those puzzled by Senator Feinstein’s charges of racism might be unaware of her own long history of association with China.
Communist China received favored trade status largely due to Feinstein, who played down the regime’s human rights violations by comparing Tiananmen Square with Kent State. In 1999, Feinstein spearheaded efforts to bring China into the World Trade Organization, which removed annual review of the regime’s record on human rights and weapons proliferation.
“I’ve been coming to China for 31 years, so I’m not a newcomer,” Feinstein told James Areddy of the Wall Street Journal during a visit to Shanghai in 2006. Areddy asked her about Tiananmen Square, then turning 21. “I think that was a great setback for China in the view of the world,” Feinstein said. “It was just the PLA (People’s Liberation Army)” and China “learned lessons from it.” Still, Feinstein admitted, “we did not discuss it.”
In 2014, on the 25th anniversary of the massacre, Feinstein issued a statement recalling “perhaps even thousands” of demonstrators killed. “I know of no other country that has made as much economic and industrial progress in the last 25 years than China. But what this anniversary reminds us is that progress still must be made in the areas of human rights, rule of law and governance.”
The San Francisco Democrat did not chart any actual progress the Communist regime had made in human rights, rule of law, and governance, and on the 30th anniversary last June, no statement appeared from the senator. As Rosemarie Ho noted in The Nation, Democrats in general and Feinstein in particular have kept quiet about the democratic protesters in Hong Kong.
On the other hand, Senator Feinstein was one of the loudest voices for the charge that candidate and President Donald Trump was a Russian asset and puppet of Vladimir Putin. As that hoax unfolded, it emerged that Feinstein employed a Communist Chinese spy as her driver for almost 20 years.
This spy also served as in Feinstein’s San Francisco office and even attended Chinese Consulate functions for the senator. The spy remained in place for three election cycles but Sen. Feinstein never faced high-volume charges of channeling foreign influence in American elections.
Feinstein, 86, was first elected to the U.S. Senate in 1992. She was reelected in 2018, beating out fellow Democrat Kevin de Leon, former California Senate president.
With the coronavirus, meanwhile, Sen. Feinstein says two things are essential: “First that we do everything in our power to prevent the spread of this virus, and second that we not allow misinformation to make the situation worse.”
“Communist China received favored trade status largely due to Feinstein” I certainly enjoy purchasing products at lower prices manufactured in China but this means that Feinstein is also partially responsible for the loss of tens of millions of higher paying jobs in the U.S. over the decades. Nice going.
If you “certainly enjoy purchasing products at lower prices manufactured in China,” why are you, and millions of others like you, not also “responsible for the loss of tens of millions of higher paying jobs in the U.S.”? It doesn’t take a genius to figure that one out!
Frankenstein is a Communist Chinese agent and must be arrested and charged with treason. Confiscate all her Chinese bribes from her bank and use it to undo damages to our nation. Her punishment must be broadcasted live on TV for all democrats to see. Example must be set.
I’d much rather pay more and get quality products made in the USA by Americans. China make nothing but junk.
You need to include other American political figures who support trade with China, to get a fair amount of information about the intentions of one figure over others…..
I wasn’t sure if your info about her driver was meant to expose him, or cast aspersion on Sen. Feinstein. You can’t cast doubt on her, without taking into account all the others. My bet would be that the driver was spying on her activities….
You need to include other American political figures who support trade with China, to get a fair amount of information about the intentions of one figure over others…..
I wasn’t sure if your info about her driver was meant to expose him, or cast aspersion on Sen. Feinstein. You can’t cast doubt on her, without taking into account the actions all the others. My bet would be that the driver was spying on her activities…. Why would she waste her time investigating the driver, unless there was adequate suspicion about him/her. Please accompany your suspicions with facts supporting them.
There is nothing “racist” about specifying its country of origin. One would think that because her driver of about 25 years was recently caught as a Chinese spy, she’d keep her mouth shut about such things.
perfect…I have NOT seen a good “mean-faced, clipped-haired” pic of di-fi in a while…
The entire party of which she is a part, definitely has a problem understanding the difference between “policy enacted by public servants for the good of the American citizenry”, and “get Trump out of office.” They seem to be interchangeable to people like Feinstein. Seems rather simplistic, and lacking any substantive analysis….
DiFi’s driver was a Chinese spy for 20 years. Was that racist?
is upset…
Color me surprised.
Feinstein must back up her Chicom masters. Traitor!
Vile, subhuman.
@Julius Streicher —
The history books say that you were hanged in 1946, after a trial at Nuremberg, along with other Nazi war criminals. You were among the worst of the worst — a sadist, close associate of Hitler, publisher of the virulently antisemitic Der Sturmer , a notorious sexual pervert so vile that even top Nazis distanced themselves from you. Actually, I’m not at all surprised that some thug with a hankering to bring back those “good old days” uses Julius Streicher as a handle. We live in times that feel much like the last days of the Weimar Republic, as a crude populist leader, whom other forces thought they could control for their own purposes, made fascism fashionable, and every low-life with meager brain power and maximum cruelty saw an opportunity to rise.
Please crawl back under the rock you have been hiding under, Julius.
The China Syndrome is alive and well in the Democratic Party and the mainstream media. Both have been kowtowing to the CCP( Chinese Communist Party) propaganda machine before and during the covid pandemic.