Tag: fraud
California Recall Now Has Entertainment Component with New Recall Song
No respectable recall election of a California Governor would be complete without an entertainment component, or in this case, a song. The Globe spoke with guitar playing comedian Evan Wecksell, who has written a catchy new song about California’s upcoming...
America’s ‘Misery Index’ is Déjà vu All Over Again
I am re-reading the 2015 book by Paul Kengor, Ph.D., “11 Principles of a Reagan Conservative.” Kengor is a professor of political science at Grove City College in Pennsylvania, and executive director of The Center for Vision & Values. Professor...
Excessive Number of New EDD Claims Points to Probable Rise of Fraudulent Cases
The Employment Development Department Friday reported a large increase in the number of Pandemic Unemployment Assistance claims in the previous week from independent contractors and self-employed individuals, suggesting that fraudulent claims are still being attempted en masse. According to the...
California EDD Sent Millions in Unemployment Benefits to Inmates in Jails and Prisons
Tuesday District Attorneys from across California joined together for a press briefing hosted by Sacramento County DA Anne Marie Schubert and El Dorado County DA Vern Pierson, to expose the massive unemployment benefits fraud in jails and prisons in California....
California Unemployment Agency Exposed 38M Social Security Numbers
In a formal letter to California Governor Gavin Newsom, President pro Tempore of the Senate Sen. Toni Atkins, and Speaker of the Assembly Anthony Rendon, California State Auditor Elaine Howle told them regarding the Auditor’s report sounding the alarm on...
Cole Harris, Lt. Gov. Candidate Tied to Illegal Foreign Campaign Contributions?
Cole Harris, 2018 candidate for Lieutenant Governor of California, failed to make the cut for the state’s top two general election, placing third in the June 2018 primary, with 17.5 percent of the vote. And then he stiffed his campaign...