On Wednesday, the California Film Commission announced that several TV shows would be moving production to Southern California following $32.5 million in tax being given to them by the state’s film tax credit program. The moves of the Amazon series...
On Saturday, a group of Disneyland cast members and fans rallied in front of Disneyland in Anaheim, calling for Governor Newsom to allow Disney to reopen the park. Disneyland has been closed since March due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Improving...
The California Department of Housing and Fair Employment is suing Disney and CBS over alleged rampant sexual harassment on the set of “Criminal Minds” that was condoned by management. The Los Angeles Superior Court lawsuit claims that show cinematographer Greg...
The 28th congressional district is one of the more unusual districts in California, in that it has a rare mix of urban, suburban, and rural parts cobbled in. It stretches from the center of Los Angeles up through the Silverlake...
Kern County petroleum industry workers are concerned that Gov. Newsom and Steyer will seize on the opportunity of the crisis to permanently put them out of work A Partisan Task Force of 80 Elites On Friday April 17, California Gov....
The 12th Congressional District, which comprises most of San Francisco, has had Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) in charge since redistricting almost a decade ago, and the region having her as a Congresswoman since the end of the...
With Representative Paul Cook (R-CA) retiring at the end of this year, California’s 8th district is up for grabs. The large, far eastern district stretching from Mono County to nearly the end of San Bernardino County had an interesting primary....