As you well know, California is a piece of the giant American medical industrial complex puzzle called Obamacare. The “patient protection and affordable care act,” as the number one legacy point of the Barack Hussein Obama regime and his hope...
There are members of our current and past governments deemed to be Socialists by declaration (such as Bernie Sanders) or by their actions (such as AOC, Harris, Obama). The term “progressive” basically means Socialist. They work to “fundamentally transform” our...
There is an old saying in politics, that a democracy can only last until the citizens figure out they can vote themselves rich. California is taking that truism a step further, an absurd step that was never contemplated before and...
This week the Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under the Law and the Anti-Defamation League expanded and amended the federal civil rights complaint against the Berkeley Unified School District in February, alleging that numerous overtly antisemitic acts were...
Electricity in Taft, California costs 275% more than what electricity costs in Bullhead City, Arizona. While residents of Los Angeles and San Francisco may feel comfortably smug hundreds of miles away from the Kern County city, it is rare to...
In March, 2023 the California Assembly jammed SBX1-2, Gov. Gavin Newsom’s Gas Tax, through an expedited hearing, pretending that was enough exposure to the public, and debated the bill and voted on it. Gov. Gavin Newsom’s Gas Tax created a new...
Last week the Globe reported on the left’s admiration of Vladimir Lenin on the 100 year anniversary of his death. Tony Rennell wrote in the UK Daily Mail in his article, “Why does the gullible Left still lionize Lenin as...