Tag: 2020 Primary election
2020 General Election Preview: 4th Congressional District
One of the larger House districts in the state, the 4th Congressional District stretches across 6 counties and parts of 4 others in North-Central California. It’s a largely rural county with many state and national forests sewn in throughout the...
2020 General Election Preview: San Diego Mayoral
San Diego: For the longest time, “America’s Finest City” was as reliably Republican as Orange County or any inland Northern California county above the Bay. But the city began trickling in Democrats a few decades ago, culminating with the city...
2020 General Election Preview: 68th Assembly District
The 68th Assembly District: Located entirely in Orange County, the 68th Assembly District is comprised several wealthy suburbs, including Tustin, Orange, Lake Forest, and parts of cities Anaheim and Irvine. Like most OC districts, the 68th is majority white with...
2020 General Election Preview: 29th Senate District
The 29th Senate District: Located mainly in northern Orange County with dips in both LA County and San Bernardino County, the 29th Senate District is mainly suburbia. Richard Nixon’s hometown of Yorba Linda is here, as is Fullerton, half of...
2020 General Election Preview: 8th Congressional District
The 8th Congressional District: The largest House district by area and the thinnest spread in terms of populations, California’s 8th Congressional District stretches from the Nevada border near Carson City and the Great Basin, going south all the way down...
100,000 Mail-In Ballots Rejected By CA Election Officials in March Primary
On Monday, election data released by the California Secretary of State’s Office revealed that over 100,000 mail-in ballots in California were rejected in the March presidential primary, 1.5% of the 7 million mail-in ballots sent in. 102,428 rejected ballots in...