On Wednesday, four major candidates running to replace Governor Gavin Newsom in the 2021 Gubernatorial recall election debated for 90 minutes at the Richard Nixon Presidential Library in Yorba Linda, marking the first recall candidate debate. 2018 GOP gubernatorial candidate...
Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg, the Sacramento City Council and City Manager gave themselves big raises in May, as crime spiked in the city, as the drug-addicted homeless multiplied, while the city was still in the red tier of the Governor’s...
Longtime Republican policy advisor, Stanford Professor, and Hoover Institution Fellow Lanhee Chen announced that he would be running for state Controller on Tuesday after months of speculation. Chen, who has also served in advisory roles for former President George W....
Attorney Eric Early is on a mission to make California safe again. Early, a Republican, is running for California Attorney General and wants everyone to know, “Democrats are putting the people of California in danger.” Also running for Attorney General...
Earlier in the year, California lawmakers proposed a $20 billion plan to give California cities funds to combat the homeless epidemic. Gov. Gavin Newsom proposed $12 billion in spending, which seems only to entice more homeless people to move to...
In his State of the City address on Monday, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti proposed large shifts in policy and funding, including nearly $1 billion in homeless funding, a program that looks into slavery reparations to black residents, and a...
San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria revealed that he would be proposing to increase homelessness services in his new city budget proposal on Monday, outlining how $10 million in new homeless funding by the city would be spent. Under his homeless...